fix articles 194670, i felt
Broad-band supplier cooperates with spying in Brazil. (tags)
Three times I complained and the technician support of ( the miracle, not the saint, by now ) decided for telephone, with my aid, asking me to: "initiate, execute cmd, ipconfig, ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew".
a short story...cause it's too obviou.s it's all to oobvious and democracy in the united States would be like, well Ghandi said something about western "civilization" herein for your sunday evening is a simple short story. yeah, it is about current events. if you read it and weep i did it right. Dedicated this sad October sunday to the late activist kathleen Chang. --bongo
As Scott prepares to serve time for his activism at Vandenberg, he shares a message of hope and encouragement for those working for peace.