fix articles 18563, massacre Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : massacre


Incompetent fbi/Police in Las Vegas & USA (tags)

How many massacres do we need before fbi and police are held accountable!

Angelenos plan LAX protest of Turkey’s Dirty War against Kurds (tags)

In the wake of a failed coup attempt, Southern California Kurdish solidarity organizations will gather in front of the Turkish Airlines Terminal on July 20th to commemorate the first anniversary of ISIS’ massacre of 33 peace activists in Suruç, Turkey and call on the Turkish government (the owner of Turkish Airlines) to stop giving safe haven to ISIS and end its dirty war against Kurds, the largest ethnic minority in Turkey

West Buries Truth on Ukraine (tags)


Massacre of striking miners in South Africa (tags)

On July 18 the world bourgeoisie celebrated “Mandela Day”, established internationally by the UN in November 2009 under the sign of peace, freedom, reconciliation, etc. In South Africa, more than 12 million children sang hymns to Mandela before going to class, the whole population was called upon to devote 67 minutes of their time (corresponding to 67 years of Mandela’s activism) to helping others. The IMATU Union requested that this day where they celebrate “the 67 years of his life Mandela has given for the rights of humanity, equality, justice and democracy enjoyed today by all South Africans” become a public holiday, so that individuals can give much more than 67 minutes to useful causes....

STOP Imperialist War against Syria (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle (ILPS), condermn in the strongest terms the duplicitous scheme of the US and NATO in instigating, funding and arming the so-called Syrian National Council and Free Syrian Army to seek the violent overthrow of the Assad government in Syria and at the same time pushing a “peace plan” and then a “transitional government” under the auspices of the UN in order to politically outmanuever the Assad government and the anti-imperialist and democratic forces.

Strategically Timed Syrian Massacre (tags)


State of War in Syria (tags)


Indignation for Pinheirinho (tags)

30 January 2012 (Brazil-Rio de Janeiro) Pedro Rios Leão´s Hunger strike Translated from the original Portuguese by Kevin Lynch — There is a brilliant commentary from Paulo Halm (brazilian movie maker) below. Because, if it was Yoani Sánchez handcuffed to a post in Havana and on hunger strike in front of the ´Palace of the Revolution´ asking from the world justice and democracy, Globo (and all of the mainstream press), in the face of any embargo, would send a correspondent to Cuba sending live feeds from the locale or going even further still without and loosing the realism, would make, let us see.... a reality TV show! But no, my friends, Pedro is only a Brazilian asking for justice and democracy in the most democratic country in South America, the location of Rio +20, the Olympic Games as well as being the 5th largest economy in the world. Paulo Halm said: “If Pedro Rios Leão was Cuban, today he would be on the front page of O Globo newspaper and would be called a martyr for liberty by Mervais and Leitões (brazilian journalists). It would be a theme and story highlighted on the national news provoking tears of solidarity from Patricia Poeta (another brazilian journalist). On Globo news, Willian Waack and Arnold Jabor, in unison, would call him a hero and even Pedro Bial would arrange a space on Big Brother Brazil in order to write a small poem in homage to the warrior. But, unfortunately, the boy is not Cuban. Pedro Rios Leão is Brazilian and is on hunger strike in front of TV Globo in protest against the station’s coverage of the massacre of the impoverished population of Pinheirinho by the military police of São Paulo. His protest is and will be solemnly ignored. How does that old song go, 'The pain of the people doesn’t appear in the newspaper', much less on TV.” Image by Guilherme Kanno (


“Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.” Scores of Filipino Americans attended the photo exhibit and prayer memorial honoring the 58 Maguindanao Massacre victims on November 23, 2009 last Wednesday November 23, 2011at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) Social Hall in Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles. The event was organized by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP)-US Chapter, the Filipino American Press Club of Los Angeles, Philippine American Press Club, Philippine Press Photographers-USA, Frontliners Media Group and F7, in cooperation with the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP), the Justice for Filipino American Veterans and People’s CORE.

More Myth than Massacre at Srebrenica (tags)


On the Supreme Court decision on the Visconde Massacre Case (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines send its deepest sympathy and outrage to Mr. Lauro Vizconde and his relatives and friends for the grave injustice perpetrated by the highest court of the land- the Philippine Supreme Court on its decision overturning the Court of Appeals and the lower court on the Visconde Massacre case. As an analysts put it: “The Supreme Court have killed Mr. Lauro Visconde twice.” It reminded us when the United States Supreme Court in 2001 decided in favor of GOP George Bush against Al Gore in the election recount case in Florida that made the presidency of George W. Bush Jr. from 2001-2009.

Statement on Anniversary of Maguindanao Massacre (tags)

The Philippine Government's weak adherence to human rights reinforces warlords' culture of impunity

From Goldstone to Uribe (tags)

The fix is in.


Los Angeles-- The EPCC News learned from news sources in El Salvador that on Friday, July 30, hundreds students from the University of El Salvador took to the streets, accompanied by professors, staff and other sectors of the social movement. The march, filled with street theater, papier-mâché tanks and a 9-foot gorilla, was a commemoration of the university student massacre that occurred on July 30, 1975. Thirty-five years ago, university students took to the streets to protest military incursions on the Santa Ana campus and the repressive policies of the military dictatorship in power at the time.

