fix articles 190276, irving moskowitz
Nominee Hagel Bullied by Neocon Servants of Military-Industrial Complex (tags)
The neocon servants of the military-industrial complex (Lindsay Graham, etc...) have revealed their true allegience to the Zionist state of Israel and against the will of the U.S. people. Their betrayal of former friend and fellow Republican Chuck Hagel, a true conservative who doesn't want to waste taxpayer money on never ending wars, is evidence enough of their deception of U.S. interests in favor of Zionist Israel.
Jewish Civil War: Secular U.S. Jews Use Obama Administration to Bring Down Netanyahu Gov't (tags)
The Brooklyn/New Jersey rabbi money laundering prosecutions seek to turn the rabbis into witnesses against Irving Moskowitz, shut down his bingo empire, cut off funding for the Likud and religious parties, and bring down the Netanyahu government.
The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties (tags)
Since the long-forgotten days when the State Department's Middle East policy was run by a group of so-called Arabists, U.S. policy on Israel and the Arab world has increasingly become the purview of officials well known for tilting toward Israel. From the 1920s roughly to 1990, Arabists, who had a personal history and an educational background in the Arab world and were accused by supporters of Israel of being totally biased toward Arab interests, held sway at the State Department and, despite having limited power in the policymaking circles of any administration, helped maintain some semblance of U.S. balance by keeping policy from tipping over totally toward Israel. But Arabists have been steadily replaced by their exact opposites, what some observers are calling Israelists, and policymaking circles throughout government now no longer even make a pretense of exhibiting balance between Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, interests.
Dear Friends, Your fax could not only kill two birds of injustice with one stone, it could birth two birds of justice in one nest: It could assist and empower exploited low-income neighborhoods in California.
Group Contests Casino Owned by Extremist Backer (tags)
While U.S. Treasury officials scour financial records worldwide to stop funds donated by wealthy Arabs from flowing to radical Islamist groups, a small group of U.S. citizens is trying to shut down a major source of funding for Jewish extremists in Israel and the occupied territories.
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)
'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace