fix articles 183277, possession
Murderous corruption at fbi, DPS, Texas AG, (tags)
See my reports on the breakdown of law in the USA as directed by the fbi, DPS, etc.
America's Racist Drug Laws (tags)
War on drugs is "universally unconstitutional" (tags)
The reversal of the onus of proof in drug-possession cases is incompatible with the rule of law and is therefore unconstitutional in ALL jurisdictions. If you're a juror in a trial for possession of a prohibited drug, and if you are told that the "law" requires the defendant to prove that the possession was unwitting, it is your civic duty to put the onus of proof back where it belongs (on the prosecution), raise it to the proper standard (beyond reasonable doubt), and hand down a verdict on that basis.
A Different Kind of Tea: Some Tea Partiers May Support Pot Legalization (tags)
Proposition 19, which would legalize and tax marijuana in California, may have some unexpected supporters in the conservative tea party movement, reports Leo E. Laurence, associate editor of Zenger’s magazine and a former deputy sheriff who's campaigning for the measure as a member of the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (L.E.A.P.).
Argentine court throws out jail time for pot smokers! (tags)
Argentine court throws out jail time for marijuana smokers! They didn't legalize drugs like Mexico did last Friday, but it is a step in the right direction!
Mexico legalizes drug use (tags)
Mexico Legalizes Drug Possession for “personal use” ! People detained with small quantities no longer face criminal prosecution when the law goes into effect today.
America's War On Islam - The "Fort Dix Five" (tags)
targeting Muslims in America
Joaquin is obviously known and intensely disliked by the LAPD and every minute he is in their custody, his life is at risk.
Anti-Racists Face Serious Legal Battle in Philly (tags)
On Monday July 23rd, four anti-fascists from the Philadelphia, PA area were arrested at what was supposed to be a Ku Klux Klan rally in Center City Philadelphia. Jared Schultz, Tom Keenan, Jason Robbins - all of Philadelphia Anti-Racist Action - as well as a member of the Progressive Labor Party - were all arrested and charged with a series of trumped up misdemeanors in a situation that - for all practical purposes - was straight up entrapment.
Hammerskin Nation member arrested (tags)
Members of the white supremacist organization have been tied to hate crimes in Texas, Arizona, Massachusetts and California over the last 10 years
Sharia Permits Intercourse Female Captives (tags)
This discussion of Sharia from an eminent Islamic scholar explains why it is acceptable , within the Koran and within the hadiths, for a slave woman or slave girl to be used for purposes of intercourse.
Self-Responsibility Most Precious Possession (tags)
get the State out of your life, the church too.
Italy: State repression and THOUGHTCRIME ! (tags)
english translation of the Feature about the arrests of the 4th of december in Italy
REPRESSION goes on: again arrests in Italy about genoa 2001 (tags)
REPRESSION goes on: again arrests in Italy about genoa 2001
updates on long beach arrests (tags)
updates on the long beach arrests
UPDATES on MAX and RAMPAGE'S arraignment (tags)
Drug Possession No Longer Crime in Portugal (tags)
Portugal decriminalizes possession of personal amounts of drugs.... reported anywhere in the U.S.?? Not if the ruling Taliban holds its power... rock the corporations!~!