fix articles 186109, answered Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : answered


A macabre flight of fancy (tags)

Story (graphic)

A day in the life of a Palestinian-American's extended Faily and more! (tags)

Sam Bahour is a Palestinian-American businessman living in the besieged Palestinian City of Al-Bireh in the West He is co-author of HOMELAND: Oral Histories of Palestine and Palestinians (1994)

More on AmeriKKKan KKKorporate Media Propaganda (tags)

Welcome to AmeriKKKa Uber Alles: Here's another announcement from "your" KKKorporate propaganda mouthpeice-Lost your home, job or marriage(story on L.A. police case 6/20/01)? Answered the door while "dripping wet"(story on woman who murdered children in Houston, texas 6/21/01)? Congratulations! You're now automatically classified as a "weirdo" or " criminally deviant" in the interest of protecting the "sacred" AmeriKKKan Hegemony!

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