fix articles 19489, resource wars
New Millennium Resource Wars (tags)
Dancing With Dynamite --An interview with Ben Dangl (tags)
Video-interviewed by Angola 3 News this week while touring the SF Bay Area with his new book Dancing With Dynamite (AK Press), author Benjamin Dangl argues that “because South American social movements have been so successful in the past decade, I think it is important to learn and understand what’s been successful and to apply those strategies and tactics here, where we are facing very similar challenges.”
Showdown in Honduras: The Rise and Uncertain future of the Coup: Urgent please read now. (tags)
"Mobilizations and Strikes in Support of Zelaya Members of social, indigenous and labor organizations from around the country have concentrated in the city's capital,organizing barricades around the presidential palace, demanding Zelaya's return to power. "Thousands of Hondurans gathered outside the presidential palace singing the national hymn," Telesur reported. "While the battalions mobilized against protesters at the Presidential House, the TV channels did not report on the tense events."Bertha Cáceres, the leader of the Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares yIndígenas, said that the ethnic communities of the country are ready for resistance and do not recognize the Micheletti government."
Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)
Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).
Paraguay: A Laboratory for Latin America’s New Militarism (tags)
Castillo, in his cool Asunción office, with the standard Paraguayan herbal tea, tereré in his hand, said these operations marked a shift in US military strategy. "The kind of training that used to just happen at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia is now decentralized," he explained. "The US military is now establishing new mechanisms of cooperation and training with armed forces." Combined efforts, such as MEDRETEs, are part of this agenda.
Don't be a fool: Question 9/11 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001
Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)
Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.
The Great Emergency: Global Warming, Mass Death and Resource Wars in the 21st Century (tags)
"We are the watchers. We are the witnesses. We see what has gone before. We see what happens now, at this dangerous moment in human history. We see what's going to happen, what will surely happen unless we come together---we, the Peoples of all Nations---to restore peace, harmony and balance to the Earth, our Mother." --Chief Arvol Looking Horse, from White Buffalo Teachings
Apocalypse No! an indigenist perspective (tags)
“The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge: SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas
Cognitive Dissonance and the New Amerikan Reich (tags)
Is mass cognitive dissonance leading to the creation of a prison planet ruled by barbarians the like of which this world has never known before?
Solidarity Economics is Ecology (tags)
How can there be a global movement with no platform and no economic vision and leaders who hide? If the Brazilian constitution defends the right of the starving to steal food, then surely the poor of the world have the right - under any way of thinking - to steal back control over their lives and their local economies.
It's about Oil, according to U.S. officials (tags)
Two articles reveal the true meaning of "security" - please copy/paste into an email and get the word out!
Critics Charge Control of Oil Behind Bush Drive for War with Iraq (tags)
Interview with Michael Klare,professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College,conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris
LA Peace Activists Take Message to the Pumps: NO WAR FOR OIL (tags)
A Peace Activists Take Message to the Pumps: NO WAR FOR OIL Day of Action at Gas Station Among Peace Demonstrations Across US
The Price of Oil?...War (tags)
Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein and CounterPunch explode the myths behind the looming Iraq War.
Defence redefined means securing cheap energy (tags)
Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)
Vote to Prevent War? (text)