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Contractors may train Plan Mexico drug forces (tags)
WASHINGTON — The U.S. and Mexican governments are expected Monday to announce an anti-drug package that will probably involve hiring private U.S. military contractors to train Mexican troops on the use of new technologies and equipment, senior U.S. officials said. The government's use of private contractors has been controversial, especially since a deadly incident involving contractors last month in Iraq.
WED 10/26: An Evening with Ilan Pappe Renowned Israeli Historian & Author (tags)
An Evening with Renowned Israeli Historian and Author Ilan Pappe Speaking on 'Israel and Palestine: The Peace Charade' and Book Signing WHEN: Wednesday, October 26, at 7:00 p.m. WHERE: Westwood United Methodist Church 10497 Wilshire Blvd. (at Warner, West of Beverly Glen) Los Angeles 90024
National Solidarity with Craig Rosebraugh (tags)
On Feb 12th, former ELF spokesperson, Craig Rosebraugh, will be forced to appear before a Congressional Subcommittee on 'Eco-terrorism'.