fix articles 190779, visibility project
True to form, the Goodmans provide a fig leaf for the Democrats (tags)
Article from wsws questions Amy Goodman for providing pro-war Democrats an excuse and letting them off easy for tagging along with GW Bush and their continued funding for the Iraq war..
Who is the REAL nuclear threat? (tags)
The real nuclear threat is Israel. The Talmudic Zionists Jew pulled off 911 with high US offical Zionist help, both NORAD, plus FEMA, plus Pentagon, Plus Bush and administrative allies, and sold you the Moslems did it. Who else would benifinit from the Iraq fiasco? They were hoping to get Israel cheap oil and US world hegdemony.
911 Truth Movement gathers momentum (tags)
The truth cannot be suppressed by a handful of criminals, there time is just about up!!
9-11 Truth--Finally, Shock & Awe! (tags)
9-11 Commission Chair Kean Declares 9-11 was Preventable!!!