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human right

Housing is a human right (tags)

To guarantee the human right to housing, a fundamental change in policy would be required at all levels. At all levels - federal, state and local - the social housing provision should be enforced against private profit interests. The non-profit status of housing must be revived. Housing must not be a commodity, it must not be the object of speculation and profit interests.

The Humor of Jesus (tags)

Jesus made fun of individualism and profit-oriented economic systems. Winning people to trust the infinite, invisible and transcendent God was surely his central goal. “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny?”“No sparrow falls to the ground without your Father’s consent..."

Crisis rent instead of debt trap (tags)

Store closings, event cancellations, slumping orders, short-time work and job losses, especially in precarious employment, have left many unable to afford their apartments or rented commercial space. Despite initial easing, there is no end in sight.

Vienna: Housing is a Human Right (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up potential development land and prevents speculation. Rents in Vienna are half the rents in Munich.

Affordable Rents? A State of Emergency Intensifies (tags)

Rents explode in cities after massive sales of public housing to brutal investors. In 1987, there were 5.5 million social apartments in Germany. Today, there are 1.5 million. Land speculation was prevented in Vienna. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up possible development land.

Against the Rent Madness and For a Nonprofit Orientation! (tags)

The Alternative Housing Summit on Sept 21 in Berlin discussed alternatives to the market-based housing policy. Exploding rents and lack of affordable housing are the most burning social questions. More market is not the solution! Housing for People, not for Profits!

The judiciary could force America to solve the homeless crisis (tags)

Non-Profits versus Profit Maximization (tags)

Cooperation and competition strengthen each other. Creating a non-profit or cooperative housing sector is the only remedy to gentrification and commodification as rental prices go through the roof. Housing often mutates from a human and social necessity to a speculative asset.


Israel Wants 50% Increase in US Provided Military Aid (tags)


Human Right Self Defense (tags)

Our Unique American Right of Self Defense has been documented and freely available.

The Renter Nation - Homes for, 27pp (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the "right" to speculation (cf. Arnold Kunzli in Housing as a Human Right

Video: Tiny Houses for the Homeless (tags)

Housing is a human right and yet is subverted by the right of speculation. Arnold Kunzli is an emeritus Swiss professor and author of Housing as a Human Right

What Can We Learn from 25 Years of Jobs with Justice? (tags)

It’s no secret that the last 30 years have seen a brutal corporate assault on U.S. workers. Incomes and union membership rates have plummeted, unemployment is soaring, and the two corporate parties have joined forces to go after our previously untouchable historic gains.

Denying Palestinians Fair Access to Water (tags)


18th World Water Day: Uphold right to water, Philippine Pres. Aquino told (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – Disappointed with the muddled position of the current administration in recognizing one of the most basic human rights, around 200 members of the Freedom from Debt Coalition took to the streets Tuesday urging President Benigno S. Aquino III to step up and uphold the human right to water.

Walk for Your Rights! (tags)

It is the violations of basic human rights that occur every day around the world which unites groups like those which will come together in St. Petersburg, Florida to walk and speak out for human rights on Saturday, March 5th, 2011.

Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked (tags)

While the US National Statistics will say the violent crimes are decreasing in public school, bullying, either as an act of verbal or physical abuse, is a problem that is not decreasing.

Youth Celebrate Mandela’s Birthday With 67 Minutes of Education and Music (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida Celebrates Mandela’s Birthday with 67 minutes of educating others about their human rights

Combating Bullying International Day In Support of Victims of Torture (tags)

The United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is annually observed to remind people that human torture is unacceptable – and in many cases it is also a crime. On this day attention mostly goes to victims of war, prison and violent crimes, in countries of unrest predominately known for human rights violations. Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee points out that bullying is a form of torture here in the United States and across the globe, and a violation of Human Right #5, No Torture.

Seeking a Safe Place to Live in 2010 United Nations Refugee Day (tags)

TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Every year 19 million youth flee their own country, seeking somewhere else that’s safe to live. Over 70% of them never make it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. This is the message Youth for Human Rights International portrays in their PSA to help others understand Human Right # 14, “The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live”, for creating awareness on United Nations Refugee Day, and every other day.

