fix articles 18160, hls
Primate Liberation Week Protest at BlackRock Inc. (tags)
Group demonstrates against Astra Zeneca in downtown Los Angeles.
Important DEMOS against Huntingdon Life Sciences - November (tags)
Calling all AR activists to come out for DEMOS Saturday November 7, Sunday November 8 and Wednesday November 11 at 12NOON each day. Huntingdon Life Sciences will have a booth at the 2009 AAPS Exposition in Los Angeles.
Calling all Animal Liberationists (and supporters) going to the Bash Back conference!! (tags)
Calling all Animal Liberationists (and supporters) going to the Bash Back conference!! On Thursday, May 28 at 1 PM, meet up at the front of the Subway located at 219 W Jackson Blvd to participate in protests at the offices of companies who support Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS).
Join the Online Sit In Against HLS-THIS FRIDAY!!! (tags)
Tomorrow: Files for Online Sit In Against HLS- Friday The 13th- ROUND TWO!!! (tags)
Online Sit In Against HLS- Friday the 13th- ROUNG TWO!! (tags)
Files for Online Sit In Against HLS Friday 13th (tags)
HLS Electronic Sit In: Make Friday the 13 bad luck for HLS (tags)
sit in
HLS Infiltrated by Undercover Investigation (tags)
HLS caught on camera abusing primates
Final Update: Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)
sit in
Update: Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)
sit in
Online Sit In Against HLS (tags)
Sit In
Round Two!! ECD Action against HLS (tags)
It’s time for round two!!! This Monday, December 22, please set your browser to and follow the directions on the screen.
Please visit this website on Monday the 15th:
Make A Date With Bristol-Myers Squibb (tags)
Monday, November 24, 2008 is a global day of action against Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS). Bristol-Myers Squibb is one of only ten companies who give Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) 45% of its income. HLS in completely dependent on having other customers.
Novartis Knock Down Day (tags)
Novartis Knock Down Day is a call for actions against Novartis on Monday, October 27th for being one of Huntingdon Life Sciences’ (HLS’s) largest customers.
No Compromise Means No Compromise: A Surprise Anti-HLS Tour (tags)
Over a period of thirty days and thirty nights, from mid-August 2008 through mid-September 2008, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customers and profiteers across the United States were struck by a surprise anti-HLS tour of the country.
STAPLES STATIONARY STORES ARE FEELING THE HEAT! Delivery Truck in Garden Grove, CA Attacked by Animal Liberation Front for Supplying Animal Testing Company
Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious HLS (tags)
Moravek Biochemicals Terminates Business With Notorious Animal Lab Executive Paul Moravek Convinced As Animal Cruelty Exposed
Animal Liberation Front Strikes the OC (tags)
Executive's Home, Cars Vandalized; Supplier to Notorious Animal Testing Laboratory Huntingdon Life Sciences Supplier Moravek Biochemicals Is Targeted
POM Wonderful and Phenomenex Demo Recap (tags)
Demo Recap of Phenomenex and POM Wonderful
Washington Mutual Fund Human/Animal Cruelty (tags)
America’s supposedly hippest Bank has been caught (blood) red-handed investing in Huntingdon Life Sciences, HLS. HLS tests drugs like Vioxx, artificial sweeteners like Splenda, cigarette smoke, pesticides, and food colorings "safe" on animals - while humans die as a result of the ill-effects of these products. Visit for more info... The ‘home of the free checking’ was also the home of guilt-free cruelty… until now. The Washington Mutual Group of Funds [High Yield Fund] holds 188,430 shares in Life Sciences Research (LSRI – OTCBB) which is the generically catchy holding company for HLS! Washington Mutual invests people’s hard-earned money in HLS without their disclosing the scope and nature of this business they are financially supporting. In early September SHAC USA Inc sent WaMu formal letters notifying WaMu executives and Fund managers of this possibly tragic oversight. Weeks have gone by with nary a response.
Ever wonder who supplies HLS with primates to torture? (tags)
Primate Products is one such company. They recently sold 18 male primates to HLS. These animals will be used and discarded just like all the other animals that enter an HLS facility. Primate Products should know what kind of hell-hole they are sending animals to.
Weekend of action against Huntington Life Sciences in solidarity with the New Jersey protests. All West Coast activists who can't make it to N.J. - here's your alternative!!! Come to Los Angeles and protest outside the homes of those responsible for the killing. Meeting times/places to be announced this coming weekend. Contact for more information! Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) kills 500 animals a day in the name of 'science'. There have been 5 undercover investigations where HLS employees were taped punching beagle puppies in the face, shaking them by their scruff, cutting open live primates, falsifying data, and more! Don't believe this? Watch it for yourself:! For more info on SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty) and the animal killers, HLS, please visit:,,!
TRIAL BY FIRE: The SHAC 7 and the Future of Democracy (tags)
It remains to be seen if activists involved in other causes will truly understand the indictment of the SHAC 7 in its broadest social and historical context, thereby showing solidarity with the myriad of SHACtivists and other direct action militants on the front lines of protest, making sure that their voices are anything but a whisper. Meanwhile, the animal liberation cause continues to grow throughout the world, establishing itself as both an heir of the great human liberation movements and a transcendent force that carries the fight for rights, justice, and equality toward its logical fulfillment. The struggle for “civilization” continues.
As the US Government and FBI attempt to crush the campaign ( aimed at closing down large corporate vivisection lab. Huntingdon Life Sciences, activists continue to fight hard and fight back!
A Look Inside HLS's Toxprices System
Join The Electronic Civil Disobedience Against Puppy Killers (tags)
On the 15th-19th of December there will be a Electronic Civil Disobedience (ECD) against Huntingdon Life Scienes Customer Yamanouchi. When Michele Rokke worked undercover at HLS in 1997 she reported that Yamanouchi were a customer. They were due to carry out a leg-breaking experiment on 37 beagles where their legs were due to be snapped with steel wire. An HLS worker joked about the dogs, saying “they should just break all their legs so they’ll be easier to work with.” He joked about how great it would be to move them from cage to cage if all their legs were broken
Warning: Police After Oregon AR Activists (tags)
Police are after two Oregonians for the investigation of the ALF bombing of Chiron.
Virtual sit-in against HLS animal cruelty (tags)
Electronic Civil Disobedience [ECD] is a legitimate form of non-violent, direct action utilized in order to bring pressure on institutions engaged in unethical or criminal actions. Starting Friday, June 14th, at 6:00pm Pacific time, such an action was commenced against Huntingdon Life Sciences. VISIT for details. PARTICIPATE