The Charade Begins: Netanyahu's Flotilla Massacre Probe Testimony (tags)

whitewash and cover-up assured

The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)

South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

Labor for Palestine Salutes West Coast Dockers for Embargo on Israeli Cargo (tags)

Just as labor solidarity played a critical role in toppling South African apartheid, it now has the potential to cripple Israeli apartheid. We urge the entire ILWU and all trade unionists to stand behind and expand on this critical issue of conscience and solidarity.

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Where are the Missing? (tags)

There was a shot every minute in the Israeli pirate attack on the Gaza Humanitarian Flotilla, with an entire hour of shooting and killing. At least six people remain unaccounted for. 54 people were admitted to Israeli hospitals where many have undergone surgery and are in intensive care. This massacre was paid for with US tax dollars.

Israel's Military, the IDF, states Massacre was Planned & Approved at the Top (tags)

The Israeli military, the IDF, planned the Gaza Massacre, and it was approved by the Prime Minister. The 5 million Zionist lunatics sitting in the US military base called Israel are now united in their hysteria to promote war and fascism around the world, all paid for with US tax dollars, and all at the behest of US oil imperialism. A small minority protests the final stages of a bankrupt social order in Israel.

5/31/10 at 4:30 Israeli Consulate Protest Massacre by Israel on Gaza Aid Ship (tags)

Emergency Demonstration Protest Israeli Massacre Of Gaza Aid Convoy Monday, May 31, 4:30pm Israeli Consulate 6380 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles (Between Crescent Heights and San Vicente)

Rights groups slams Agra’s decision as “a massacre of justice” (tags)

Rights groups slams Agra’s decision as “a massacre of justice”


Senator Manny Villar has a secret alliance with the Ampatuan clan, principal suspects in the brutal massacre of 57 people in Maguindanao province, and he has to explain how he intends to give justice to the Ampatuans’ victims, the Liberal Party demanded today.

Relatives of the 16 victims killed in a birthday party massacre in Juárez seeking asylum (tags)

Federal officials said the team of shooters were tipped off that people attending the birthday party were members of a rival gang known as Artistas Asesinos (Artists Assassins), who reportedly work for the Joaquín "Chapo" Guzmán drug cartel from Sinaloa

NDF hits promotion of Army chiefs linked to Ampatuan massacre (tags)

The National Democratic Front scores the US-Arroyo regime for playing chess by placing its most rabid bootlickers in key positions in the reactionary government, notwithstanding its self-perpetuating move to change the reactionary Charter. The US-Arroyo regime is getting more and more edgy as its current occupant, Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, is becoming more and more despised by the Filipino people. With the widespread discontent on the country's political and economic situation and mounting calls for justice to the victims of human rights violations and the brutal November 23 Ampatuan massacre, Mrs. Arroyo's plan to perpetuate in power through the GRP congress is ever more audacious and blatant.


EPCC NEWS learned today through Manila media sources that the The number of media workers killed in the massacre in Ampatuan town, Maguindanao province almost two months ago now stands at 32. This with the inclusion of a community newspaper’s staff photographer who was previously unaccounted for, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) said Wednesday. Jepon Cadagdagon, 28, was included in the list of media workers killed in the massacre last November 23 after the NUJP confirmed that he was a newly-hired staff photographer of the newspaper, Saksi News, published in General Santos City.

Why are the Arabs planning to kill us in the year 2010? (tags)

Because of what we allowed in 1948.

174,000 still in Maguindanao evacuation centers (tags)

174,000 still in Maguindanao evacuation centers Philippine Daily Inquirer First Posted 00:15:00 12/22/2009 Filed Under: rebellion, Armed conflict, Evacuation(General) DATU PIANG, Maguindanao—Johana Maluba, 24, is not sure if she could be back to her home to give birth before the end of the month. The mother of four is one of the 174,370 persons or 38,874 families referred to by humanitarian agencies as internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Maguindanao. The IDPs are scattered around the 103 evacuation centers. They fled their homes when fighting between government soldiers and Moro Islamic Liberation Front forces broke out August last year. It was not clear, however, how many evacuated following the Nov. 23 massacre of 57 civilians, including 31 journalists, in Ampatuan town, allegedly led by Datu Unsay town Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. The incident led to the weeklong imposition of martial law in the province. Some of the evacuees, those who fled their homes in Shariff Aguak after the massacre, are living with relatives, while others have set up camps in nearby towns. For the evacuees, it is safer to be away from home. “I am afraid to go back to our own house because we might get caught in crossfire,” Maluba said as she waited in line for the relief goods being distributed by the Act for Peace, a humanitarian organization. Diosita Andot, chair of Act for Peace, said their main intervention for the Maguindanao evacuees remains focused on “early recovery and rehabilitation program.” She said several core shelters have been constructed for families whose houses were razed in last year’s fighting. Presidential Assistant for Mindanao Secretary Jesus Dureza, who also joined the distribution of relief assistance, tried to convince evacuees to go home. “It is now safe to go back to your own homes,” he told them. But Dureza said not all could be given a house and that the relief assistance “is just temporary and you cannot be given every day, so it’s a must that you go home and start making a living.” Lt. Gen. Raymundo Ferrer, chief of the Military’s Eastern Mindanao Command, assured the evacuees that the police and military would respect the ceasefire with the MILF. “We will work to restore your normal lives,” he said.

