fix articles 192298, kampanyang ahos
Kangaroo Court in the Philippine Underground Movement (tags)
It is clear that the Communist Party of the Philippines’ theory and practice of due process is based on the assumption of innocence or diminished criminal culpability when cadres toe the official line, but becomes assumed guilt when cadres raise questions against the central leadership.
Philippines: Comrade Torturer (tags)
The Communist Party of the Philippines killed hundreds of its own cadres in a wave of paranoia that swept the rebel movement in the 1980s.
The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Khmer Rouge (tags)
For decades the Khmer Rouge regime has been exposed for its atrocities and genocides against its own people. Yet the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) nor its political arm, the National Democratic Front (NDF) nor any of its influenced and led organizations have issued any statement of condemnation. In fact in some of the statements issued by the CPP-NDF or interviews issued by its leaders, they seem to defend the Khmer Rouge.