fix articles 19666, foreign agents registration act
Myths of the Crisis and Enemy Images in the Media (tags)
The Ukrainian ambassador was quoted in the FAZ as saying: "All Russians are now our enemies". This rhetoric is classic enemy image cultivation... This homogenization is so pre-Enlightenment and always wrong.
Relentless Putin Bashing (tags)
Nominee Hagel Bullied by Neocon Servants of Military-Industrial Complex (tags)
The neocon servants of the military-industrial complex (Lindsay Graham, etc...) have revealed their true allegience to the Zionist state of Israel and against the will of the U.S. people. Their betrayal of former friend and fellow Republican Chuck Hagel, a true conservative who doesn't want to waste taxpayer money on never ending wars, is evidence enough of their deception of U.S. interests in favor of Zionist Israel.
The Israeli Lobby's Poisonous Influence on US Policy (tags)
The Israeli Lobby: Declassified Documents Expose Its Influence (tags)
Israeli Lobby exposed
Russian Spy Case: Espionage or Politics? (tags)
likely the latter
Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)
"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."
Obama's "War on Terror" (tags)
continuity, not change is assured
The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)
One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.
The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)
One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.
Declassified Papers: DOJ Accepted AIPAC Parent's Demand for Secrecy (tags)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Papers kept secret for 43 years show that the US Department of Justice attempted to register the parent organization of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, as the foreign agent of Israel.
Swissair 111,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky,AIPAC Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up (tags)
Morris Talansky the New York rabbi who bribed Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is in danger of being investigated in the U.S.. Rabbi Talansky s far more than a far right wing Jew who resides outside Israel - Talansky is a big investor in ImageSat of the Israeli government's military public company Israel Aeronautics Industry and is sueing it for not selling its satelite images to Hugo Chavez and Venezuela among others in order to increase his stock investment.
Is It Time to Rein in AIPAC? (tags)
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, “AIPAC,” is the nine ton elephant in the room! It is the ultra-engine that drives the Israel Lobby. After the Walt/Mearsheimer Report came out in March, 2006, its cover was blown. Now, Grant F. Smith’s latest book, “Foreign Agents: AIPAC,” is hitting the streets. It is a searing indictment of AIPAC in the Court of Public Opinion and should be read by every American who cares about the fate of the Republic.