fix articles 182590, a civil war
"Worse than a Civil War": Kofi Annan (tags)
The US govt sees the increasing violence in Iraq merely as a new phase. Annan is con-vinced the Iraqi question can only be solved with the cooperation of neighboring countries and the international community. The Iraqis must agree on distribution of oil revenues.
Marcos: “We Are On the Eve of Either a Great Uprising or a Civil War” (tags)
Mexico. "President" Calderón Will Begin to Fall from the Day He Takes Office, warns the Speaker of the EZLN.
Iraq War Breaks Down into Civil War (tags)
A short article about the collapse of the Iraqi War into full scale civil war.
Many Iraqis believe ’suicide’ bombings done by US to start a civil war (tags)
"I believe it is the Americans who are doing this, pretending it is the Sunni, so there will be a civil war and they can control our wealth.” Many survivors lying mangled by this morning’s bombs subscribed to a conspiracy theory according to which the US wants to rule Iraq by fomenting differences between Shia and Sunni.”
Nicaraguas Contra War Revisited (tags)
Pass-the-parcel threats, accompanying misrepresentation and downright falsehood, are routine in mainstream reporting on Venezuela just as they were on Nicaragua through the 1980s. Other similarities abound.