fix articles 19627, mount rushmore
Quotes from Governor Gary Johnson, Antiwar and Anti Patriot Act Candidate (tags)
Governor Johnson, on the ballot in 48 states, would withdraw troops from Afghanistan immediately, be noninterventionist re Iran, repeal the Patriot Act, balance the budget, decriminalize marijuana etc.
Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla (tags)
White Rabbits from the White House (tags)
"When politics threatens to destroy you, tell stories, stories of good and evil. Make every election into a morality play," Rove said. When politics becomes a spectacle and making more money out of money is stylized as the most noble pursuit, may our storytelling be life-giving!
Reviewing James Petras' "Rulers and Ruled in the US Empire" (tags)
An in-depth review of James Petras' important new book.
Stu Bykofsky, Complete Moron, Wants another 9/11 (tags)
Israel Firster, Stu Bykofsky, thinks the murder of 3000 more Americans is a good price to pay if it means Americans will goose step in unison like Nazis.
Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)
White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”
Bush at Mount Rushmore: The Shrine of Hypocrisy (tags)
Teddy Roosevelt deserves a special mention because of his racist attitude towards Indians and others. As Roosevelt wrote in his book "The Winning of the West", "American and Indian“ .... wrote, "it is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant races of the world."
Woman says she was harassed by family man Schwarzenegger for two days to have sex (tags)
A woman who worked behind the scenes in one of Schwarzenegger’s movie’s a few years ago says he harassed her for two days about having sex with him in his movie trailer. Is this a pattern with California's wannabe governor?
A good read.