fix articles 178, brain Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : brain


How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain (tags)

In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence making it maladaptive.

Halitose (tags)

Et ces faux ennemis du système...

Mercenariat, vocations et professions (tags)

Le monde sent le benzène...

Le cerveau reptilien (tags)

Boire, manger, copuler, c'est trop bête...

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

Scientists read dreams and thoughts (tags)

"The remarkable breakthrough makes use of a fairly straightforward idea: that when we visualize certain types of objects in our minds, our brains generate consistent neural patterns that can then be correlated with what is being visualized."

Superior Brain Function In Vegans, Vegetarians, And Fruitarians (tags)

Diets without animal or fish flesh, eggs or dairy are free of many neurotoxins

Encodage de l'encéphale, encodage du capital (tags)

Codage nerveux du codage social...

Greedy Animal Researchers Hide Truth About Alzheimer's From Public (tags)

The prime causes of Alzheimer's are known and are the homocysteine, trioxypurine and animal fat in meat and fish. These 3 block the arteries of the brain.

Fish Can't Scream. Their Decaying Flesh Is Neurotoxic, Radioactive, And Carcinogenic (tags)

Countries with highest fish consumption have the most stomach cancer. Fish fight for life as they struggle suffocating, flipping back and forth on docks. One karmic return of denying other beings breath is having ones own breath problems.

Fbi's assaults on me (tags)

Sampling of fbi's terrorists assaults on me.

Text Book by Otto Wahl Indicts Hollywood for 100's of False Images of Mental Illness (tags)

Otto Wahl is a researcher who in the 1990's examined what Hollywood produced in 1 year about brain disorders. He found that 99% of all Hollywood releases in motion picture and Television falsely depicted brain disorders as always axe murderers or other forms of terror

Eye Opener (tags)

After decades of reflection and study,I offer this brief synthesis of fbi/cia atrocities.

Halitose (tags)

L'être humain artificiel commence à paraître...

Brain Disorders and Homeless Facts (tags)

The homeless mentally ill are the product of the best of intentions followed by the worst of operations. Their are 3 key reasons why homelessness is so pervasive in our country 1 about 1/3 of us homeless have a untreated brain disorder2 1/3 have a drug-alcohol probleam

Polish citizens attacked by electromagnetic weapons - Opoen letter to European Commission (tags)

The Polish defense minister promised to establish a commission to investigate electromagnetic attacks on Polish citizens, then the defense ministry declared those attacks national security information

Paraphysique de l'atimie (tags)

Rides de la modernité, la modernité des rides...

Encodage de l'encéphale, encodage du capital (tags)

Les mots du capital, le capital des mots...

Shame On Meat And Dairy Invested Cornell For Latest Disinformation (tags)

Animal torturing, meat and dairy invested Cornell University is spreading disinformation

Writer needed FDIC robbed with new weapons and witness was me (tags)

I've had several brain strokes in covert wars and robberies while working for federal government. Co writer needed. 50 percent cut on all book and movie deals

What's In Hot Dogs, Sausages, Cold Cuts? (tags)

As Heinz has exploited dachshunds in a Superbowl commercial designed to sell their catsup as well as Heinz animal flesh products, the reality is not a happy running dog. Hotdogs are some of the filthiest things people can put in their mouths

The usa is unconscionable and unspeakable (tags)

usa is the land of the enslaved and the home of the depraved.

Thousands Of Poisons In Mammal, Bird And Fish Flesh (tags)

Mother Jones reported recently that included in the food given to cows are ground limestone, sawdust, candy and candy wrappers, chicken waste (called wastelage by commercial interests) and crab guts. Natural News reported strange hairlike fibers in McNuggets. There are more toxins in animal flesh now than ever before.

