fix articles 18131, iraqi christian
W Bush U.S. Petroleum-Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts (tags)
So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores and raising their children as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the first place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing !
100,000 Iraqis march for elections (tags)
Iraqis block traffic on a Baghdad street while carrying an Iraqi flag and portraits of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani and other Shiite clerics this Monday, Jan. 19, 2004. Up to 100,000 marched peacefully to demand an elected government and an end to U.S. occupation. The second photo shows an Iraqi Christian... also in the march, holding a carpet with an image of Jesus Christ. So... where is the democracy promised to Iraq by bu$hco? (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
Shedding No Tears for Iraqi Civilians (tags)
On April 2nd, Al Jazeera news network reported that Bartallah, a predominantly Iraqi Christian town north of Mosul, suffered heavy civilian casualties after a night of intense coalition bombing. The local chief surgeon at the hospital reported that there were 120 dead and wounded civilians brought into the hospital within the past week.