fix articles 189161, c. june
PEACE PEOPLE! Possabilities of Progressive Policies is Presently Powerfully Popular (tags)
We are living in the past if we think the voting public is not ready to elect a progressive, populist President. This is not the past. Dean's way is precisely the WRONG approach. Heck, look what Dean did to Vermont - he took a 74% re-elect rate and whittled it down to 50.4% in 2000, before quitting in 2002 to "run for President" while the ranks of "progressives" and republicans grew in Vermont until no Democrat could get elected, and his own Lt. Governor lost to the Republican in 2002 - Vermont is governed by a Republican and NO POSITION DEAN EVER HELD IN VERMONT IS IN DEMOCRATIC HANDS NOW.(incls.-2000 Vote Analysis, Are You a Burning Flame, GrannyD, Jane Fonda + Poem)
BTL:Middle East Roadmap for Peace May Lead to a Dead End (tags)
Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris