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when dick cheney

The Warmongering Avicidal Texas Senator John Cornyn (tags)

Cornyn's brutal votes for war and a sadistic way of hunting

Chertoff and his Gestapo replace Gonzales? (tags)

William Rivers Pitt writes about the traitors in the evil US/UK junta, and it's one of the best articles I've read lately. There's something missing in the whole though: people in general - not only in the US - seem to land from the frying pan into the fire when Chertoff, the present 'Gestapo chief' of the US, replaces Gonzales.

A Message to the Anti-war Demonstrators (tags)

2005, posted at

Guantanamo. . . “shock and awe”. . . “collateral damage”. . . Fallujah. . . Abu Ghraib. Behind the words stand the cities reduced to rubble, the bodies in the streets, the hooded prisoners, the kicked-down doors, and the children—crying in terror or silently watching the humiliation of their parents. All justified by outrageous lies.

The horror grinds on, every day.

Iraq cannot wait.

Iraq cannot wait for “pendulum swings.” Iraq cannot wait for possible resolutions to set “reasonable” deadlines for hypothetical timetables. Iraq cannot wait for the 2006 U.S. elections—especially (but not only) when the major Democrats all oppose withdrawal from Iraq, and some even support more troops being sent.

Nor will Bush be swayed simply by public opinion turning against him, or the war. Bush himself seems to believe he’s on a “mission from God” and the pack of neo-conservatives, Christian fascists and kluckers who surround him have demonstrated their intent to hold on to power. What do the 2000 elections tell us, after all, if not that?

Iraq—and the world—cannot wait. We cannot tolerate three more years of slaughter and lies and madness.

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