fix articles 18816, jared Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : jared


Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)

Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.

VIDEO: The Revolutionary MLK (tags)

Martin Luther King Jr. stood for revolutionary transformation; he is used today to support policies that he fought against. Jared Ball is interviewed on "Every year we are asked to forget the crimes of capitalism and the divine disatisfaction."

Cindy Sheehan Moderates Green Party Presidential Debate (tags)

"Campaign 2008: A Presidential Debate that Matters" COME SEE AND HEAR . . . • Ralph Nader • Cynthia McKinney • Jared Ball • Kent Mesplay . . . TALKING ABOUT THE ISSUES OF THE DAY! o be held in San Francisco's historic Herbst Theater on January 13th, 2008.

Head-Roc Continues To Get Greens behind BALL in 0 (tags)

Seeing the importance of California Green Party members, Head-Roc, co-campaign manager and independent hiphop artist, is continuing the Jared Ball/Capitol Resistance California Tour. Expressing his commitment to deliver the campaign's message of hope and inspiration Head-Roc stated “I’m excited about continuing the wonderful fellowship with California Greens as part of Dr. Ball’s efforts to earn the Green Party’s Presidential nomination, and continue to deliver the candidate's message of hope”.

Hip-Hop w/Head Roc & Dr. Jared Ball-Green Party Presidential Candidate at LA Greens Party (tags)

Jared Ball is a great presenter, really well organized, compelling and inspiring. He and Heady are using hip-hop strategically to attract young people, then educating them in ways they can understand and be motivated by. I promise you will be impressed. Bring everyone you can to the LA Greens party.

My open letter to Jared Israel of TENC: on his support for the war on Lebanon (tags)

Jared Israel of The Emperor Has No Clothes (TENC) website, a former leftwing activist, is not only not wearing any clothes, but is seeking the naked destruction of Hezbollah, which as we saw in the 2006 war with Lebanon, means the total destruction of that counrty,as well as the ovethrow of the current israeli government; which is called sedition. Here is my comment to his genocidical ambitions.

Two Marine Corps Buddies Inseparable in Life, Death (tags)

Jeremiah A. Baro, and Jared P. Hubbard were best buddies and died together in Iraq.

2 California Soldiers Killed in Iraq (tags)

Marine Cpl. Jeremiah A. Baro, 21, Fresno

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