fix articles 188848, prison legal news
Abusing Prisoners Decreases Public Safety --Interview w/ author and former (tags)
If given the attention it deserves, an important new book is certain to make significant contributions to the public discussions of US prison policy. The author, Shawn Griffith, was released last year from Florida’s prison system at the age of 41, after spending most of his life, almost 24 years, behind bars, including seven in solitary confinement.
“Little Guantanamo” Exposing the CMU (tags)
Daniel has an article on The Huffington Post today! Please comment on the article so it gets seen by all and makes it on the home page! Digg it, Twitter it, Share, become a fan, Buzz up, etc. Do it all! Please spread the word in every way possible.
The Long Ordeal of Sami Al-Arian - Civil and Human Rights Advocate and Political Prisoner (tags)
Sami Al-Arian's long struggle for justice
Fear and Loathing in Portland: On Internet Security and Privacy Today (tags)
"Something is happening here, But you don't know what it is, Do you, Mr. Jones?" -- Bob Dylan With FBI swooping down to subpeona server logs at anarchist websites, I knew that Stein knew this was no time for games. But as always he was tangled up with censors who seem, worldwide, to instinctively try to blot him out before he riled the masses. I journeyed from Boulder to his little hacienda in the sun and interviewed him for Colo Indymedia...and soon was so stoned I had to agree with every word he said as he spelled out some of the problems facing the left as the goons in Washington ran roughshod over our civil liberties... gOnZo jOuRnAlIzM from the oLd sKoOl
LaborTECH/Access2004 Conf In April (tags)
On April 2,3 & 4 labor media communication activists from around the world will meet at Stanford University to learn, discuss and plan the use of telecommunication technology in the struggles of labor.