fix articles 194357, libertarian market socialist
What is Inflation? (Ver. 2.1) (tags)
Inflation is a rise in the general price of things. As a result, people believe they are able to buy less things.
What is Inflation? (Version 2.0) (tags)
Inflation is a rise in the general price of things. As a result, people believe they are able to buy less things.
The Libertarian C.N.T. and the F.A.I. Supported Freedom of Religion in Spain (tags)
“Could any other declaration be made? It is de rigueur (socially obligatory -ed) that in any programme type declaration we register our respect for religions…” 1. states the C.N.T. on May 10th, 1938 Circular No. 12.
Utopia: The Successful Libertarian Market Socialist Economy (tags)
A successful Libertarian Market Socialist economy based on self employment, co-op or democratic businesses and employers that pay their employees enough to buy back what they produce