fix articles 17991, meinhard miegel
Spiral downward and No exit! (tags)
The austerity dictates imposed on the Eurozone are only exacerbating the crisis they are supposed to be fighting. The austerity measures are leading to a collapse in domestic demand.
Democracy and the Social State (tags)
Finance capitalism and Citizens United turn life, language and democracy upside down as the $150 million given by Wall Street to Hillary Clinton fall under the rubric "social engagement." With these theses, Franz Segbers emphasizes the social state as the foundation of democracy.
To Krugman, the increasing ideological blindness of German politicians can only be explained by their belief that "hard times must be the necessary punishment for earlier excesses." Krugman overlooks that the hard times and excesses do not concern the same people.
New Numbers for Progress: Alternative Growth (tags)
The GDP measures the wrong things and conceals destruction of the environment, unhappiness and injustice. Politics tries to force up the gross domestic product. But what if this standard does not measure the right things and leads to a misguided policy?
Is the Working Society running out of Wage Work? (tags)
German professors Meinhard Miegel and Oskar Negt discuss work, the future of work, precarity and the placement generation.
2015-The Year of the Final Crisis (tags)
"We are victims of an ideology of perpetual economic growth. This growth mania now collides with reality. Ideologies usually seem very normal. For a long time people believed they cou9ld pay ransom for their sins with litters of indulgence.."