fix articles 180518, senator bernie sanders
Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2 (tags)
World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed.
Privilege versus equality. "The central issue in the conflict between the government and doctors in Saskatchewan is not health insurance, but democracy," noted the Globe and Mail after the strike began. "The experts, no matter what their specialty, must always ultimately be subordinate to the laity."
Socialism in American English (tags)
The attacks of Republicans on the welfare system are driving the US population to the left. Proposals for a universal health care enjoy the support of around 70% of US citizens. Teacher strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Colorado demand a political change.
Obama & Eliz Warren Opposed To Bernie Sanders in Ohio Gov Race (tags)
2 powerful and ethical Democratic candidates are running for Ohio governor against an executioner and Iraq war voter Republican
28 Reasons To Defeat Jeb Bush's Presidential Ambitions (tags)
Jeb Bush: 11 of 28 reasons to vote against yet another Bush 1. cocreator of 2 wars and promoter of 3 current wars 2. wants Guantanamo kept open 3. thief of the 2000 presidential election through acts of treason 4. executioner of 21 5. advocate of fracking, offshore drilling, the Keystone Pipeline 6. has offshore private equity firm 7. advocate of waterboarding 8. George Bush's presidential advisers are now Jeb's 9. supporter of eminent domain to seize private land for oil 10.supporter of the Patriot Act and NSA mass surveillance 11.a history of privatization
95 George Bush Funders Are Now Jeb's (tags)
This is a list of some of those who funded George Bush and are now funding Jeb.
Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR/FICO Scandal (tags)
The fathers of both Adam Lanza and James Holmes were both potential whistleblowers in the LIBOR/FICO scandal. Following the shootings committed by their sons, neither father will testify. This is the classic MK ULTRA scenario of mind controlled puppets distracting the public from real issues of upcoming economic collapse. The psychology of MK ULTRA is a low budget CIA tactic to disarm the people of the U.S. following controlled shootings by overmedicated individuals.
Six Proposals for Helping the 99% (tags)
Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while tax cuts for the super-rich only lead to exploding inequality. double standards and cynicism. Access could replace excess. The empire could be superseded by the republic.
More on Obama's Capitulation and Betrayal (tags)
capitulating to Republicans
ADD THIS ARTICLE ALSO 2 YOUR BUSH JR ~ KARL ROVE PONZI TARP FILES...little ripped~off American taxpayers !!!
The Death of Populism in America (tags)
Obama's destructive health care legislation
Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)
Only Congress empowered to create money
Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann cuts off calls about the pro-Israel lobby (Mearsheime (tags)
Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann cuts off calls about the pro-Israel lobby (Mearsheimer & Walt book)