Now it can be told: Martial Law a desperate attempt to exonerate AFP/PNP, US-Arroyo Regime (tags)

ThePESANTE NEWS today learned that the Armed Forces of the Philippines's posturing as hero in the aftermath of the Ampatuan massacre is hypocritical in the face of hidden arms caches found in the Ampatuan warlord's mansions and vast properties. These military-owned high-powered rifles, ammunition, and war materiel are evidence that pin the devious collusion between the Ampatuan warlord clan, their mercenaries in the AFP top brass, and the Arroyo family. Faced with mounting nationwide anger that could lead to an Oust Gloria reprisal, the Arroyo regime imposed Martial Law in Maguindanao in a desperate attempt to exonerate itself from the culpability of arming, backing, and using political warlords and their private armies in its counter-revolutionary schemes. It is ironic for 601st Infantry Brigade-AFP commander Col. Leo Ferrer, in the midst of the martial law hullabaloo, to warn Ampatuan supporters and CVOs of the military's capability to launch tactical offensives if the latter remains unwilling to be disarmed.

Nationwide Protests Demanding Justice for Maguindanao Massacre Victims (tags)

On the International Human Rights Day, and the whole week before that the Filipino American community was on the protest mode. The Alliance Philippines strongly expressed its militant support to the people’s movement in the Philippines oppose to the declaration of martial law and demanded justice for Maguindanao massacre victims by holding protests in key cities all over the United States from December 5 to 10, 2009. - Last December 5, Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan New York/New Jersey Chapter held their 5th anniversary celebrations by honoring the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre. The event was held at the Renaissance Charter Schoo at Jackson Height , new York City from 10:00 Am to 5:00 PM. - On December 8, a Community Forum led by the AJLPP, ANSWER-LA and AFFIRM was held at the FACLA Social Hall, 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, Ca 90026. A panel of speakers from different organizations condemning the massacre featured the event. A candle-light ceremony capped the tribute and honor to the 64 victims of untold cruelties. - On December 10, International Human Rights Day, scores of activists held a candle light vigil and a picket/rally at the Philippine Consulate at Wilshire Blvd. from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening.


Scores of Filipino Americans and their American allies held a solemn memorial meeting to remember the 64 victims of the Maguindanao Massacre last November 23, 2009 last Tuesday night on December 8, 2009 at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA), 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 In a candle light vigil, the 64 people who were killed in the most gruesome massacre in the most recent Philippine History last November 23, 2009 in Ampatuan, Maguindanao among them 31 media people were memorialized .

Martial Law declaration in Maguindanao - most dangerous political power play for Arroyo (tags)

When will peace reign in Mindanao? Martial Law declaration in Maguindanao - most dangerous political power play for Arroyo With “looming rebellion” as the questionable legal basis for the declaration of Martial Law in Maguindanao, President Arroyo is setting the stage for the most dangerous political power play in her collapsing regime. Obviously, it is a pilot test that-depending on the public reaction-may as well be declared all over the Philippines. With regard to Maguindanao massacre, the Department of Justice filed rebellion charges against the Ampatuans-a device meant to justify the Martial Law declaration (existence of rebellion and related reasons) even if it is clear that the massacre was not a political case but pure and simple mass murder, a genocide. The rebellion charges may be intended to appease the Ampatuans instead of treating them as mass murderers.

Philippine Govt creating a climate of fear to put country under Martial law (tags)

Philippine Democratic Left Parties statements regarding Ampatuan Massacre and the declaration of Martial Law in Maguindanao

NLG: Massacre part of the ‘killing pattern’ (tags)

-THE MASSACRE in Maguindanao on Nov. 23 that has left more than 50 dead, many of them women, follows the pattern of extrajudicial killings that has been plaguing the Philippines. Death squads have been murdering progressive activists with impunity. The death count has reached more than 1,000 since Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s presidency began. Twenty-two lawyers and 15 judges had been killed before this massacre, and among the dead in Maguindanao are two women lawyers from the National Union of People’s Lawyers—Concepcion “Connie” Brizuela and Cynthia Oquendo.




A commentary on the Nov 23 slaughter of 57 civilians in Maguindanao, Philipppines, sketching the historical parameters of the event and the converging political and social forces involved, with a focus on the U.S. role in establishing the groundwork for the evils of the prevailing Arroyo state terrorism.

Fight Violence against Women and Defenseless Civilians Dismantle Warlord Dynasties (tags)

-KAISA KA is enraged by the gruesome massacre in the boundary of Ampatuan and Shariff Aguak in Magindanao the other day that included more than 20 women among its victims. This is the first ever slaughter after Bud Bagsak and Bud Dajo massacres that killed this big number of women in just one day. The killing of defenseless civilians in their numbers, some of them did not even belong to the party that filed an opposition certificate of candidacy, their speed in burying the dead using government backhoe with the name of the governor printed on it and the inability of the military to prevent this from happening show the barbarity of the perpetrators and immense power they have at their disposal.


AJLPP News learned today that Human rights and journalists organizations worldwide lashed out at the Arroyo administration yesterday for creating “a culture of impunity” that led to the massacre of at least 57 persons in Maguindanao province that included 30 journalists. An international delegation of journalists led by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) will monitor the progress of the prosecution of those responsible for the carnage which the IFJ called as the biggest single atrocity against journalists in recent history. Amnesty International (AI) said the government must urgently ensure that witnesses are protected and safeguard vital forensic evidence to ensure those responsible are brought to justice. Datu Unsay Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr, a member of the powerful Ampatuan family that has dominated local politics in Maguindanao province in the country’s restive Mindanao region, is now under arrest and faces multiple murder charges. He has denied involvement in the massacre.