Talking About Freedom of Expression At Sunscreen Film Festival (tags)

Human Right Number 19, "Freedom of Expression" is the subject for Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee and Alexa Vega, star of the blockbuster movie, "Spy Kids".


The youth of today are concerned about their fellow man.

Health Care, a Human Right: Report from Camp Healthcare (tags)

LOS ANGELES, September 4, 2009 – Longtime local homeless rights activist, David Busch, has begun a water only fast for a Single Payer Healthcare system. Camped out in front of Senator Dianne Feinstein West LA office, David and supporters hold nightly vigils calling for healthcare for all under a government backed single payer system. Also in the works is a call for a Camp Healthcare during the next six weeks or until congress votes.

“Annie Jr.” Opens to a Standing Ovation (tags)

Clearwater, FL – Spectacular, remarkable and entertaining are just a few of the words to describe the performance of the forty youth from ages two to seventeen, on stage in the Broadway production of "Annie Jr." produced by Doria Kintzel, presented by International Youth Theater, at the Francis Wilson Playhouse Theater, on August 8. With proceeds to Youth for Human Rights Florida, the kids performed to a packed house as the young performers sang and danced the story of Annie Jr., with opening skits educating the audience about Human Rights, including most appropriately “The Right to Play.”

Youth Sing and Dance for Human Rights Education (tags)

A stage filled with youth, from ages 2 years of age to 17, will not only sing and dance their hearts out for their audience, but they will also entertain them with skits that educate their audience about human rights, in a one-of-a-kind Broadway production of “Annie Jr.”, on Saturday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m. at the Francis Wilson Playhouse Theater. In addition to an awe-inspiring evening, proceeds go to Youth for Human Rights Florida, a group dedicated in promoting the education of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to children and adults, to make a better world.

Music Plays for Human Rights (tags)

Tampa- July 16th - Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay and Jessy Leros, producer and performing artist, joined forces in a “Concert for Human Rights” in the Terra Sur Cafe' (a Peruvian restaurant in Tampa to inspire others to help increase awareness for our “Freedom of Expression” and to motivate today’s youth to protect this vital Human Right in our society.

Youth for Human Rights Group Sponsors Entire Refugee Camp (tags)

For World Refugee Day, June 20, Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay is sponsoring an entire refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo with bed nets.

From Obsuristan to Absurdistan: Barbarism or Human Future (tags)

Individual security can be emphasized so global vision fades. Half-truths and fish stories carry the day. "Communism is oppression of many by man and capitalism is just the reverse." Our challenge is to reawaken wonder and interdependence, to consider the way of nonviolent resistance.

Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)

In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.

The Ground Noise and the Static: A Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul (Illustrated) (tags)

“Please, please, my friends, my dear friends, please, please don’t be diverted by the ground noise and the static”—John McCain, on being interrupted just before he can accept the GOP’s nomination, 9/4/08

Biblical Sabbath Economy (tags)

Franz Segbers insists the Biblical Sabbath economy cares for the oikos, not speculation and accumulation When the right of speculation trumps the right of housing, we end up protecting the sharks from the sardines (cf "Housing as a Human Right")

Theses on the Basic Income Discussion (tags)

Poverty can only be overcome globally. A change in perspective is necessary where social assistance is seen as positive and not negative. Without a committment to human dignity and a human future, barbarism seems inevitable.

UN rejects water as basic human right (tags)

OTTAWA - The Harper government can declare victory after a United Nations meeting rejected calls for water to be recognized as a basic human right.

On the November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them. Their call for change and their condemnation of corruption in the military and the high places within the US-Arroyo regime is understandable. The $ 16 pay-off for the ZTE scandal, the NBN deal, the rampant graft in the government, the payolas all stink in the air. The AJLPP also vehemently condemn the way the PNP manhandled the media. Many media persons were arrested and brought to Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan. Meanwhile, the AJLPP also commend the United Nations reporter for formally confirming their findings on human right violations in the Philippines. Philip Aston declared his findings and submitted them to the general assembly.

