fix articles 202668, house judiciary committee chairman james sensenbrenner
The Real ID Act is REAL Scary (tags)
There are 245 million drivers in America, and each one must physically re-enroll at a state DMV to verify their identity with the appropriate documents, all by May 2008. "
Dubai boy slavery suit trumps House link to Abramoff, Dubai terrorist funding (tags)
Analysis of congressional personal financial documents reveals GOP House Judiciary Committee Chairman James Sensenbrenner's conflicts in meeting in Dubai with a reported terrorist banker linked to indicted GOP fundraiser Jack AbramoffDubai's purchase of a building above New York's Grand Central Station with long-time Bush family friend Robert Bass acting as lead investor in the sale to the Dubai royal family and Sensenbrenner's pledge to support the spread of Islamic banking in the United States. We also raised questions about
Constitutional crisis over FBI raid on US congressman (tags)
The conflict between the US Congress and the Bush administration over the FBI raid on US Representative William Jefferson’s congressional office has rapidly escalated into a constitutional crisis. The episode highlights the contempt with which the Bush administration views such fundamental issues as the separation of powers and the autonomy of the legislative branch. It also reveals the atmosphere of crisis and tension which pervades the American political system.