The Alliance –Philippines or the AJLPP condemns in the strongest posssible terms barbaric massacre perpetrated by the Ampatuan warlord dynasty in Maguindanao last November 22, 2009. The massacre victimized 62 ( at the present count) that includes 27 members of the Philippine press, 22 women who were all raped and mutilated and 15 bystanders who happened to be passing the scene. Arturo P. Garcia. West Coast coordinator of the Alliance said that "the AJLPP is one with the National Press Club (NPC) and other democratic forces in the Philippines in condemning “this senseless act of political violence. " “The massacre proved again the naked truth. That warlords and their dynasties led by the Arroyo dynasty in Pampanga is very much alive in the Philippines. Arroyo also heads the biggest private army composed of the AFP and the PNP in the Philippines” Garcia said The Alliance squarely blamed the US-Arroyo regime for the massacre and believes that this massacre is very common of the human rights violations under the US-Arroyo regime.


The AJLPP NEWS sources learned today that The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Suara Bangsamoro,scoffed at the claim of Datu Unsay Mayor Andal Ampatuan Jr. that MILF rebels were behind the Nov. 23 mass murder in Maguindanao. MILF vice chair for political affairs Ghadzali Jaafar said Ampatuan’s claim was “absurd” and that “even a small kid would not believe it.” MILF spokesperson Eid Kabalu said it was “a mediocre attempt to divert the issue.” “Who would believe that?” Kabalu said.

Filipino Workers Condemn Maguindanao Massacre (tags)

APL dares gov’t to severely punish brains, perpetrators of Maguindanao massacre

Absurd,’ says MILF on Ampatuan claim that MILF behind the Maguindanao massacre (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines or the AJLPP learned today from news sources that the Moro Islamic Liberation Front branded as “absurd” claims by the prime suspect in the massacre in Maguindanao province that the Muslim rebel group was behind the killings. "This is absurd, even a small kid would not believe it," said MILF vice chairman for political affairs Ghadzali Jaafar.

Philippines: Abduction and killings of journalists and politicians must be investigated (tags)

A group of about 45 people (latest news figure is now 57) were ambushed and abducted by about 100 armed men, according to reports. The military recovered the bodies of 13 women and eight men—some of them mutilated.


The Alliance –Philippines or the AJLPP vehenemently condemned the barbaric massacre in Magunidanao last November 22, 2009 that victimized some members of the Philippine press. Arturo P. Garcia. West Coast coordinator of the Alliance said that "the AJLPP is one with the National Press Club (NPC) and other democratic forces in the Philippines in condemning this senseless act of political violence. " The National Press Club (NPC) and the Alyansa ng Filipinong Mamamahayag (AFIMA) denounced the abduction and massacre of at least 36 persons, including media men, in Barangay Masalay, Datu Abdullah Sangki town in Maguindanao.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses its militant solidarity the Filipino peasants specially those of the Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac owned by the Aquino family in commemorating the fifth anniversary of the massacre that happened in November 16, 2004 where 14 peasants were killed by brutal fascists troops. The Hacienda Luisita case has became prominent again with the candidacy of the son of the owner, former President Cory Aquino, now, Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. to the presidency of the land. In 1985, Cory Aquino ran against Marcos and promised she will be the exact opposite of Marcos but did poorly to fulfill her promise. She just brought back the trappings of democracy like the bourgeois congress and elections but kept her hacienda and exempted it under her fake land reform program in 1988. Doing the same, Noynoy, the scion of the Aquino clan claims” they only own 4% of the corporation” and lets another fellow landlord, Mar Roxas of the Araneta-Roxas clan to speak for him on this landmark land case.

Documentary: Massacre of El Amparo: 20 years of impunity (Venezuela) (tags)

Descargue un documental sobre la Masacre de El Amparo, ocurrida el año 1988 en Venezuela / Download documentary on the Massacre of El Amparo, happened a year 1988 in Venezuela

Digos Massacre Remembered (tags)

25 June 2009 It is quite common these days to read from the newspapers violence being perpetrated by the communist New People’s Army (CPP-NPA) that most Filipinos no longer care as long they are not the poor victims. People have become so passive that when rebels committed atrocities to civilians, none would make a fuss about it or chastise the perpetrators -- except for the families of the victims and the authorities. None would take the initiative to launch a crusade to seek justice. This is also what happened 20 years ago today.

Protest at Peruvian consulate (tags)

Friday, June 12, 2009 LOS ANGELES--Crowds of curious onlookers surrounded a group of indigenous rights activists, members of the Peruvian community, and environmentalists as they demonstrated in front of the Peruvian consulate today through dance, procession, chant, and speech.

Zionist Running for LA City Council Seat. (tags)

The Los Angeles director of AIPAC, Aneena Bleich is running for the 5th council District seat. The 5th district is home to the largest concentration of Zionists outside Israel and New York. They constitute a powerful voting block in the 5th district and typically install whoever they want to the council. It appears they have again chosen one of their own, Aneena Bleich of AIPAC.


Gabnet of the Mariposa Alliance and PESANTE-USA held a commemorative and educational forum on the 22nd anniversary of the Mendiola Massacre. Activists and community members gathered at Historic Filipinotown to hear about the 1987 event and discuss the ongoing struggle for peasant and human rights in the Philippines. The event was opened by Al Garcia of PESANTE-USA who described the January 22,1987 Mendiola Massacre, where 15,000 peasants peacefully rallying for genuine land reform were ruthlessly fired upon by the police and the Philippine Mari

REMEMBERING MENDIOLA, Jan 22, 2009 at FACLA (tags)

Los Angeles-- REMEMBER MENDIOLA! FIGHT FOR HUMAN RIGHTS! GABNET of the Mariposa Alliance,PESANTE and the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) in Los Angeles,marked the 22nd Year of the January 22,1987 Mendiola Massacre, where thirteen (13)protesters were killed and over 150 others were wounded in an educational forum in FACLA, community hall on Jan 22, 2009 in Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles. Speaking before scores of FilAm activists, Arturo Garcia of Pesante and AJLPP explained that the AFP was after the NDF negotiating panel who were in Manila in 1987 during the 60 day ceasefire. Unable to liquidate their targets they pounced on the defend less peasants in Mendiola that day.


