fix articles 196615, foot Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : foot



On the 100th anniversary of the start of the Irish Revolution that freed most of the country from 800 years of British tyranny, the author's 1988 report about British terror tactics and peoples resistance in the small border city of Strabane.

“Got Drought?” public art project about the California Drought unveiled on billboards thr (tags)

Los Angeles based artists Karen Fiorito and Alex Arinsberg take their artwork to the streets to educate the public about climate change.

Oprah, Me and Reality TV (tags)

My escapades auditioning for on Oprah Winfrey’s new reality program, "Your Own Show." Ten contestants will compete to host their own television show on Oprah’s new network, OWN.

Controversial Near South Side Plan Heads To Zoning Committee (tags)

Historic Mitchell, National and Lincoln business districts seen as mix commercial, but the plan failed to acknowledge the present Latino businesses or to enhance their growth along these corridors

Mass Transit Advocates Action: 100 foot banner drop over 405 Freeway (tags)

A group of mass transit activists calling themselves, West LA for Change, hung a 100 foot banner over the 405 freeway on Friday to advocate for a mass transit rail system for the Los Angeles area. Motorists struck in traffic responded positively with waves and honks.


Leann Simpson, a strong motivated young woman, combines her artistic talents with a strong message for those dealing with drug addiction. USE ART.....NOT DRUGS.

Nican Tlaca Stand Up to Cowboys (tags)

In a protest against the minutemen, the Mexica Movement defies modern conquerers intent on dividing their nation.

Clusterf... Nation Chronicle (tags)

Take a good look at America around you now, because when we emerge from the winter of 2005 - 6, we're going to be another country. The reality-oblivious nation of mall hounds, bargain shoppers, happy motorists, Nascar fans, Red State war hawks, and born-again Krispy Kremers is headed into a werewolf-like transformation that will reveal to all the tragic monster we have become.

Much Ado About Mansionization? (tags)

Mansionizers—who are frequently "spec" builders--buy small or dilapidated homes, raze them and erect massive structures, often resembling sterile apartment buildings.

Rare Snowstorm Is G-d's Warning to Israel (tags)

The rare snowstorm that swept the Middle East yesterday, dumping a foot of snow in the desert nation of Israel, forewarns of G-d's wrath against the chosen people.

Fresh evidence of Jenin atrocities (tags)

Evidence of atrocities by Israeli troops in Jenin refugee camp grew yesterday when a British pathologist said he found "highly suspicious" wounds during the first autopsy on a victim.

The Shortwave Report 4/27/01 !LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A Weekly 30 minute review of news stories and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. (13.6mb/mp3) Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Spain, China, Cuba. Foot and Mouth, nuclear power in Germany, Nigeria, Ethiopia, US arms sales, Mexico, Columbia, FTAA, US in Panama.

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