fix articles 187776, basically
Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? (tags)
Ever wonder how the FBI monitors an Activists telephone or email? Well The Loyal Nine is going to blow the lid of that for you. Basically federal agents have a tool called DCS-3000. I know it sounds like some kind of power engine but its not. Its a windows based application that any agent can install on their workstation or laptop. It gives them the instant ability to wiretap any phone, email, text message account, Instant messenger account, VOIP account... basically anything you can think of, in less then 3 clicks of a mouse.
Asheville Global Report interviews Sherman Austin (tags)
sherman austin served one year in federal prison after he was charged with "distribution" of explosives information. The website that he founded,, didn't contain any information on explosives — a link from his site to another website contained the information, the distribution of which austin was prosecuted for. Since his release in September 2004, he has been serving three years probation.
Democracy Now!: Sherman Austin Heads To Prison (tags)
Sherman Austin heads to jail today for a one-year term. He was charged with “distribution of information relating to explosives, destructive devices and weapons of mass destruction” after someone posted bomb-making information on his political website, Once he is is released he is banned from associating with anyone who wants to change U.S. government ‘in any way.’
Gay Republican crosses over to other side (tags)
"We are hated, we are marginalized, and are basically unwanted by a party that has forsaken the principles of Abraham Lincoln and become dominated by a right-wing that falls far short of representing main-stream America."
If You Understand Policy-Makers' Mind-set, You Can Better Do Mass Jiu-Jitsu (tags)
Here are two extremely crucial links, in my estimation, to understanding the *bigoted* mind-set of policy-makers (and those who own society). Both come from the trenchant institutional analysis of Noam Chomsky, in his book _NECESSARY ILLUSIONS: Thought Control In Democratic Societies_ which is available online in full!