On Thursday, January 22nd, Gabnet of the Mariposa Alliance will co-host an educational forum with PESANTE and the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) in Los Angeles. The groups will meet to commemorate the 22nd Year of the January 22,1987 Mendiola Massacre, where 15,000 peasants peacefully rallying for genuine land reform from the newly installed US-Aquino Regime were ruthlessly fired upon by the police and the Philippine Marines. Thirteen protesters were killed and over 150 others were wounded. The AFP was after the NDF negotiating panel who were in Manila in 1987 during the 60 day ceasefire. Unable to liquidate their targets they pounced on the defend less peasants in Mendiola that day.

REMEMBERING MENDIOLA, Jan 22, 2009 at FACLA (tags)

On January 22nd, 1987 government forces opened fire at a demonstration for agrarian reform on Mendiola St in Manila. As a result, 13 peasants were massacred, while 150 were severely wounded. This January 22nd we will remember those who have fallen for peace and justice in the Philippines. Join us as we discuss the root causes that continue to exist and oppress people worldwide.

Sister killed of Palestinian Massacre Survivor in GAZA: (tags)

This Sunday, event is posted on LA INDYMEDIA Calendar for a Palestinian speaker who survived 2 massacres: Sabra and Shatila to speak about his survival and recovery and of his book LOST BLOOD. Unfortunately, Marco Abraham, author of LOST BLOOD, will not be able to attend as his sister has been lost by Israeli bombs in Gaza just last night, may she rest in peace. Organizers at El Centro call for same gathering to still take place this Sunday (2pm, 310 W. 5th St., Santa Ana, CA) to dialogue about the current situation we face with a new holocaust in Gaza and in honor those who have been lost. Video about occupation will be available, and discussion about current massacre.

3 Local Emergency Protests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)

Three local emergency protests are planned against massacre in Gaza. First one today (Sunday 12/28) in Anaheimat 2 PM. Two protests are planned for Tuesday (12/30) at Westwood Federal Building 3PM and another at 4:30 PM at Israeli Consulate. We must act now, to halt these brutal massacres! Over 200 people were killed in Gaza on Saturday, December 27 in a series of Israeli attacks - with US-made and paid for weaponry - upon the Palestinian people.

Syria massacre by US: NYT serving the empire (tags)

NYT defends US massacre in syria

2001 Genova Italy G8 Diaz massacre interviews (tags)

2001 Genova Italy G8 Diaz massacre interviews - Mark Covell

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

SULU MASSACRE (Mindanao, Philippines) (tags)

“Despicable, loathsome, ruthless…” These were the words of Anak Mindanao Representative Mujiv S. Hataman on the latest tragedy in the province of Sulu , particularly in the coastal town of Maimbung , which claimed the lives of a 4-year old child, Marisa Payian, 9 year old Wedme Lahim, teenagers Alnalyn Lahim, 15 and Sulayman Hakob, 17. Three other civilians were also killed, Kirah Lahim, 45; Eldisim Lahim, 43 and Narcia Abon, 24. A certain Pfc. Ibnul Wahid of the Army's 6th Infantry Division who was said to be on vacation was also killed.


Paul Modrowksi, convicted of Murder 1 on an accountability basis for supposedly lending his car to a supposed killer -- who was acquitted -- seeks release from prison for Christmas.

Beytushebab Massacre: Lies and Crimes of Turkish Militarists (tags)

On September 29th, Turkish news agencies informed the Turkish and world public about a so-called PKK attack in which 12 people of Kurdish origin (7 of whom were Village Guards working for the “security” forces) were said to have lost their lives. They were mowed down in their minibus near the village of Hemkan attached to Beytushebab town of Shirnak province neighboring Iraq.

Sept 15 is 25 Yrs Since US/Israel/Fascist Massacre at Sabra & Shatila (tags)

For those of us who can easily remember 25 years ago, one event that we certainly remember and ask that all learn from is the US/Israel/Fascist massacre of Palestinian women, children and old men at Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, paid for with US tax dollars, aided by the US puppet Israel.

The Lashkar Gah massacre (tags)

We are now slaughtering the babies


The Bafim5 Troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], never arrived because it was legal, material and geographically impossible to do it. BECAUSE. A) Months prior, by specific order from my Superiors, Bafim5 troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], had been relocated to other Municipalities threatened by subversives and self-defenses groups (such as in the populations of Córdoba and Zambrano, in Bolívar). B) To the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] (and the entire area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar), the military and territorial competition of the Bafim5 was discontinued, taken out, removed; and the military and territorially competition given, taken charge, commended, to the Bacim31 [Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31]. C) In consequence, the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] and the whole area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar, were under the protection and territorial competition, of the Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31 (Bacim31), and not of the Bafim5.

