fix articles 18307, in san francisco
In San Francisco, "Dispatches Against Displacement" -- a review (tags)
A work by a prominent San Francisco housing activist in a context of ongoing defeat for San Francisco renters...
Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)
Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.
Critical Analysis of the SF Bay Area Occupy Movement: 2011-2012 (tags)
"Revolution is the only form of warfare where a final victory must be preceded by a long series of defeats." Rosa Luxemburg
In San Francisco's Mission District, Black Bloc Breaks Windows, Fails to Have An Impact (tags)
From the new issue (#111) of Berkeley, California's 'Slingshot' newspaper.
Vote June 5, 2012: Yes on 29, for Peace & Freedom & Green Party candidates (tags)
The California presidential primary is June 5, 2012, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m., and you can vote this weekend in some counties, including San Francisco, at the Registrar’s office, and you can deliver your absentee ballot to the Registrar’s office when they are open this weekend, Monday June 4 and Tuesday, June 5, 2012. You can also deliver your absentee ballot to your polling place on Tuesday, June 5, 2012. Your votes are needed for Yes on 29 and Peace & Freedom and Green Party candidates so that we cut down on smoking tobacco and so that these 2 parties continue to exist.
JFAV NATIONAL DAYS OF ACTION, January 18-20, 2012 (tags)
Los Angeles --More than 100 combined vets, widows, and advocates trooped to Senator Dianne Feinstein local offices in Los Angeles and San Francisco last January 18, 2012 to air public demand for equity that was denied for the last 65 years. This is a part of the three day national day of actions from January 18-20, 2012 in form of legislative visits, emails, fax and letter writing campaign to legislators to gather support for HR 210 in the US Congress. In Los Angeles, a delegation led by JFAV veteran leader John Aspiras and national Coordinator Arturo Garcia delivered more than 300 signed petitions and letters to Feinstein office in Santa Monica, west side Los Angeles. Feinstein is expected to introduce a companion bill in the US Senate for HR 210.
Philippines: PALEA holds motorcade on the 30th day of its protest vs. outsourcing (tags)
Also in commemoration of PALEA’s 30th day of protest against contractualization, solidarity actions were held in San Francisco and Los Angeles by US unions and the Filipino-American community. In San Francisco, the groups picketed the Philippine consulate and PAL ticketing office, and submitted a letter of concern to Deputy Consul General Alfonso Ver.
Redistricting, Open Primaries and the Challenges for Democrats (tags)
At the January 27 meeting of the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, Jess Durfee, chair of the San Diego County Democratic Party and former president of the club, explained the challenges the party faces as the citizens’ redistricting commission begins work on redrawing legislative lines for the 2012 election and beyond. He also talked about California’s new open primary law, which also goes into effect in 2012 and allows members of any political party, or of no party at all, to vote in primary races, with the two top finishers from the primary running against each other in the general election even if they’re from the same political party. California’s Democratic leadership opposed both these changes, but Durfee’s presentation focused on making them work and protecting the party’s interests in this new electoral environment.
AJLPP Forces Commemorates 112th Independence Day in the United States (tags)
On the anniversary of the 112th Independence Day from Spanish colonialism, June 12, 1898, the Alliance-Philippines and its allies commemorated the day of struggle in different cities of the United States in different forms. From San Francisco in the north to Los Angles in the south, and from New York in the east to Chicago in the Midwest different groups allied with or allies of AJLPP commemorated June 12 with renewed strength.
June 8 election: No on 14 to Save Peace & Freedom & Green Parties (tags)
On Tuesday, June 8, you can to something to help the Palestinian liberation struggle: Vote No on 14 to save Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party, the 2 parties that support the Palestinian liberation struggle. Also vote no on 16 to stop PG&E and No on 17 to stop Mercury Insurance. And Leonard Martin for School Superintendent. PLEASE VOTE TUESDAY JUNE 8, 2010!
