fix articles 17982, afternoon
Occupying an urban farm in Albany, CA (tags)
For three weeks, Occupiers farmed a bit of ground in Albany, CA (it's north of Oakland in the SF Bay area)
10,000 marched yesterday (Thu.) for "Occupy Portland"! (tags)
Thursday, in peaceful solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the occupation of Portland, Oregon, began. According to reports, approximately 10,000 peaceful Oregonians marched from Tom McCall Waterfront Park to Pioneer Courthouse Square Thursday afternoon.
Alan Minsky, Interim Program Director at KPFK Radio is planning more unilateral programming changes.
Monday+Tuesday (12/22-23): Reports from Greece (tags)
Police threating of raiding the Polytechnic University, occupants are not backing down. Protests continue.
Mt. Hood Tragedy - Is Bourgeois Press Causing Belief in Rescue Miracles? (tags)
Little has been said about the wisdom of their decision to attempt to scale one of the tallest mountains in the Cascade Range during the worst time of the year for such an adventure. I realize that the families of the victims are holding out hope that their loved ones will be found to have survived the hellish conditions they encountered this week; I do not wish to add to their suffering by publishing this article. It is in the interest of preventing the loss of lives in the future that I present this piece, as my research into this tragedy has turned up some very interesting information regarding the quality of information available to the public regarding weather conditions in the region, and the facilities available to those who attempt to scale these very dangerous peaks.
Iraqi Resistance Kill Over 100 American War Criminals In October (tags)
Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 25 October 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.
just another hachita sunrise (tags)
lots of freak weather in last month as nm governor tests DOD weather weapons on an unsuspecting populace...
S. KOREA. 11.29/Last Week's Struggle Report (tags)
Now since exactly 381 days in sit-in strike on Myeong-dong cathedral’s compound, downtown Seoul, migrant workers are always in the first front line of the class struggle.
Santa Monica Solidarity Rally For Palestine (tags)
July 23 to July 25 Activist including Answer, Free Palestine Alliance, Women in Black held a weekend awareness campaign in Palisades Park by the Santa Monica pier. Photos in this report are from the Zionist disruption attempt of Sunday the 25th. Accompanying the photos is a statement from an eyewitness, organizer information and companion articles dealing with the current situation in the region.
Peaceful Demonstrators Ends With Police Aggression (tags)
Sundays peaceful demonstration ends with skirmishes between demonstrators and police.
At the Grand Opening of the ARTS IN ACTION Center, people were invited to "pull" their own Silkscreen T-shirts.
At the Grand Opening of the ARTS IN ACTION Center, a number of socially conscious Hip-Hop Artists participated in the festivities.
How the IMF/WB make domestic economic policy in Argentina (tags)
Transcript of a story told by Beverly Keene of Servicio Paz y Justicia (Service for Peace and Justice) and Jubilee South, both in Argentina.
Brief update from Long Beach Courthouse (tags)
No felony charges, but an array of misdemeanors brought against the 15 protesters in the afternoon courtroom session.