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Rejected proposal to create more jobs (tags)

Against PCA of Employment voted members Ademar Traiano (PSDB), Douglas Fabrício (PPS), Durval Amaral (DEM), Antonio Scanavacca (PDT), Luiz Carlos Martins (PDT), Marcelo Rangel (PPS), Plautus Miro (DEM) , Reni Pereira (PSB) and Valdir Rossoni (PSDB). These Members will be responsible for the layoffs of workers from now on, is the conclusion we have by now.

"PMDB is not a prostitute", (tags)

says Garotinho lean as who has just left a spa.The former-governor of Rio, Anthony Garotinho was the center of the attentions during the convention of the PMDB.

Garotinho is taken to hospital but he says he will keep hunger strike. (tags)

Despite the transference, the former-governor of Rio affirmed that he is not going to suspend hunger strike motivated for that he called political persecution of agencies of the press. "I will continue the strike in the hospital", affirmed.

treasonous to the Brazilian people (tags)

For Garotinho, Lula works for national and international financial capital and wants a new mandate for, among others things, to privatize the country.

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that tr (tags)

Garotinho receives supports to the hunger strike against the persecutions and lies that try to make impracticable its candidacy.

Huelga de Hambre en Brasil (tags)

El pre-candidato a la presidencia de la república por el PMDB (Partido del Movimiento Democratico Brasileño, padre y madre de la reciente democracia brasileña), Anthony Garotinho, ha perdido 700 gramos desde el principio de su huelga de hambre, en el domingo (30).

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