May Day in the United States was day for workers and immigrants! More than 500,000 people protested and filled the streets of LA and other 75 other US Cities in their hundreds of thousands. One of the rally organizers, ANSWER-LA, TV Channel 54 and 62 estimates the crowd as high as 250,000 while the LAPD has a low estimate of 60,000.
WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day. --For the first time after more than four years, all the immigrant rights groups will march together as one. The marches and rallies have been disunited and at least 4-5 immigrant groups hold their rallies separately since 2006.
WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day.
Overseas Voting Starts Abroad, Campaign Heats Up in the US (tags)
Overseas voting started on countries where Filipinos are from April 10 to May 10, 2010. In the United States, more than 61,000 voters will vote by mail. Postal voting is the mode of voting for OVA’s. They can either mail or personally deliver their accomplished ballot to any RP consulate in their states. Overall, there are only 143, 659 overseas voters for 2010 elections. This is higher than the 2007 elections registered voters of 142, 667. There is only 61,000 voters in the United States, with Los Angeles having 11, 975 voters.
Overseas Voting Starts Abroad, Campaign Heats Up in the US (tags)
Overseas voting started on countries where Filipinos are from April 10 to may 10, 2010. In the United States, more than 61,000 voters will vote by mail. Postal voting is the mode of voting for OVA’s. They can either mail or personally deliver their accomplished ballot to any RP consulate in their states. Overall, there are only 143, 659 overseas voters for 2010 elections. This higher than the 2007 elections registered voters of 142, 667. There is only 61,000 voters in the United States, with Los Angeles having 11, 975 voters.
“ Bataan has fallen, but the spirit that made it stand cannot fall” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) in the United States will hold several 68th Year Commemorative events for the 68th Fall Of Bataan or Bataan Day in the Philippines. JFAV and AWARE will remember the 68th Fall of Bataan in Los Angeles, Panorama City and San Francisco, all in California. On April 9, 1942, the USAFFE surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army, the largest US army garrison in the Pacific numbering 90,000 men. More than 30,000 US Army soldiers and 60, 000 Filipino soldiers of the Philippine Commonwealth surrendered after holding out for more than four months.
RP Elections Update, May 2010 (tags)
As the Battle of surveys continues in the Philippines, all the camps of the current presidential candidates redoubled their efforts as the 4o days count down to the elections comes winding. Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas is still leading the surveys and seems to pull away as the Villar connection to President Arroyo became more evident with the latest defections from LAKAS-KAMPI.
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) forces in Los Angeles, Washington DC and San Francisco joined the mass protests led by International ANSWER in these major cities on the anniversary of the 7th year of the US led war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan last Saturday, March 20, 2010.
STOP THE WAR, BRING OUR TROOPS HOME, NOW! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) forces in Los Angeles, Washington DC and San Francisco joined the mass protests led by International ANSWER in these major cities on the anniversary of the 7th year of the US led war of aggression against Iraq and Afghanistan last Saturday, March 20, 2010.
2010 Philippine Election Campaign Heats Up in the US (tags)
Supporters of different presidential candidates stepped up their campaign of support for their respective presidential candidates in the United States as the formal campaign period started in the Philippines on March 7. -- In Southern California, Villar supporters led by the Pimentel group known as TROPANG VILLAR are also held their fundraiser in Duarte, California last Friday, March 5. They were supported by Filipino and American realtors and relatives of Villar in the Los Angeles area. They were heartened by the latest news that Villar is on a statistical tie with Aquino according to latest survey results.
" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.
" No Cuts, No Freeze, Education Must be Free!" Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations like ANSWER-LA and Not In Our Name Coalition marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.
-No Cuts, No Freeze! Thousands of students, teachers and members of different communities all over California turned out for massive protests in different schools and colleges against education cuts, the most recent attack of the ruling class against the people of the United States. In Los Angeles, more than 3,000 protestors led by the UTLA and supported by different community organizations marched from Pershing Square/Hill St. to the Federal Reagan building down 3rd and Spring and showed their disgust against the state government.
