fix articles 17813, criticism
Is it permissible to criticize the West? (tags)
Children in the West today are brought up to believe that the West is superior in every way to Africa, Asia, China, Russia: that the world outside the West is a garden of horrors...It seems almost paradoxical that the West, which sees itself as the inventor of Enlightenment reason against dogmatism, still arrogates to itself the right to have a monopoly on reason
Social doctrine versus sacred market (tags)
In his new work "Out of Ego-Capitalism", the development economist &consultant at the UN Organization for World Trade and Development Patrick Kaczmarczyk takes a path of capitalism criticism. Referring to Christian social teaching, he attacks the "belief in the blessing of the sacred market," which goes hand in hand with the "individualization of problems."
Covid protests and Weimar Family Court (tags)
Democracy lives from criticism and protest. The Weimar Family Court has banned two schools from requiring students to wear masks and take Corona tests - because the children would be harmed "physically, psychologically, pedagogically and in their psychosocial development."
Welcome to the "new normality" (tags)
The piling up international bad news of the lockdown consequences for the poor and sick, for women, for children and for the elderly is coolly ignored and this heartless attitude is sold as "protection for the weakest".
Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects (tags)
Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage.
Rainer Mausfeld and the Silence of the Lambs (tags)
Consciousness should be manipulated so the subjected do not even know centers of power exist beyond the seemingly democratically controlled political surface. The media are no longer the watchdogs of the public interest over the centers of power.
Capitalism in the Faith Crisis (tags)
Trust in the "invisible hand" is a religious exercise ensuring a rule over people that is destructive and fatal. Christians and Marxists wage a common struggle against the spirit, logic, and praxis of the false money-god and its servants.
Growth Criticism and Reduced Working Hours (tags)
Today's growth critics speak of the necessity of a post-growth society, a "renunciation society" or at least of a "green" capitalist model... A political transformation process is necessary. The economist John Maynard Keynes dreamt of a time when his grandchildren would only have 15hr wk.
Capitalism as a Religion (tags)
"Capital is the only god that the whole world knows, sees, touches, smells, tastes and excites all our senses. It is the only god that doesn't encounter any atheists" (Paul Lafargue's little known genial satire "Religion of Capital" from 1887.
Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)
Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.
Obama on Israel: Phony Criticism, Continuing Business As Usual (tags)
Structural Weaknesses of Capitalism (tags)
Ignorance and ideology replaced facts and economic fairness under Reagan. Reagan appealed to the Laffer curve and argued tax cuts bring higher revenues, He confused investment and speculation, SROs and SUVs, militarism and security and decried government as the problem.
The "ABCs of Alternatives" published in May 2013 includes chapters on democratization, globalization criticism, global social rights, good work, Keynesianism, knowledge commons, liberation pedagogy, no person is illegal, peace, rebellion, redistribution and the WSF,
Criticism of Market Theory and Market Ideology (tags)
Market fundamentalists cling to the myths of the self-healing market and corporate beneficence..The real market economy functions very differently than the fantastic notions of the theoretical market economy. Maximum individual profit does not agree with social welfare.
Criticism of Economists (tags)
Economists with their models could predict the values of economic variables but did not foresee the greatest worldwide economic crisis in 80 years. Mechanical-deterministic neoclassicism is a self-contained theoretical model offering simple answers.
Meditations on God, Faith and the Enlightenment (tags)
Christmas should be a time for the poor, for restructuring the economy so it does not only benefit a few and so public necessities like education, health care and housing are rights and not privileges. We are living in a dark age when financiers deny their responsibility.
This is what Haaretz thinks of you. They must be Anti-Semitic.
Development Theory: Ivan Illich (tags)
Education is the great transformer (J.K. Galbraith). Ivan Illich was a life-giving iconoclast and philosopher who criticized modern industrial society as a threat to autonomy. Through resistance and solidarity, we can begin again.
From Obsuristan to Absurdistan: Barbarism or Human Future (tags)
Individual security can be emphasized so global vision fades. Half-truths and fish stories carry the day. "Communism is oppression of many by man and capitalism is just the reverse." Our challenge is to reawaken wonder and interdependence, to consider the way of nonviolent resistance.
Criticism of Consumerism and Criticism of Capitalism (tags)
With the striking climate change, the "western lifestyle" has come into crisis. Our consumption is more environmentally-friendly but we simultaneously consume more and more so the environment is hardly relieved. Necessary social framing conditions are faded out.
Italy defends move to patrol streets with soldiers (tags)
Italy defends move to patrol streets with soldiers
Criticism of Neoliberalism: Book Review (tags)
The neoliberal understanding of freedom restricts the possibilities of individuals to participation in the market. Structural and economic power are faded out.
NYC Indymedia Totally Bans My Articles from Publication (tags)
In the quiet secrecy of what seems to be a conspiratorial siege mentality NYC Indymedia has unofficially but secretly banned my writing from being published on the Open News Wire entirely.
"Israel's Policy Promotes Anti-Semitism" (tags)
Israel criticism per se is not anti-Semitism. That is wrong and leads us astray. How can open elections be demanded of Palestinians and then the results are not accepted?
Rightwing Anti-Capitalism (tags)
The interests of the working class are no longer defended by the dominant parties. On the background of this representation crisis (cf Gramsci), rightwing populist parties have electoral successes all over Europe.
When Criticism of Cluster Bombs is "Anti-Semitic" (tags)
It was after the 1982 invasion of Lebanon that U.S. Jews in significant numbers began open and trenchant criticisms of Israel. Chomsky's watershed "The Fateful Triangle" was published that year. Hopefully there will be even bigger shows of outrage this time around.
