fix articles 19455, crown prince
Recognition of UAE divorce in the United States (tags)
In 2005, the UAE enacted Federal Law No. 28 to govern matrimonial issues. The provisions of the Law apply to all emirates and cover rules over marriage, divorce, guardianship, maintenance and inheritance. This article addresses recognition by U.S Court of divorce decrees obtained in the UAE.
Bahrain Sues to Suppress Police State Terror Truths (tags)
state terrorism
Al Jazeera's War on Gaddafi (tags)
Arab Street Celebrates Mubarak's Ouster (tags)
liberating struggles
The Evil Conspiracy of the Peacemongers! (tags)
THE ARAB peace initiative could be successful if it puts in front of the Israeli public the straight and unequivocal choice: peace without the occupied territories - or the occupied territories without peace.
After kissing Prince, W still ends up with an empty Oil can (tags)
After kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheeks, Boy George was hoping for an oil handout, in the form of more Saudi oil being 'pumped.' Alas, his Oil robber baron/partner rubbed the pretzel the wrong way by ignoring his pathetic plea, only making some rhetorical promises about increasing future production capacity.