fix articles 189230, lucas guttentag
Nation Awaits Federal Court Of Appeals Decision On Hazleton Anti-Immigrant Law (tags)
Nation Waits For Appellate Court Decision
Judge "Flim-Flamed" Rumsfeld accusers! (tags)
Otherwise people like Judge Hogan can in effect replace the democracy with faschist edicts and make the US Constitution null & void and that is much more than lamentable,in fact its totalitarianism
13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!! (tags)
13,000 Arabs May Be Deported!!
ACLU Calls Immigrant Registration Program Pretext for Mass Detentions (tags)
By January 10, 2003, citizens of 13 additional countries – Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen – must also submit to registration, a move that could push the detentions into the tens of thousands, the ACLU said.
Hundreds Are Detained After Visits to INS (tags)
From the LA Times.