fix articles 200435, iran not after bomb
Bush/PNAC Escalates 'Covert Operations' in Iran (tags)
So much for opposing 'any state supporting terrorists' ... Of course, immorality breeds contradiction.
Bush Resurrects a Whopper (tags)
Where have we heard this before? War in the Ruins of Diplomacy Published: March 18, 2003 America is on its way to war. President Bush has told Saddam Hussein to depart or face attack. For Mr. Hussein, getting rid of weapons of mass destruction is no longer an option. Diplomacy has been dismissed. Arms inspectors, journalists and other civilians have been advised to leave Iraq. Oh yeah. The last time these War Criminals engineered a phony crisis about a fake threat, and used it to start another illegal war.
US Politicians at AIPAC "Hate Iran Week" (tags)
Sadly, these fanatics don't care if something is true (or has been proven false). All they care is that they are allowed to repeat these LIES in order to create the illusion of a crisis, because it distracts from their actual plot to attack the country, in the process, once again committing "The Supreme International Crime". It's interesting to watch these criminals as they keep doing, over and over and over, exactly what they call their opposition "antisemitic" for pointing out ...
They Protest Too Much: Another False Flag Imminent? (tags)
Their hopes for feigning a justification for another illegal war - this time against Iran - because nobody bought their attempts at 'the Iraq treatment' this time around, I worry that the US/Israeli 'Neo-Cons' are planning another False Flag Attack, as recent headlines bring back memories of those immediately preceding the Israeli-American Neo-Con False Flag of 9/11, 2001.