Happy New Year, For Tenants Nothing's Changed! (tags)
Unfortunately, 2009 proved for many big-city tenants that the golden rule was promiscuously traded for gold. Why would 2010 be any different?
Remarks by Richard L. Trumka, President, AFL-CIO, National Press Club, Washington, DC (tags)
Our economy does not work without good jobs, so we must take action now to restore workers' voices in America. The systematic silencing of American workers by denying our right to form unions is at the heart of the disappearance of good jobs in America. We must pass the Employee Free Choice Act so that workers can have the chance to turn bad jobs into good jobs, and so we can reduce the inequality which is undermining our prospects for stable economic growth. And we must do it now—not next year, not even this summer. Now.
The War Prayer & Grandma's Battlecry (tags)
As the latest Hitler in the White House goes before his gang of warlords at West Point instead of Congress as this country because increasingly fascist on December 2, 2009 to promote yet another blood for oil war, it is worth remembering Mark Twain's "War Prayer" and the peacenik response, "Grandma's Battlecry." takes the fudge, in Iraq and Afghanistan (tags)
Obama's Nobel Peace Prize already took the cake, so this takes the fudge:, the Democratic Party's fundraising and PR PAC, is urging all of us to join a global rally, against global warming, on 10.24.2009. In San Francisco, they want us to show up at Justin Herman Plaza, at 3:00 P.M. And, they promise that: "There will even be events in Afghanistan and Iraq."
The UD Shuffle | Not Like Perry Mason (tags)
If you are representing yourself in unlawful detainer, imagine an episode where Perry isn’t familiar with the rules, the judge hates him and Hamilton Burger has a perfect record. If you truly want to save your tenancy, the business decision you make to defend your eviction should include an allocation of funds to hire a tenant lawyer.
When your landlord invites you to do the UD shuffle, like any polite invitee, you must respond. Unfortunately you cannot just tell the court that you are not planning to attend. Nor can you just ignore the invitation.
The UD Shuffle | Notice (tags)
If you have been sued in unlawful detainer you will be forced to learn a dance called the UD Shuffle. It’s not romantic or fun. It’s fast and furious and there are a lot of steps to learn.
Alliance Philippines Marked 37th Martial Law Declaration with a Forum (tags)
The 37th year of the declaration of martial law in the Philippines by the US-Marcos dictatorship was marked with a forum in Los Angeles and discussion meetings in San Francisco and New York. In Los Angeles, the AJLPP made a presentation at the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) Forum on the Philippines on Friday, September 18. At their LA office at 137 Virgil St. Los Angeles, CA 9004. KMB leader and high school teacher Mark Ramos spoke on class struggle and liberation in the Philippines at a crowd of at least 70 persons. . Also in attendance were a group of Filipinos under the Ecumenical Fellowship For Justice and Peace (EFJP) based in California.
If you find an electrocuted rat in your kitchen stove, odds are that your landlord has breached the implied warranty of habitability in your lease. What if he won’t fix the problem? What can you do?
Eles intentaron haber una protesta contra Presidente Hugo Chávez y la revolución Bolivariana. Pero San Francisco dijo "NO!"
The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) calls on all immigrant right advocates and activists all over the United States to MARCH FOR FULL RIGHTS FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS! AMNESTY NOW! On May 1, 2009. The AJLPP Coordinators Arturo P. Garcia from the West Coast and East Coast Coordinator Riya Ortiz announced that the Filipino-American contingent composed of students, youth, women, domestic workers, veterans and community activists will join protest marches in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago. In Los Angeles, AJLPP forces and allies will assemble at PEOPLE’S CORE on 1610 Beverly Blvd, Suite No. 2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 in Historic Filipinotown from 11:30 AM to 12:00 noon and proceed to assembly area in Broadway and Olympic, where the march starts at 1.00 PM
Darrel Wood, Jr.: Queer Little Rock ’n’ Roller (tags)
Darrel Wood, Jr. is a 17-year-old high school senior in the conservative San Diego suburb of Santee, but the openly Queer rock musician has already been on two CD's with a former band and is about to release a new one by his current group, The Elephant Project. He's also headlining at the North Park Arts Festival in San Diego Sunday, May 17. In this interview, to which his mother accompanied him and also participated, he discusses his musical influences and the role of his sexuality in his life.