E. San Juan's recent book, ONLY BY STRUGGLE (Quezon City: Giraffe Books), represents one of the most important progressive voices in the movement for national democracy and liberation in the Philippines. This review highlights some noteworthy themes of the work.
George Orwell in "1984" warned that criticism ahnd dissent would be expunged from memories and children would be born for Big Brother. In capitalism's last phase, the myth of the self-healing market drowns out alternatives of a future-friendly economy.
Suicidal Statecraft and Intrigues in Washington (tags)
Suicidal statecraft. Sadly for President George W Bush's place in history but-much more important-ominously for America's future, it has lately seemed as if that adroit phrase might be applicable to the politices pursued by the US since the cataclysm of 911
Uncontrolled capitalism proved to be a completely wrong track toward the end of the 19th century. The governing church of work does everything so people only have time and strength for two things in life: work and job-hunting. The 30-hour work week could be a life-giving goal.
Europe and the Power of Capital (tags)
"The economic form of neoliberalism is based on political decisions, not practical economic necessities.. Only the democratic nation state can show the economy its place entitling it to exist for people and not vice versa.."
Capitalism Criticism: Inexorable Struggle for Survival (tags)
"The civilized foundation of cooperative human life is furtively undermined by the capitalist form of organizing society.. Rational objectives often capsize into social irrationa-lity.. Unemployment is a form of violence.."
Capital and Labor: Deeds Must Follow Criticism (tags)
A new balance between capital- and labor income is necessary. Unfortunately the opposite is happening. The constant lowering of capital taxation in Germany fans the European tax lowering competition. The public infrastructure deteriorates.
Less than a Thousandth of Military Spending (tags)
The $350 million that Bush finally made available is embarrassing compared to the current arms budget of $401.7 billion. US relief for the catastrophe in Asia amounts to less than a thousandth of military spending.
High-Tech Rumsfeld under Fire (tags)
Criticismis spreading in the US media and from two of the most respected republican senators.. Rumsfeld wanted to give the world a lesson in military high-tech: that the US could quickly conquer and rule any country with a few ground troops.. He failed in Iraq.
W is both "stingy" and abrasive (tags)
The part-time White House occupier(he seems to spend an enormous amount of 'paid vacation' time at his Crawfor ranch)is chafing at criticism that the U.S. is being awfully 'stingy' in sending token amounts of aid to victims of the Asian tsunami over the weekend.
Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its memb (tags)
Collective Indymedia Santiago which is abandoning the Indymedia Network (with all its members).
For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. (tags)
For a Real Independent Journalism: criticism to the Indymedia Network. Collective Indymedia Santiago. (Official notice from the Collective Indymedia Santiago about it’s imminent expulsion from the Indymedia Network).
"Moreover, there was no Barbara Ehrenreich to defend me." Because you were lucky.
Annulling Debts as a Great Step (tags)
"The goal must be redefined beyond goods production and abstract labor, beyond the market and the state.. The great step of debt cancellation occurs when the burden can no longer be endured. The new finance capita-lism is a bubble and debt capitalism.."
THE SILENCING OF DISSENT - How do they get away with it? (tags)
To the Christian and to the entire non-Jewish world, Jews say this: 'You will apologise for Jewish suffering again and again and again. And, when you have finished apologising, you will then apologise some more. When you have apologised sufficiently we will forgive you, provided you let us do what we want in Palestine.'
Four pillars of Bush's critics are crumbling (tags)
CRITICISM of the U.S. effort to depose Saddam Hussein -- and the central role of Baathist Iraq in international terrorism -- has rested on four pillars.
How British Charity Was Silenced On Iraq (tags)
One of Britain's most high-profile charities was ordered to end criticism of military action in Iraq by its powerful US wing to avoid jeopardising financial support from Washington and corporate donors, a Guardian investigation has discovered. Internal emails reveal how Save the Children UK came under enormous pressure after it accused coalition forces of breaching the Geneva convention by blocking humanitarian aid.
Accusing Israel’s critics of anti-Semitism will have dangerous consequences (tags)
...a man asked “How can one support justice for the Palestinians without being branded anti-Semitic?” Before I had a chance to respond, a woman stood up and said “So what if they call you anti-Semitic. The first time it may feel bad, but hey, trust me, you’ll get used to it. We all have!”
Amazing how any criticism of AntiZionism as a racist ideology immediatly gets right-wing nazi AntiZionists ( because All nazis are AntiZionist) frothing at the mouth.
Lawyer: Bush criminalizes criticism (tags)
Der Fuhrer is most displeased. Criticism is not allowed. Defense lawyer Lewis Pitts wants documents from state and federal authorities he said will prove his claim that Bursey "has been wrongly charged simply for criticizing the president."
It was bound to happen sooner or later. Bernie Weiner and I open a progressive web site ("The Crisis Papers" []) and write a few dissenting essays, and sure enough, we get an e-mail such as this: Are you people stoned? ...
Well, what can you expect from an immature groupie? Every time he tries to think, his face reflects the pain of the effort. But he really showed his emptiness recently when he said that criticism of the United States failing to guard the Iraqi National Museum was — you guessed it — just left-wing soreheads who are mad that President Bush's war has been so successful.
Write LAT on Mandela censorship (tags)
The Los Angeles Times willfully failed to make any mention of Nelson Mandela's criticism of GWB and Tony Blair. Write them at