fix articles 179174, fingered
Vive La France! Major Mossad Terror Plot Busted in Maryland (tags)
Michael Chertoff and Dept. of Homeland Security has been fingered again as a co-conspirator. Elements of a secret French anti-terror team just busted a Mossad operation which was designed to bomb the Fort McHenry Tunnel in Baltimore, Maryland in the first week of October. In the early morning hours of September 21, 2006, an unmarked white van was stopped by Maryland State Police driving north and south and back and forth through the Fort McHenry Tunnel.
HOT INTEL Frist and Lieberman: Two Rotten Scumbags (tags)
Frist (R. Tenn) now fingered in infiltrating computer files of major Democratic leaders in the US Congress for blackmail purposes. Frist, working with Odigo and a Mossad espionage team headed by Mel Sembler, have operated this program for over three years. It can now be reported that Frist is now a subject of an ongoing investigation linking him to an Israeli espionage nest which has been spying on the United States military on behalf of Pentago Neocons who want to persist in the Iraq War MORE