Chicago NISN National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conf: Successful Conference! (tags)
Successful Ending! Together We Build A New Immigrant Workers Rights and Justice Movements of 2009!
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like NAFFAA and ACFV who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US.
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like the ACFV and NAFFAA who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th.
WW 2 Filipino vets, widows, students and activists Demand Full Recognition (tags)
The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. “To date, our military service and courage in defending the US during World War 2 have never been fully recognized, so there is a reason for us to continue the fight!,” said Philippine Scout Gomer Bondad during a forum held at the Rosenberg Library of the City College of San Francisco. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th. Los Angeles Council President Eric Garcetti and Congresswoman Royball-Allard graced the occasion as guests of honor.
Month-long Gaza Protests in U.S. were the Largest Ever for Palestinian Rights (tags)
In an unprecedented outpouring of popular opposition to U.S. policy supporting the Israeli invasion of Gaza, a full month of nearly continuous protests brought tens of thousands into the streets. Arab American youths mobilized as never before. Even after Israel’s troop withdrawal, advocates for the human rights of Palestinians in Gaza vowed to continue the campaign until Israel lifts its blockade on the tiny territory.
Los Angeles Activists Attend International Gathering (tags)
From January 31 to February 8, 2009, KPFK Reporter Margaret Prescod and local activists from the Global Women's Strike and Women of Color in the Global Women's Strike will be meeting in London with women from Bolivia, Canada, China, Greece, Guyana, Haiti, India, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Palestine, Peru, Scotland, Tanzania, Turkey, Uganda, US, Venezuela, and Wales for an International Gathering of the Global Women's Strike and the International Women Count Network. See current schedule of events below. See current schedule of speakers below. To interview one of the speakers, contact womensstrike8m (at) server101 (dot) com.
Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)
the blame game
JFAV activists here continue their unrelenting advocacy in support of various causes and in protest of other issues even as the community savors Christmas and the advent of a new year. The Filipino Veterans Support Bill, or SB 3689 that passed the Senate hearings last November 17 remains as the foremost concern of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV). Despite failing energy, living FilVets and their young advocates stay active on the road, making their presence felt in mass actions and community gatherings, and taking the opportunity to speak their minds.
Activists here continue their unrelenting advocacy in support of various causes and in protest of other issues even as the community savors Christmas and the advent of a new year. The Filipino Veterans Support Bill, or SB 3689, remains as the foremost concern of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV). Despite failing energy, living FilVets stay active on the road, making their presence felt in mass actions and community gatherings, and taking the opportunity to speak their minds. On December 8, JFAV announced the formation of a partner organization, the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (Aware) at a meeting held at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) here. In San Francisco, FilVets Gomer Bondad and Reggie Nacua, with activists Ago Pedalizo and Violy Reyes, discussed the seemingly unresolved impasse on the lump sum clause of SB 36879, now pending in the US Congress, at a community meeting held at the ABS-CBN studio in Redwood City last December 10
Massive Movement Erupts in Opposition to Proposition 8 (tags)
Ex-slave and Abolitionist Fredrick Douglas famously observed that power cedes nothing without struggle. The history of civil rights movements in this country also demonstrate that even the most fundamental democratic gains are temporary at best without vigilant struggle that can potentially challenge the power of the rulers against the ruled. Nothing has ever been gained and secured by simply relying on the institutions of the state and its politicians. Any implementation of progressive measures on their part has only been the product of independent mass mobilizations that have kept their forces in the streets until the sought after gains were won. We have again been reminded of this by the recent passage of Proposition 8 in California, a bigoted mean-spirited ballot measure aimed at denying gays and lesbians the fundamental democratic right to marry whom they wish. Last June, after decades of constant organizing, educating, and protesting on the part of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people and their supporters, the California Supreme Court was compelled to legalize same sex marriages. The purpose of Proposition 8 was to overturn this gain, leaving 18,000 same sex marriages performed in California since June in question. However, social movements aren't like films that can be run backwards and then replayed in the exact same way. The narrow victory of Proposition 8 (52% against, 48% opposed) has resulted in the opposite of its intended effect. It has re-energized the struggle for LGBT rights to a major degree, so that many are calling this movement “Stonewall II” after that inaugural rebellious act of the modern U.S. gay rights movement fighting for their rights in 1969.
