fix articles 185504, bloggers Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : bloggers


Major BDS Donor Owned Shares of Caterpillar While Campaigning for Divestment (tags)

Medea Benjamin of Code Pink / Global Exchange profited from $120,000 in Caterpillar investments, while campaigning for BDS

EFF Calls for Immediate Action to Defend Tunisian Activists Against Government Cyberattack (tags)

Demonstrations and protests over unemployment and poor living conditions have been ongoing in Tunisia since the beginning of December, but last week the Tunisian government turned up the heat on bloggers, activists, and dissidents by launching a JavaScript injection attack that siphoned off the usernames and passwords of Tunsians logging in to Google, Yahoo, and Facebook.

Union-Bashing and Teacher-Bashing In The Wake of the Rigo Ruelas Tragedy (tags)

We don't know anything about Rigo Ruelas' death, except that we lost an excellent teacher. But some anti-union and anti-teacher bloggers are still defending the Times, pretending they know what kind of teacher Rigo was.

Iranian Blogger killed in prison (tags)

Omid Reza Misayafi Has Died in Prison

The Blogging Revolution (tags)

Blogging gives a voice to citizens around the world, but why do their views often go unheard in the west? And is the web really a force for radical change?

The Web: The battle of the bloggers (tags)

A story about the failure of liberal blogs.

States With Electronic Voting Machines Gave Bush Mysterious 5% Advantage (tags)

Is Bush trying to pull a fast one? It's not fooling bloggers over at, who have put together some fascinating numbers showing that a mysterious "5% advantage" goes to Bush only in those states using electronic voting machines. Or, put another way, all the exit polls showed Kerry winning, and the exit polls asked people who they actually voted for. But strangely, the "official" count appears to have been boosted in favor of Bush.

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