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The Nitty-gritty (tags)

Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine – The New York Times Predicts Massive Population Reduction. All who continue to participate in and promote these corona measures are assisting constant mass murder.

Pinchas on Jewish Leadership: Do the Right Thing, No Matter What! (tags)

LGBT vs. Family Values, Leadership vs. Subjugation, Qualities of a True Jewish Leader.

Please Print Up and Pass Out This Flyer in Los Angeles, Thank You! (tags)

Please, I need volunteers to print this flyer and pass it out at Venice Beach, I need you to help me ask Leonardo DiCaprio to save the Environment of the little State of Vermont.

Single Payer Health Insurance Has No Bills For You To Pay (tags)

If we ever get single payer health insurance everybody will save money.

2 May Day Marches (tags)

This year, there will be two May Day marches in Los Angeles. WHY?? Southern California Immigration Coalition (SCIC)

Oct. 19-21 IMF/WB actions update #3 (tags)

This update provides a quick glimpse into how the organizing for the October 19-21 mobilization against the IMF/World Bank annual meetings is going. Read it to find out about our outreach activities, new endorsers of the mobilization, how to plug in, and more.

America: COUNTDOWN to DICTATORSHIP by STEALTH - only 14 days left! (tags)

Bush Outlaws All War Protest In United States Bush Executive Order: Criminalizing the Antiwar Movement Yet there is NOT ONE WORD of this in the MSM or Congress! Why not?


Greetings; My name is Bruce Ferguson also known as The Wizard! I don't have a problem with using my full name because I am a true patriot! I read your article about revolution and coup de tat! I am a soldier and I have articles on my web-sites that will justify this article! I am for the American people and I don't have a fearful cell in my body! I believe in telling the truth at all cost and I will be more than happy to ride with you! The question at hand is do you really want to ride? Sure I can tell you about the secret societies that select the president regardless of the votes! Sure I can tell you about the counters who counted the counters who encountered The Wizards! But the true question at hand is do you want to ride? Do you want to ride?Do you want to ride? I know plenty of people who talk about revolution but DO YOU WANT TO RIDE? In courtesy of The Wizard. I await your answer.

Holidays in Greece: Announcement for the tourists visiting Greece this summer! (tags)

Do you want to spend your holidays in a sunny Mediterranean country? Do you want to combine your holidays with this year's Olympic Games? Have you finally chosen to visit Greece this summer?

Breaking News: 911 Plot Uncovered (tags)

Tell everyone about this website immediately. This is an emergency! Once the truth is finally exposed to the public, it will send shockwaves throughout America. But, what you must also realize is that once this is exposed, the consequences will not merely be the impeachment of a president, the imprisonment of an entire administration, or even the tremendous monetary fluctuations from new insurance claims....the result of this may be the 2nd American Civil War.

Confronting Christophobic Thugs (tags)

2004 Annual Rainbow Gathering (tags)

The 2004 Rainbow Gathering takes place over the 4th of July in either California, Nevada or Utah. Get involved now.

Want War? See Me First (tags)

Why send death to others when you should enjoy it yourself?

Argentina Diary (tags)

If you want to know what is going on in Argentina


If you want to know what is going on in Argentina

Open Thought Forum (tags)

Something you'd like to discuss? A forum for discussing almost anything ; conspiracies, weird thoughts, announcements, things that just come to mind, anything at all, a place to publish ideas or truths that won't be accepted elsewhere.

AP: House Rejects Airport Security Plan (tags)

By a 214-218 vote, House Republicans lined up with Jefferson Davis Ossama bin Laden against the great Satan of the US government. They rejected the unanimous bipartisan Senate bill that would have federalized 28,000 airport security positions. Florida Republican. John Mica, said he was determined "not to create the biggest bureaucracy in the history of a generation." Democratic leader Dick Gephardt asked, "Do you want to contract out the Capitol olice?" Gephardt asked his colleagues. Do you want to contract out the U.S. Marines? If it is good enough for us, it is good enough for the American people."

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