Massive Movement Erupts to Overturn Proposition 8 (tags)
March on Sacramento! Demand that Marriage Licenses Continue to Be Issued in All Counties in California! Demand the Immediate Overturn of Prop. 8!
Thousands of students,scores of veterans and hundred of community advocates marched during the VETERANS DAY nationwide in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and other places - NOVEMBER 8, 2008, in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. The march and Community Fair started and ended at the at LAKE STREET PARK,227 N. Lake St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. The Veterans Day festivities had started at 10;30 AM at the veterans memorial with an ecumenical mass and wreath laying ceremonies. The solemn tribute started with the national anthems sung by TINIG ng UCLA and the honor guards call on the line. And then the group of community leaders laid a wreath at the memorial monument. Dr. Ben Marte and Mo Nishida led the ecumenical services.
Thousands of students,scores of veterans and hundred of community advocates marched during the VETERANS DAY nationwide in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York and other places - NOVEMBER 8, 2008, in Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. The march and Community Fair started and ended at the at LAKE STREET PARK,227 N. Lake St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. The Veterans Day festivities had started at 10;30 AM at the veterans memorial with an ecumenical mass and wreath laying ceremonies. The solemn tribute started with the national anthems sung by TINIG ng UCLA and the honor guards call on the line. And then the group of community leaders laid a wreath at the memorial monument. Dr. Ben Marte and Mo Nishida led the ecumenical services.
JFAV Oct 10 Nationwide Mass Actions-Fight Racism! (tags)
Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace! On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.
JFAV Oct 10 Nationwie Mass Actions -A Success! (tags)
Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace. On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.
AJLPP Supports JFAV Mass Actions (tags)
Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! The AJLPP urgently calls on the US Congress focused on the Senate to call a conference committee to pass the veterans bill, AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia announced. In this regard the AJLPP supports the Justice for the Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) in its call for nationwide mass actions against blatant racism and struggle for for veteran rights.
3 days to Save Rent Control; No on 98/Yes on 99 (tags)
LOS ANGELES COUNTY, You must pull through with a high voter turnout to save our homes. Southern California has 2/3 of the State's population and while Northern California, especially San Francisco, is working very hard to push tenants to the polls, Los Angeles County must lead.
2 Weeks to Save Rent Control, No on 98-June 3 (tags)
We are 2 weeks away from the crucial June 3 election to save rent control. Your No on 98/Yes on 99 vote is needed. San Francisco and Los Angeles are crucial in this election, so PLEASE VOTE. Voter registration for the June 3 election closes May 19.
Massive mass actions for May 1 that were held in major U.S. cities was a resounding success. In scores of major cities like Los Angeles (30,000), Seattle, WA (6,000)San Francisco,( 10,000) New York, (10,000) . and Chicago (50,000), Filipino Americans immigrants and advocates joined up with their Latino immigrant allies to demand full rights and legalization for immigrants, a stop to ICE raids and deportations and workers rights during May 1 International Workers Day. Arturo P. Garcia, CDIR and AJLPP deputy national coordinator said: “while the bourgeois media tends to praise the police for “good behavior” and chide the rallyist for supposed the low-turn-out, immigrant groups were satisfied with the unity shown at the rally. For the third year in a row, after the repeal of the infamous HR 4437, the need for a comprehensive immigration reform and a pathways to citizenship was again thrust into the limelight and the national stage. It clearly shows the immigrant rights movement is alive and kicking, more united and consolidated.” Garcia added.