The Human Species' Right To Traverse This Planet! (tags)

Globally, we should reassess our innate Human Right to explore on and navigate through Earth, irrespective of geo-political borders and simple minds!


The Bafim5 Troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], never arrived because it was legal, material and geographically impossible to do it. BECAUSE. A) Months prior, by specific order from my Superiors, Bafim5 troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], had been relocated to other Municipalities threatened by subversives and self-defenses groups (such as in the populations of Córdoba and Zambrano, in Bolívar). B) To the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] (and the entire area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar), the military and territorial competition of the Bafim5 was discontinued, taken out, removed; and the military and territorially competition given, taken charge, commended, to the Bacim31 [Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31]. C) In consequence, the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] and the whole area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar, were under the protection and territorial competition, of the Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31 (Bacim31), and not of the Bafim5.

The Right of All People to Self-Determination (tags)

With the military strike against Iraq, the intervention forces have fulfilled the fact of aggression.. Aggression is one of the worst crimes according to the 1999 statute of the International Court.

Every School as a Small Business (tags)

The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.

Now Media And Mass Also Gives A Clean Chit To Hollywood Actress Alicia Silverstone (tags)

Hollywood Actress Alicia Silverstone Get A Clean Chit For Her Noble Stand Taken For Anti Fur Charity Campaigning Celebrities Stripping for PETA - Anti Fur Charity Campaigning - Naresh Sonee analyzes -

Almighty would give a clean chit to Alicia Silverstone for such noble cause – (tags)

Hollywood Celebrities Stripping for PETA - Anti Fur Charity Campaigning - Naresh Sonee analyzes - Today Hollywood stunner like Alicia Silverstone had have excused herself- stripping for the sake of charity.

Progress through Dialogue in Glendale? (tags)

For once the police didn't separate the "two sides", who actually have a lot in common. Maybe they should just let us talk it out....

Minute Men Target Laguna Beach Day Laborers (tags)

**Please Circulate**

National LGBT Business Convention Presents The LGBT Marketing Seminar (tags)

Echelon Magazine hosts the National LGBT Business Convention in Los Angeles on November 8, 2004. The Convention features The LGBT Marketing Seminar presented by the leaders in Gay and Lesbian advertising

Human Right Violations In Syrian Occupied Lebanon Must Stop (tags)

In a savage reaction against the Lebanese students’ peaceful demonstration protesting the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the Syrian installed Lebanese regime use of barbaric force sent several youngsters with broken bones to hospitals on Friday, March 12, 2004.

Deep ecology, bike carts 4 organic gardens (tags)

water, air, tierra y forests do not belong to any corporation, when oxygen is sold in smog ridden cities, our human right to clean air is sold as a commodity. Coca-cola claims ownership of aquifers in chiapas, making agua into a luxury 4 the wealthy. We reclaim the forests, air and water for all living beings, not the property of corporations.

Asylum is a Human Right: A Dishonored Promise (tags)

"For a long while, the human right to asylum was a mere proclamation and never had a legally binding character for nation states. The human right to asylum is the hope of millions of refugees for a secure existence." translated from the German

Taco Bell Strikers Get RFK Humanitarian Award (tags)

I'm reposting this press release from the CIW. The organizers of the strike, who started out as field workers, got a big award!

On the Human Right to Laziness (tags)

"Paul Lafargue spoke satirically about the first sinister acceleration thrusts of early industry: "All individual and social misery comes from a passion for work. O laziness, be merciful with your endless misery!: O laziness, you are the balm for the pains!"

The Right to Development (tags)

"The 1994 UN Development Program proposed a world social charter with the goal of building a society where the right to food is as sacred as the right to vote..and the right to development is a fundamentaql human right Brigitte Hamm is a professor in Duisberg.

Freedom Bus on its way to California! (tags)

Serviced Bus New Freedom Bus delayed. The bus was serviced and repaired after being without heat for 36 hours. This delayed the arrival of the freedom riders in Kansas.

Education is a Human Right - Argument For A Fully Educated Population (tags)

Education in America is turning into a disaster. As part of a larger education renewal, I propose that college education should be free for all American citizens.

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