fix articles 196950, intelligent Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : intelligent


Gifted, highly intelligent victims of cultural cleansing may seek accountability. (tags)

Some of the gifted, highly intelligent victims of the UN's and State's cultural cleansing of individual self-determination are likely to seek accountability.

Digitalization Makes Us Happily Unemployed! (tags)

Political upheavals often precede technical revolutions.. The digital revolution hardly seems to have produced social or political revolutions.. Digitalization penetrates and changes the economy and life of people as the industrial Revolution once did.

A Life of Crime (tags)

The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals, via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determines who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’, regardless of the similarity of the acts committed.

S.O.S. Website Down - Again (tags)

The Save Our State website has had its hosting account suspended, or so states the default page when you try to access their website.

Arm Wrestling with Darwin (tags)

I am convinced by the evidence of natural selection and treasure Darwin’s theory because it promotes an interconnectedness of all living things, but I hold that the intense battle to keep ID out of the classroom is misguided.

Move over creationism, here comes Intelligent Design (tags)

Intelligent design is the new & improved version of creationism that doesn't try to disprove evolution, instead intelligent design supporters advocate that biological complexity is evidence of a "Creator God" that happens to be the same God of the Bible..

Anarchy Is Not the Answer (tags)

Anarchy is not the answer for activists or independent media outlets that take their business of reform seriously. Independent Media groups and activists around the country (no matter how loosely organized) can not afford the luxury of either acting like, or being labeled, anarchists.

Intelligent People Don't Use Force (tags)

Intelligent people don't have to use force. The State uses force to get ourmoney. To take medications, to take their drugs (8 almonds a day cures cancer).


What the heck is going on here?

Bracing for disaster (tags)

Ignoring history

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