Priebke - Ex-Nazi gets work release in Italy (tags)

By FRANCESCO D'EMILIO, Associated Press Writer A former Nazi captain serving a life sentence for war crimes took a motorbike to his lawyer's office Monday on a work-release permit, outraging Jewish residents and prompting Italy's defense minister to summon a military prosecutor for an explanation.

AJLPP Condemns the Killing of Two Peasant Leaders/Attempted Massacre in Mindanao (tags)

The Alliance for Just anbd Lasting Peace (AJLPP) based in the United States vehemently condemn in the strongest terms possible the killing of two peasant leader in Davao and the wounding of three others in an attempted massacre in New Bataan, Davao in the island of Mindanao last April 26. Two members of a Davaol peasant group were shot dead and three others wounded in the southern Philippines, the media sources reported, Friday.

The ghosts of Deir Yassin (tags)

The Ghosts of Bud Dajo return to Jolo, Sulu (tags)

Mindanao tales tells that whoever made or put the mysterious white “agong” in the small cave at the foot of Bud Daho remains a mystery to this day. The “agong” is a musical instrument which produces a single note when pounded with a mallet or a large drumstick. It is commonly used by many Asian tribes along with other native brass instruments and is largely associated with religious rituals or festivities. The people living near Bud Dajo even believe that the silver gong is enchanted and that nobody has dared take it away from its nesting place. The Bud Dajo massacre of 1906 IN villages near Bud Dajo (Mt. Dajo) in Jolo, Sulu, where over a thousand people died in a massacre by American forces over a hundred years ago, the sound of the puting agong has often been heard as a warning.

Pesante-EFJP Los Angeles Remembers Mendiola Massacre (tags)

Filipinos and their solidarity allies militantly remembered the 20th year of the Mendiola Massacre of January 22, 1987, solemnly paid tribute to the 820 victims of political killings in the Philippines and reaffirmed their solidarity to the people’s struggle in the Philippines last night, January 22, 2007 at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles.

On the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre - Manila (tags)

Protesters clench fists as they march during the anniversary of the Mendiola massacre in Manila January 22, 2007. Demonstrators marked the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorating 13 protesters who were killed and 80 wounded by a hail of bullets from policemen and soldiers

Pesante-EFJP Los Angeles Remembers Mendiola Massacre 20th Year and Political Killing Vict (tags)

Filipinos and their solidarity allies militantly remembered the 20th year of the Mendiola Massacre of January 22, 1987, solemnly paid tribute to the 820 victims of political killings in the Philippines and reaffirmed their solidarity to the people’s struggle in the Philippines last night, January 22, 2001 at Remy’s on Temple Art Gallery in Historic Filipino town, Los Angeles. Scores of Filipino Americans and their solidarity allies held a 20-minute ecumenical service led by Rev. Frs. Joe Tronco, Dennis and Rene De Guzman. A 12-minute short film “ The Golf War” explaining the situation of the Philippine peasantry was also shown.

Philippines Cultural Solidarity Night (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network-USA (Pesante) and the Ecumenical Fellowship for Justice and Peace (EFJP) invite you to attend a cultural solidarity night to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Mediola Massacre in the Philippines. On Jan. 22, 1987, 13 peasants were massacred and more than 150 were wounded by members of the repressive Armed Forces of the Philippines while demanding genuine land reform in a peaceful protest. The commemoration and solidarity night will be an evening of art, culture and politics.

Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre (tags)

Fallujah - The Hidden Massacre [RAInews24]

Call it What it Is: A Massacre (tags)

THE FIRST revolutionary act is to call things by their true names, Rosa Luxemburg said. So how to call what happened in Beit Hanoun?

Rare document / Indians (tags)

More documents like these are available. Send email for requests.

APPO Comunicado, October 13, 2006 (tags)

The federal government is preparing a massacre against the People of Oaxaca. Thousands of military units are already in the state, hundreds of bulldozers have arrived, helicopters, tactical reconnaissance planes, warships, planes, and even a bomber! This is the response from a fascist government to a rebellious and dignified people. They think that in this way they will bring the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO, by its spanish initials) to its knees, that with this they will scare the people of Oaxaca, they believe they can impose themselves once again, at whatever cost, on a people who have already awakened. They want to put an end to the struggle and resistance of the Oaxacan people in order to implement the economic plans they promised to their imperialist bosses.


We activist of the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN)- USA commemorate the thirty-fourth year declaration of martial law in the Philippines that plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship. Today, on the 34th year commemoration of martial law, we have to struggle against another tyrant who wanted to impose the same dictatorship under another label. We have to fight on! We still have to fight a war to win –the war against forgetting and revisionism. We have to wage a protracted war to remember, relive and reaffirm with our collective memories, our struggle for national democracy and the social liberation of our people.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Files reveal coverup of Vietnam atrocities (tags)

Files reveal coverup of Vietnam atrocities Once-secret Pentagon archive shows that U.S. atrocities in Vietnam were more extensive than previously known.

Was Racism and Fundamentalism a Factor? The Massacre at Qana (tags)

This often ignored menace of Jewish fundamentalism needs to be addressed as seriously as other forms of fanatic religious thought which sows racial hatred, animosity and war mongering. While adhering to moral principles alone will certainly not bring any of Qana's murdered children back to life or compensate any bereaved parent or loved one anywhere, perhaps insisting on the equal worth of all human lives, regardless of ethnicity or religion, and rejecting racism from any source, including from sanctimonious former victims, can help diminish the chances of such ruthless crimes recurring in the future. Irrespective of the Holocaust, or precisely because of it, Israel should not be allowed to get away with its racist, at-will flaunting of international law and its state terrorism against defenseless civilians. It is time to go beyond mere condemnation to properly channel irrepressible grief and simmering anger into morally sound acts of intervention. Just as it worked against apartheid South Africa, a comprehensive regime of boycott against Israel is urgently called for. People of conscience everywhere share the responsibility of stopping this unrestrained behemoth before it scorches everything in its blind quest for hegemony and colonial control.

Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)

As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.

The Qana massacre: Slaughter of innocents in Lebanon (tags)

The repeated missile strikes, launched in the dead of night while the targeted victims were asleep, reduced a four-story apartment building and nearby houses to rubble, killing at least 57 residents, including 37 children.

Israel’s Indiscriminate Onslaughts (tags)

Targeting Civilians As Deliberate Strategy

BTL:Haditha: Iraq's My Lai Massacre Could Be Turning Point in War (tags)

Interview with Rahul Mahajan, journalist and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

10 Palestinian martyrs in the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza (tags)

10 Palestinian martyrs in the latest Israeli massacre in Gaza Gaza – At least ten Palestinian people, including 3 children and 2 women were killed and 40 other were wounded Friday afternoon in four separate attacks by Israeli occupation forces on various parts of the Gaza Strip according to Palestinian sources. Jun 9, 2006, 19:28

White House: Haditha findings to be made public (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The results of an investigation into the killings last year of 24 Iraqi civilians will be released to the public when the Marine Corps' investigation is complete, the White House said.

Bell South campaigning to end New Orleans's free Wi-Fi (tags)

Bell South campaigning to end New Orleans's free Wi-Fi

US mosque massacre deepens occupation's crisis (tags)

US mosque massacre deepens occupation's crisis

Canadian Consulate LA Demo for Canadian Baby Harp Seals (tags)

Concerned LA, CA citizens and celebrities will gather outside the Canadian Consulate in LA to protest the annual Harp seal slaughter and to promote the boycott of Canadian seafood.

Canadian Consulate LA Demo for Canadian Baby Harp Seals (tags)

Internations and national exposure to the Canadian baby Harp seal massacres at various Canadian cnsulates, etc.

Angry Mob Greets Colin Powell in Santa Barbara (tags)

Angry throngs bedecked in a dazzling array of costumes, sporting signs and guerrilla theatre regalia opposed Colin Powell on his self-serving speaking engagement where he waxed profound on general themes of leadership and barely mentioned his role in the lead up to the bloody Iraq war. Protesters were forcibly evicted by a coterie of muscle men as apparent supporters of the alleged war criminal chided them and Arlington Theatre $50 ticket price.

The Waco Massacre (tags)

Many people believe that David Koresh (or the Branch Davidians) were responsible for the deaths of the 74 men, women and children who died in the inferno at Waco on April 19, 1993.

Mexico's refusal to hear massacre case decried (tags)

MEXICO CITY - Human rights activists accused Mexico's highest court of upholding a "culture of impunity" Thursday after the judges refused to hear a genocide case against former President Luis Echeverria.

GOVERNMENT MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)

GOVERNMENT MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

COLUMBINE & More Gov't Engineered Massacres (tags)


May 14th 2005 Demonstration for the 20th Year Since May 13th 1985 Massacre of MOVE!! (tags)

20th year since the massacre of innocent men, women, and children by Philadelphia's police state. Free the MOVE 9!!!

PEACE IN COLOMBIA National Vigil & Call-in Day (tags)

The San José de Apartadó massacre: In February, eight members of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó were brutally killed (5 adults and 3 children); witnesses say that Colombian army troops are responsible. The Peace Community was formed when 17 towns and villages joined together in 1997 to insist that all armed groups stay out of their area. Since then, over 100 members have been killed or disappeared.


Threats against the Philippines’ premier human rights lawyer linked to Hacienda Luisita massacre, derailment of peace talks and U.S. “war on terror”

UN calls for probe of US Proxy Colombia's Massacre of Children (tags)

U.N. calls for probe of Colombia massacre

massacre in brazil:call to action 3/4/05 (tags)

There was a massacre during an eviction of a huge urban squatting encampment in Goiania, Brazil on Feb16th. Over 12,000 people were evicted. No one is sure how many killed and disappeared. The squatters have called for an international day of action this Friday, March 4th. Stand up and show your solidarity with the poorest people of the americas. (call in english,spanish,portugese,swedish) --=-- Consulate General of Brazil 8484 Wilshire Boulevard, Suites 711-730 Beverly Hills, CA 90211 323-651-2664 tel. 323-651-1274 fax Website: E-mail:

accounts about the massacre in Brazil!!! (tags)

stories on the massacres in Brazil. Four indymedia volunteers are jailed!


The links below (in Portuguese) are on the slaughter of workers uncovered by the Brazilian military police. volunteers of the indymedia arrested during massacre in Brazil.

25th Anniversary of Massacre at the Spanish Embassy in Guatemala, Friday, Jan. 28th (tags)

Julio Fernando Revolorio Illescas, organizer and co-founder of Asociacion Tierra y Paz, a Guatemalan-based group organized to defend the land rights of indigenous peoples, will speak about the 1980 massacre of peasants and others who peacefully occupied the Spanish Embassy to draw attention to their issues.

Building Bridges Radio - Massacre of Workers in the Phillipines (tags)

Building Bridges:Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW.

