fix articles 186329, sandra bullock
U..S. exports fantasies and weapons systems (tags)
In fact, 20 of our top 25 arms clients in the developing world in 2003 were undemocratic regimes or governments with records as major human-rights abusers. All too often, U.S. arms transfers fuel conflict, give weapons to human-rights abusers or fall into the hands of our adversaries. Far from serving as a force for security and stability, these sales frequently empower unstable, undemocratic regimes.
Prejudice Against Blondes (tags)
There is a form of racist prejudice in this country that seldom is ever acknowledged—namely prejudicial stereotyping of blonde people (particularly in negative ways). Often it is subtle and other times notso; and yet it seems more pervasive than many people may be willing to believe.
MALDEF Stands Ground in Texas School Funding Trial (tags)
Lawyers for richer and poorer districts alike are fighting over the future of equitable funding for the education of Texas children. Here is a "half time" update.
Santa Monica Drive-In at the Pier (tags)
The Santa Monica Film Festival presents the Santa Monica Drive-In at the Pier every Tuesday in August at Sunset on the SM Pier, Benefiting Cancer Relief.