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New Orleans Today with Sakura Kone’ (tags)
On Saturday, August 15, activist Sakura Kone' spoke about the current state of affairs in New Orleans, on KPFA and KPOO radio in San Francisco,, 10 years after Hurricane Katrina devastated NOLA in the largest unnatural disaster in US history.
Prevent Future Floods in NOLA, close MR-GO! (tags)
Would like to reopen an investigation of possible deliberate levee breach during Katrina storm surge that was a preplanned action by unknown agents to prevent flooding of wealthier neighborhoods..
Just as we feared, most of those evicted on the 13th did not have alternative housing. Some were arrested for trespassing as they sought shelter in abandoned buildings, and many dispersed throughout the country, refugees once again. This cannot be allowed to happen again. March 1st will be the final battle for thousands of NOLA families facing homelessness.