Milosevic: 'no link to genocide found' (tags)

Fresh controversy has hit the war crimes trial of Slobodan Milosevic with a claim from a senior intelligence analyst that the Yugoslav leader is innocent of genocide. Dr Cees Wiebes, a professor at Amsterdam University, now says there is no evidence linking Milosevic to the worst atrocity of the Bosnian war, the massacre of 7,000 Muslims at the town of Srebrenica.

Madrid Atrocities:Who is responsible? (tags)


All you patriots My Lai = Samarra (tags)

The My Lai courts-martial are the stories of two tragedies growing out of American involvement in Viet Nam. One was the massacre by United States soldiers of as many as 500 unarmed civilians-- old men, women, children--in My Lai on the morning of March 16, 1968. The other was the cover-up of that massacre...

Savage Intimidation (tags)

The My Lai massacre in Vietnam was not an isolated incident. As this article illustrates, it is a strategy of counterinsurgency warfare, which intends to eliminate popular support for guerrillas by "shock and awe." The US continues to organize and finance death squads and paramilitaries around the world who use this method. The starkest example is in Colombia, where paramilitaries are using chain saws to dismember peasant farmers who support the guerrillas.

The Bombing Of The King David Hotel (tags)

The King David Hotel explosion of July 22, 1946 (Palestine), which resulted in the deaths of 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews, and in the wounding of 58, was not just an act of “Jewish extremists,” but a premeditated massacre conducted by the Irgun in agreement with the highest Jewish political authorities in Palestine-- the Jewish Agency and its head David-Ben-Gurion.

Massacre in Iraq - 11 civilians killed by U.S. troops (tags)

U.S. Army soldiers remove two destroyed vehicles from the scene of a massacre in the Al Mansour suburb of Baghdad, Sunday July 27, 2003. U.S. troops searching for Iraqi fugitives raided a house in an upscale Baghdad neighborhood on Sunday and witnesses said up to 11 civilians had been killed when occupation troops fired on cars on nearby streets (photo REUTERS/Chris Helgren)

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

AFGHAN MASSACRE LA premiere (tags)


Afgan Massacre (tags)

Check this out!

Israel scorns 'anti-semitic little Belgium' (tags)

Israel accused Belgium of anti-semitism yesterday following a court decision which could lead to the prosecution of Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister. The Belgian supreme court ruled on Wednesday that Israeli military commanders could be prosecuted for complicity in the massacre of 800 Palestinians in Lebanon in 1982.


NEW YORK -- Colombian journalist Ignacio Gomez told a roomful of America's most influential journalists Tuesday how Washington-supported Colombian president Alvaro Uribe is connected to drug traffickers and how U.S. military trainers helped organize a massacre in his country.

Israel: from abused to abuser (by Latuff) (tags)

"How does the abused turn into an abuser? How can the abused achieve justice without himself turning into abusers?"

Patent law injured! (tags)

In case of patent right Bush brought an action for a debt!


If you thought those recently released Pentagon photos of Taliban POWs bound and gagged by American military forces was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet. James Doran's documentary "Afghan Massacre" is now revealing more about what has really occured in Afghanistan under American rule.



Why is the US media blacking out documentary on war crimes in Afghanistan? (tags)

This major story, however, has received virtually no coverage in US newspapers or on network or cable television. Aside from stories on some alternative Internet publications, and a June 16 article on, the story has been essentially blacked out in the US. A search for news about the documentary in the major dailies—including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe and the Miami Herald —turned up empty. Web sites for ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News and CNN have likewise carried nothing on the film.


Senator Alvaro Garcia Romero, a key supporter of the newly elected Colombian president Alvaro Uribe Velez, has been revealed as the man behind the bloody massacre of twelve peasant farmers in the village of Macayepo in October 2000.

The Jenin Massacre Gallery (tags)

We keep hearing the comforting stories on the nightly news, assuring us that no massacre occurred in Jenin. The U.N. murmurs in soft, loving tones in an effort to convince us that no massacre ever happened and it was all Palestinian propaganda. Sadly, the photos tell a different story.


Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre."

Sharon :: already 508.804 signatures online (tags)

there are needed 1.000.000 last 24h more than 30.000 signatures let's put Sharon on the just started international court!!! let's see if that court is a joke or not

Palestinians Commemorate the 1948 Massacre of Dawaymeh, 28 Oct. 01 (tags)

According to the Israeli paper, Alhamishmar (ceased pub.), "the children they killed by breaking their heads with sticks. There was not a house without dead. One commander ordered a sapper to put two old women in a certain house and to blow up the house with them.

unprecedented secret massacres (tags)

you know i just cannot get over how the secret massacre well it was told by a really weird right wing hawk that he was going to massacre people and the nongovernmental organizations with unprecendented secrecy and I am confident he is actually doing it its all to weird this is my last g8 protest this place is just to much to be able to endure

Salute to John McDonagh ~ NY Firefighter and WBAI Show Host (tags)

Recently, I gained access to internet audio. One of the first shows that I heard on New York's WBAI by way of the net was Radio Free Eireann, a weekly show on Ireland, hosted by John McDonagh.

LAPD closes down Benefit for the LB M1 arestees (tags)

20 Minutes into a Benefit show for M1 arestees, the LAPD shuts it down.

Info from US govt. source to prove Colombian military committed massacre (tags)

Four Colombian survivors of the 1998 Santo Domingo massacre will testify before a formal Tribunal of Opinion this weekend about the Colombian military's responsibility for the incident. Evidence will include documentation from a highly placed U.S. government source showing that at least one U.S. donated helicopter was used in the massacre.

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