fix articles 179, humans Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : humans


Learning for life (tags)

The winners of the digital revolution include hairdressers, plumbers, care and service workers and professions that have something to do with creativity and responsibility (1). It's starting to work in my head. If that is the case, then it is fair to ask whether we still need compulsory education. Why should we all be forced to go to school and learn things that we don't need in our lives?

The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)

Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?

San Francisco Parents (tags)


The Covidian Cult and The Higher Breeders (tags)

Back in October 2020, the author wrote an essay entitled "The Covidian Cult" (1), in which he described the so-called "New Normal" as a global totalitarian ideological movement. Developments over the past six months have proven the accuracy of this analogy.

Corona, capitalism and nature (tags)

"Radical reforms are needed. The policies of the last forty years must be reversed. The government must play a stronger role in the economy. It must no longer regard public services as costs but as investments. Redistribution is back on the agenda."

They Try To Figure Out Humans (tags)

They want humans to be robots. If they are human, they drug them.

For All Torturers and Murderers (tags)

50 years of my efforts to address heinous crimes by humans on humans leads to this report.

Recipe for Peace; Close U.S. Foreign Bases and Stop CIA Meddling (tags)

The only sensible foreign policy platform is to close down all U.S. military bases on foreign soil and disband the Central Intelligence Agency. By ending CIA tampering with foreign governments the people of other nations will have self determination and economic stability. Our military is for defense only, not for policing the world.

what would you do, if? (tags)

See my report on atrocities against me and others by fbi,cia, and ask what you would do in similar circumstances.

Recapitalization (tags)

Education of the people is viral , even though they don't want to learn.

Dreyer's, Another Ice Cream Maker, Is Owned By Nestle (tags)

Breyer's, processor of ice cream, has run a deceptive ad on IHeart (formerly Clear Channel) stations, which cites the FDA and alleges cows' milk with growth hormone is not significantly different from cows' milk without. Dreyer's is one of many companies owned by Nestle's, a company attempting to privatize the world's water, a factor in California drought with its illegal draining of Sacramento's reservoir, and a major abuser of animals.

Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Are some activists star children and now indigo adults? (tags)

Many activists have higher levels of empathy and show opposition to unjust authority. The concept of star children includes indigo adults as people with souls that are from somewhere else. These individuals are often shut down by hierarchal power structures in the school, workplace and status quo politics. Though skeptics disagree with this concept, it is worth understanding the possibility of evolved humans who are able to dismantle authoritarian regimes while dreaming wide awake.

Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO) Struggles for Peace (tags)

IPSO is a non-political, not-for-profit organization based in the city of Jerusalem. IPSO’s mission is to foster and sustain cooperation between Israelis and Palestinians and to promote dialogue and interaction among scholars and scientists in the two communities. IPSO seeks out and supports high quality research in science and learning, involving cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian scientists and scholars.

The unconditional basic income as a postpatriarchal project (tags)

"The unconditional basic income does not provide a readymade solution to the imbalance of genders that has grown over the centuries. Rather it is a postpatriarchal project in a strict sense as it does not present a magic bullet but counts on the freedom and ability of women and men..."

Growing Number Of Mormon Vegetarians And Vegans (tags)

Information on the growing vegetarian and vegan movements within the LDS Church

The 13 Most Evil U.S. Government Experiments on Humans (tags)

The U.S. Government has been caught conducting an insane amount of vile, inhumane and grisly experiments on humans without their consent and often without their knowledge.

Brain Trust: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow Disease and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s (tags)

Brain Trust summarizes a possible looming public health emergency in the United States. Health and Agriculture authorities in the United States and in Canada like to play down any suggestion that the food chain is unsafe, particularly when it comes to the dreaded mad cow disease that has killed over 150 people in the UK and Europe. Authorities assure us that there is nothing to worry about over here. Mad cow disease is predominantly a European problem, they say.

Hanford CAFO Conditions Creates Mad Cow Prions (tags)

The process in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) includes feeding rendered cattle and chicken feces to living cattle. By turning cattle into carnivores against their knowledge and free will the CAFOs have opened to doorway to prions that form mad cow (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). We humans have the Creutzfeldt-Jakob variant of BSE, and interspecies transmission is probable.

Chevron Fined Billions (tags)

After decades of pollution of the Amazon basin, the oil corporation Chevron was fined $8.6 billion, the greatest environmental penalty of all time. How many catastrophes will be necessary until the population of industrial states becomes interested in environmental protection?


The movies also acts as a society sees her to herself.

Marxists and Marmots (tags)

Animal studies indicate that cooperation is better than individualism.




Blessings for Entering the New Dream Dear Beloved upon the Ascension Path,

UFW Demands EPA Ban on Organochlorine Endosulfan (tags)

Please help support farmworkers, consumers, residents and the ecosystem all together at once by sending a letter to demand that the EPA ban the application of known toxin endosulfan organochlorine pesticide from farms.

Changing gloves ‘not part of standard operating procedures’ at TSA, government official sa (tags)

The world is edging closer to a new influenza pandemic than at any time since 1968.

The Canadian toothpick and the US president (tags)

Some bad bears told me that a toothpick has more brain cells than president George W. Bush. I refused to believe such nonsense.

WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!! (tags)

Since the mosquito season is upon us, many regional vector control districts will use corporate PR myths to promote toxic pesticide spraying to combat WNV. However, this yearly cycle of spraying can increase mosquito populations by adversely reducing populations of beneficial predator species..

Humans hard-wired to be generous (tags)

A study by government scientists in Washington indicates humans are hard-wired to be unselfish.

