fix articles 180169, sound posse
Notes on Repostings at LA Indymedia (tags)
Test Posting
Petrocollapse and Food Security at the South Central Farm (tags)
Jan Lundberg, oil industry analyst, founder of Auto-Free Times and came to Los Angeles last weekend to speak on the issues surrounding peak oil. I attended the Sunday afternoon talk on “Petrocollapse and Food Security”, an appropriate title for the location, the South Central Farm.
The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)
". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio
L.A. Sound Posse: Sound Essay on Bush Protest in L.A. (tags)
kpfk broadcast