Workers/Immigrants US-Wide Rallies on May 1 (tags)
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrants Rights (CDIR) –USA and the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) announced today that mass actions for May 1 that were held in major U.S. cities was a resounding success. In scores of major cities like Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, New York.Phoenix and Chicago, Filipino Americans immigrants and advocates joined up with their Latino immigrant allies to demand full rights and legalization for immigrants, a stop to ICE raids and deportations and workers rights during May 1 International Workers Day. Arturo P. Garcia, CDIR and AJLPP deputy national coordinator said: “while the bourgeois media tends to praise the police for “good behavior” and chide the rallyist for supposed the low-turn-out, immigrant groups were satisfied with the unity shown at the marches and rallies all over the United States. For the third year in a row, after the repeal of the infamous HR 4437, the need for a comprehensive immigration reform and a pathways to citizenship was again thrust into the limelight and the national stage. It clearly shows the immigrant rights movement is alive and kicking, more united and consolidated.” Garcia added.
A Lesson in Community Empowerment: (tags)
Last November 11,2007, more than eight hundred youth together with the Filipino World War II Veterans marched through the streets of Historic Filipinotown to protest the 61 years of injustice and inequities. The 7th Annual Veterans Day march-parade was held by the Justice For Filipino Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of students,youth and veterans groups. The parade was held for the eight straight year and is sponsored by the Office of Councilmember Eric Garcetti.
Why Did The Equity Bill Did Not Pass (tags)
Last November 11,2007, the youth together with the Filipino World War II Veterans marched through the streets of Historic Filipinotown to protest the 61 years of injustice and inequities. The 7th Annual Veterans Day march-parade was held by the Justice For Filipino Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of students,youth and veterans groups. The parade was held for the eight straight year and is sponsored by the Office of Councilmember Eric Garcetti. In San Francisco, American Coalition For Filipino Veteran (ACFV) staked out at the residence of Speaker Nancy Pelosi to no avail. Pelosi fresh from her defeat for the Armenian genocide resolution in the lower house did not even bothered to sponsor the equity bill.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) welcomes the release of the GABNet 3--Dr. Annalisa Enrile (Chairperson), Ninotchka Rosca (Founding Chair, writer) and Judith Mirkinson (International Relations Officer, founding member)--who've been placed by the Philippine Department of Justice in a "watch" list and barred from returning home to the US.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) forces joined the women's group GABRIELA Network USA (GABNet) last night that held a US-wide vigil to demand the immediate release of the GABNet 3--Dr. Annalisa Enrile (Chairperson), Ninotchka Rosca (Founding Chair, writer) and Judith Mirkinson (International Relations Officer, founding member)--who've been placed by the Philippine Department of Justice in a "watch" list and barred from returning home to the US. The mass actions in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco were held in front of four Philippine Consular offices in the United States on August 13, 2007.
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) forces joined the women's group GABRIELA Network USA (GABNet) last night that held a US-wide vigil to demand the immediate release of the GABNet 3--Dr. Annalisa Enrile (Chairperson), Ninotchka Rosca (Founding Chair, writer) and Judith Mirkinson (International Relations Officer, founding member)--who've been placed by the Philippine Department of Justice in a "watch" list and barred from returning home to the US. The mass actions in Los Angeles, New York, and San Francisco were held in front of four Philippine Consular offices in the United States on August 13, 2007.
Presidential Candidate Supports MAPP, Universal Health Care (tags)
Presidential hopeful Stewart A. Alexander and the Peace and Freedom Party firmly support the use of medical marijuana and support decriminalizing drugs. Alexander wants to use California Proposition 215 and SB 420 as guidelines for federal legislation that will benefit over 30 million Americans and will reverse 70 years of corrupt laws that have only benefited the greedy capitalist.
VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, Resign Now! Hundreds of Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in several U.S. cities rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. The Veterans decision to ask for Nicholson resignation was made last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.
Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in four major U.S. cities held mass actions and rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. Last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.
AJLPP-USA Nationwide Mobilization for March 17 -18 Protests in Four Major US Cities (tags)
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), an alliance of Filipino American and allied solidarity organizations working for peace and justice, anti-war and racism in the United States and a member of the ANSWER Coalition will mobilize for the nationwide mass protests against the 4th year of the U.S Invasion and Occupation of Iraq and the 40th anniversary of the people’s march in Pentagon. March 1967 at the height of the US War in Vietnam. Los Angeles and Washington DC will be the focus of the anti-war mobilizations on March 17 while Seattle and San Francisco will mobilize tens of thousands of the anti-war protestors on March 18. AJLPP will be present on the four major cities mobilization against the war and racism both in the east and the west coast.
Federal Officials Silencing Organized Movemet In Alabama, Endentured Servitude and Slavery (tags)
The USA federal government is on its war path. Let us snatch the hood from the technological monster and expose it, and let the people slit its throat or throats. I have a video demanding an end to endentured Servitude
Rep. Lantos to chair International Affairs Committee? TELL PELOSI "NO!" (tags)
If you want the new, Democrat-led Congress to stand up for peace, NOW is the time to call or fax Rep. Nancy Pelosi and your Representatives and urge them to support a peacemaker--not a war-enabler--as Chairman of the House International Affairs Committee.
Protests Increase in August (tags)
From: Protest News Website
Diffferent Immigrant rights groups and coalitions stepped up their mass actions nationwide in more than 6 major cities to force the US Congress to enact laws that will give amnesty and full rights to more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. More mass actions is slated from September 7 to September 9 in protest of the much delayed congressional action on the immigration reform law that will legalize at least 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants and at least 7 million workers as “guest workers” in the SB 2611 or the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill that all immigrant rights groups and advocate rejects as “modified HR 4437”.
Filipinos All Over the United States Joined the May 1 Great American Boycott and Immigrant (tags)
From Los Angeles and Seattle in the West to Chicago in the Midwest to Houston in the South and Miami, Florida in the Southeast up to New York, Manhattan in the Northeast, hundreds of Filipinos joined their fellow immigrants in the millions to demand full immigrant rights and amnesty. Thousands of them joined the boycott or just watched and wildly cheered from the sidelines flying the American flags as the Filipino contingents marched by.
Blacks and immigrants call for unity! (tags)
A sea of people as far as the eye could see: Blacks and immigrants call for unity!
This past weekend saw demonstrations all around the world with hundreds of thousands taking to the streets to protest the third anniversary of the War in Iraq. But something new is happening.
GABNet Holds Emergency Candlelight Vigil to Protest Crimes Against Humanity in the Philipp (tags)
Women’s group GABRIELA Network commemorates Philippine Women’s Day of Protest, holds emergency nationwide candlelight vigil to protest human rights violations perpetrated by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and US President Bush’s so-called War on Terror.
Housing News-Feds Withold Disaster Assistance (tags)
As of yet, HUD has not even offered any temporary Section 8 vouchers to Katrina's victims.
In San Francisco, a transit fare strike began today (tags)
Today, what has been dubbed a "social strike" began in San Francisco. Riders won't pay and bus operators won't collect to show opposition to the fare hike, service cuts, and worker layoffs.
Terminator’s pension scam takes hit (tags)
SAN FRANCISCO — In a surprise announcement April 7, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said he is delaying until June 2006 a controversial ballot initiative to change state workers’ pensions from public, guaranteed-benefit programs to privatized 401(k)-like pensions.
ANTIWAR MARCH! March 19th, High Noon - Hollywood & Vine (tags)
Be there... or be a bush supporter
Socialist Candidates on National Tour (tags)
In California, all three candidates are scheduled to appear in Los Angeles on Sat. Oct. 9, 4 p.m., at Workmen's Circle; Sun. Oct. 10, 4 p.m., KRST African Spirituality and Unity Center; and Mon. Oct. 11, 1 p.m., Sunset Hall Senior Center.
