fix articles 190834, sherman way
Labor Day checkpoints / Retenes del Puente del Día de Trabajo (3-10/sep/2010) (tags)
Continúa sin interrupción el "Año del Retén." Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa para este fin de semana y más adelante. Hay utilizar máxima precaución al salir manejando en estos fines de semana que comprenden días feriados como el Día del Trabajo. La policía muchas veces recibe financiamiento que proviene directamente de la gente más humilde que es negada el derecho de trasladarse en auto. Además, hay estafadores que prometen anunciar retenes pero resulta que cobran para bastante para el servicio. (Véase este artículo de una periodista del estado de Pennsylvania.) Siempre vale más contar con sus propios camaradas de sus comunidades.
The "Year of the Checkpoint" continues relentlessly. This weekend's list of media-announced checkpoints follows. Maximum precaution is recommended for those who drive, particularly on holiday weekends. Law enformcement agencies often receive monies that come directly from the poorest, who in many states are denied the right of automobility. Moreover, there are schemers who promise to alert immigrants and civil liberties defenders about checkpoints, who later reveal that they charge high rates for the service. (See this article by a Pennsylvania journalist.) It is always better to count on your own comrades from your communities.
List of local places to protest the execution tonight. (tags)
Ninth circuit court refuses stay of Morales execution. The execution is set for midnight tonight. Death penalty opponents plan protests and vigils. Here’s a list of protest sites in the Southern California area:
Eleven Indicted in Cases of Environmental Sabotage (tags)
A federal grand jury in Eugene, Ore., has indicted 11 people on charges that they committed acts of domestic terrorism on behalf of two shadowy environmental groups, the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front.
Two Oregon activists accused of arson (tags)
Investigators of sabotage by radical environmental groups have named two more suspects, both from Southern Oregon, in criminal complaints filed in federal court in Eugene.
"TAX us? Then MARRY us!" 33 Cities Join Tax Day Protests for Equal Marriage Righ (tags)
33 cities will be demonstrating for equal marriage rights at post offices around the country on Tax Day, Thursday, April 15th. The protests will highlight the fact that marriage is a civil contract issued by the government which should be available to all consenting adults.
Sick fuck intends to kill dog for money (tags)
L.A. porn producer and wrestling promoter Rob Black manages to hit a new low, promoting the feeding of a dog to a snake on his "extreme" website.