Already living Humans: new experimental music by pisaro/beuger/so (tags)

Experimental music by already living humans

UC Davis "Monkey Farm" Wants Expansion (tags)

The University of California Davis has proposed an expansion of the California National Primate Research Center, popularly known as the "Monkey Farm" located on the UCD campus. The expansion would cost over 7.8 million in taxpayer dollars, and include five new facilities for experimentation on nonhuman primates and other animals.

A Life of Crime (tags)

The execution of the murderer, Saddam Hussein, by American organised criminals, via their proxies in Iraq, highlights the fact that criminals vying for power determine the course of the world. The coalition of Bush, Blair and Howard is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians yet these leaders commit their crimes with impunity. The defining principle is not law (as is claimed) it is brute force! Economic and military power determines who is a ‘criminal’ and who is a ‘saviour’, regardless of the similarity of the acts committed.

Animal Tests Obsolete If Human Stem Cell Passes (tags)

By legalizing human embryonic stem cell research in Missouri, outdated animal testing may become obsolete, recognized as the cruel AND inaccurate science that it is..


Reach out and help your community to survive and stop the pollution of the environment and air particles that may cause harm to humans living in the surrounding areas: URGENT WHEN: OCT 12, THURSDAY TODAY AT 7:00 P.M. TONIGHT MEETINGS OUR LADY OF TALPA AUDITORIUM 4TH STREET, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND EUCLID STREET. ACROSS THE STREET FROM EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND. Meeting with leaders of the community, Jose Huizar Councilmen, and owners of the property on Euclid and 4th, planning to built a high density antennas in our back yards. Come and meet the person(s) that want to do this structure. The resident have several concerns AND MORE, do you have questions and concerns, come and ask and make elected or commission people accountable to insure the safety of our community.

Directors of Animal Welfare: Helping Los Angeles Communities and the Animals (tags)

Appointed to be the eyes and ears of those who can not speak for themselves, The Directors of Animal Welfare (DAWs) work with their Neighborhood Councils to tackle problems, initiate proposals and hold events aimed at solving problems or creating awareness on issues that help humans and animals live together harmoniously.

Too clever by half: GMO drug in catastrophic trial (tags)

The trial drug is not a chemical but a biological product, a genetically engineered "humanised" protein.

Dumpster Recovery in San Gabriel Mountains (tags)

The San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders dispatched a crack emergency Dumpster Recovery Team (DRT) last week end to recover a fallen dumpster.

Katrina Open Letter to Radical/Progressive Community (tags)

Introspective call for mutual aid to victims of both Katrina and a failed system of government.


A look at the human condition from outside the box - a imaginary report filed by benevolent time travelers from another dimension whose sole mission is to identify the truth as they find it on Earth today.

Para: (tags)

1. World Summit on Sustainable and indigenous issues for example human rights Development Topic Page has been merged with the Environmental Law Topic Page 2. Five Most Popular Resources 3. Editor?s Pick: Events of the month 4. Did you know?

Nuclear weapons and humans cannot coexist: A Japanese survivor speaks out (tags)

When 60 years ago the United States became the first (and since then the only) country to use atomic weapons by dropping them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, hundreds of thousands of people were killed. Those at the hypercenter, or ground zero, were the “lucky” ones — they were instantly vaporized. Others died, but not instantly, living their last moments in pain and misery. Their flesh melting off, many perished while looking for water to ease their suffering.

A letter to Michael Moore, a message from God (tags)

Hey Mike Right now you're like the junk food, reality TV, generation we're fucked, next best thing we have to Gandhi.

Silvia Cattori : Violence against Palestinian children:A weapon of war (tags)

The Palestinians, although they do have courage and unlimited perseverance, are humans with limitations. Oppressed by Israel and subjected to permanent violence and stress, betrayed by the international community, the Palestinians draw their main strength from our support.

Complex Adaptive Systems & Revolution (tags)

This paper proposes a new theory on revolutionary change. This paper is motivated by the desire to fill a gap in understanding between those bound to traditional anarchist methodology of change and the new disorganized resistance movement, a movement promulgated by the author. The hope is to facilitate understanding of this new paradigm of revolution among traditional anarchists. The disorganized resistance movement encourages multithreaded revolutionary activities and thus seeks not to replace the traditional methodologies but to increase their utility by supplementing traditional methodology, which we consider to be a necessary but insufficient component of revolutionary struggle with that which it lacks, a complete revolutionary methodology adapted to the realities of modern life. This new methodology embraces the concept of meme-warfare. However, before addressing meme-warfare in detail (as we will in a future article), we introduce you to the underlying concept space.

The Forbidden Truths of the Insane God Myth (tags)

A devastating dissection of the toxic, poisonous, and genocidally evil consequences of the Insane God Myth upon the human species.

Spoon-Feeding Poison: EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People (tags)

The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings.

The 9-11 Hoax, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank (tags)

Scientific calculation shows that the amount of time and energy invested by nature to produce one gallon of petroleum converted into kilowatt-hours at the present commercial rates at which electricity is sold amounts to approximately $1 million per gallon....

Self Liberating Spirit (tags)

Contemplation about liberation of humans from authority. - Individual freedom of all human beings is an indispensable condition for a just, peaceful and egalitarian harmony in their relations. At the present, only a tiny minority of people in the world is experiencing a life in the vicinity of what may be described as freedom to develop their natural capacity as humans and realize their dreams.



Kermit the Frog's Peace Message (tags)

It ain't easy being Green, ya know.

33: Is war our basic human nature (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

Petition to Mrs. Mary Robinson, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (tags)

What can you do to help? Make your voice heard from anywhere in the world.

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