fix articles 200593, when dean
Equal opportunity criminal prosecution for Howard Dean’s top appointees/cronies….
Howard Dean, Extortion, Bribes and other problems (tags)
DNC Chair Howard Dean’s problems with the Bill of Rights, the Law and Ethics.
Does this man really deserve your vote? (tags)
At best, Dean represents the Democratic Party’s recognition that it has lost the support of many liberals--and an attempt to pull them back into the fold in 2004. But Dean is certain to move rightward once he has won the support of progressives and knows that he can count on their votes--in the hopes of appearing more "electable" to the political establishment.
"Howard is not a liberal. He's a pro-business, Rockefeller Republican."
Howard ' no comment' Dean (tags)
Conflict of Interest infected Dean’s Vermont Record concerning police shooting. Dean refuses multiple press requests for comment.
Washington Post columnist discovers that Howard Dean is a warmonger like Bush (tags)
Howard Dean is no George McGovern. He opposed the Iraq war, he says, because it was "the wrong war at the wrong time," not because it was emblematic of a fundamentally misguided American foreign policy. Dean has not, in fact, challenged the reigning foreign policy paradigms of the post-9/11 era: the war on terrorism and the nexus between terrorism and rogue states with weapons of mass destruction. "I support the president's war on terrorism," he told Tim Russert this summer. He supported the war in Afghanistan. He even supported Israel's strike against a terrorist camp in Syria because Israel, like the United States, has the "right" to defend itself. (European Deanophiles take note.) Dean does not call for a reduction in American military power but talks about using the "iron fist" of our "superb military." He talks tough about North Korea and at times appears to be criticizing the Bush administration for not addressing that "imminent" threat more seriously. And he especially enjoys lacerating Bush for not taking the fight more effectively to al Qaeda, a bit like John F. Kennedy criticizing Eisenhower in 1960 for not being tough enough on communism.