As the June 5th peace march approaches, will you be prepared for the "Brownshirts in White"--the pro-war, pro-Bush "Protest Warriors" who tagged along in the March 20 peace marches? On March 20, they carried signs reading "Leave Saddam alone; he only kills his own people" and "Give communism another chance; it's only killed 100 million people so far." What will you do on June 5? Will you talk with these guys? Will you ignore them? (And have you read Thom Hartmann's excellent article about Hitler's reign, entitled "When Democracy Failed"? If not, check out the Common Dreams web page listed at the bottom of this article.) Let's make June 5 a day for peace and a day of peace.
Claudia Jones — Dynamic champion of equality (tags)
Claudia Jones used her brief years (1915-1964) to the fullest. She was involved with everything and everyone having to do with the rights of African descendants and women.
Strong Green challenge in San Francisco worries Democrats (tags)
Now that the Democrat hoping to succeed Mayor Willie Brown is facing an unexpectedly tight runoff election against a Green Party candidate, the City Hall race is attracting unusual attention from national Democrats still bitter over losing California's governorship to Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Women Call Anti-Occupation Halloween Protest Against Bechtel (tags)
In a Halloween themed protest, women and men occupied the street outside the offices of the “truly scary” Bechtel Corporation at 707 Wilshire Blvd in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 5 pm on Tuesday, October 28. Protesters used music, costumes, spoken word and more to highlight Bechtel’s rap sheet of profiteering from weapons, war and water privatization.
Plan an action at the LA office on June 5th!FOUR DAYS OF ACTION AGAINST BECHTEL AND THE CORPORATE INVASION OF IRAQ June 1 – June 5, 2003
Taking to the Streets March 22, 2003
Mass Transition: The Gold Line's Challenge to N.E. Los Angeles (tags)
The new Gold Line light-rail project and gentrification in Northeast Los Angeles From the Arroyo Arts Collective Newsletter vol14, no2 March/April 2003
Date Change for San Francisco Rally and March to Sunday, February 16, 2003 (tags)
The World Says No To War! If you are heading to San Francisco for the March and Rally, please read this: **Note the date change to SUNDAY, February 16 (from Saturday, February 15).** To get the latest updates on the San Francisco March, subscribe to the Bay Area United Against War listserv at Here is a pdf of the basic march and rally flier. Please let everyone know who you think is heading up for the rally.
Tens of thousands in S.F. demand Bush abandon war plans (SF Chronicle) (tags)
From San Francisco to Washington, D.C., from Paris to Tokyo, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the world's streets Saturday to protest potential military action against Iraq by the Bush administration and its allies.
Oil coup-strike-lockout is for the rich. Help President Chavez! Search Venezuela news. (tags)
In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in January 2003. This is why the coup-plotters, "strike"-promoters, and corporate media are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-ELECTED Chavez government. They want to prevent these reforms, and reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign going on inside Venezuela. Support President Chavez! Please forward widely.
26 CA Greens Elected! Camejo sets record! (tags)
In California, 26 Green Party members were elected to office on November 5, including eleven City Council members. Governor candidate Peter Camejo set a record going back to 1934, and in San Francisco he beat Republican Bill Simon, with 15.9%!
Ballots across the West promise Power to the people (tags)
Public ownership of electric power is an idea whose time has come – at least in San Francisco, Las Vegas and in the Big Sky state of Montana. Voters in these western locales have a chance to vote Nov. 5 for ballot questions that open the way for city or state takeover or buyout of private utility companies.
2,000 Demonstrate Against War in Westwood 9-14 (tags)
2,000 gathered at the Westwood Federal Building on Saturday afternoon for a spirited rally, and then marched through Westwood Village chanting and carrying signs against U.S. war on Iraq.
Over 100 progressive organisations in the United States have come together to organise a national day of solidarity with Colombia next month. The main aim of the protest is to call for an end to US military aid to the Colombian security forces.