Brain disorders, Public health and Major media in the United States (tags)

The mushrooming of armed citizens shooting individuals and groups has increased since the 1990's. The major media are quick to label people as sick while state governments cut billions from clinics and hotlines.CIT programs are scarce

Israeli High Court Frees Muhammad Allan (tags)


Muhammad Allan Suffered Brain Damage (tags)


Anti-fascist and anarchist from Russia needs help and solidarity (tags)

Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group Avitonomous Action Izhevsk. Now I was seriously ill because of Good afternoon. My name is Oleg. I am a member of the anarchist and anti-fascist movement in Russia. For a long time I was a member of Autonomous Action and coordinator of the local group AvitonomousAction Izhevsk. Now I was seriously ill because of the severe brain injury that caused me to neo-Nazis during the attack. I would be very happy if hlt someone helped me, because I am no longer 10 years has been an active fighter for freedom and justice. I really need help to pay for the treatment of the effects of brain injury. Unfortunately, my income is not enough to fully treated, so I beg you to help me.

Prime Cause Of Alzheimer's: Homocysteine In Mammal, Bird and Fish Flesh (tags)

There are many causes of Alzheimer's but the primary one is homocysteine, a protein in mammal, bird and fish flesh. The metabolism of homocysteine causes amyloid plaque to build up over a lifetime in the brain.

Blood Sport Of Football Correlated To War, Domestic Violence, Player Deaths, Paralysis (tags)

Football: a blood sport in which the players are collateral damage for the owners, the advertisers, the networks, the alcohol industry, the ticket buyers and the tv audience.

NPR And Alzheimer's (tags)

NPR's 200 million dollar investment in McDonald's stock makes its news coverage often nonexistent in regards to the toxins, environmental devastation, energy waste, and animal agony involved in murdering trillions of animals, birds, and fishes for human appetites..

32 Causes Of Memory Loss and Brain Deterioration (tags)

Radio and tv making hundreds of billions from meat and fish advertising are not reliable sources of health information. There are many ways to counteract past brain injuries.

Halitose (tags)

Toutes les tyrannies, les faux contestataires, antisémites, nostalgiques réactionnaires, elles les aiment...

Alzheimer's Senility, Dementia: Caused by Meat, Fish, Alcohol, Aluminum, Mercury (tags)

Homocysteine, uric acid, animal fat or cholesterol, mercury, lead, and many other metals are some of the many compounds present in meat and fish which harm the brain. Aluminum compounds and alcohol consumption as well cause loss of brain function

Promised Land Disenchantment (tags)


Ohio Republicans Promote Human Disease, Animal Agony, And Disinformation (tags)

State agency justifies a lust for blood sports and the stalking of innocent animals... while lying about the hazards of meat.

L'iconcient de la conscience (tags)

L'inconscience de la conscience est la conscience de l'inconscience...

Five Articles In One On Superior Health With Nonviolent Diet (tags)

The 5 articles are 1. Blood Sweat and Tears: Ingredients In Animal Flesh 2. Of Sex and Diet 3. Superior Brain Function of Vegetarian, Vegan and Fruitarian Diet 4. Fish Can't Scream And Their Flesh is Neurotoxic 5. Myriad Reasons To Be Vegetarian

Why The GOP Can't Defeat The Vagina! (tags)

Why The GOP Can't Defeat The Vagina!

Brain Trust: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow Disease and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s (tags)

Brain Trust summarizes a possible looming public health emergency in the United States. Health and Agriculture authorities in the United States and in Canada like to play down any suggestion that the food chain is unsafe, particularly when it comes to the dreaded mad cow disease that has killed over 150 people in the UK and Europe. Authorities assure us that there is nothing to worry about over here. Mad cow disease is predominantly a European problem, they say.

Hanford CAFO Conditions Creates Mad Cow Prions (tags)

The process in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) includes feeding rendered cattle and chicken feces to living cattle. By turning cattle into carnivores against their knowledge and free will the CAFOs have opened to doorway to prions that form mad cow (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). We humans have the Creutzfeldt-Jakob variant of BSE, and interspecies transmission is probable.

Zombie Slumlord Paul Solomon (tags)

Portrait by Zone Warrior of Los Angeles Developer / Slumlord Paul Solomon as a Brain dead ZOMBIE with no soul!

Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons (tags)

should be banned

Synthetic Telepathy - The Hidden Truth (tags)

The following article is an entry that appeared on Wikipedia. Within the last 24 hours a major "edit war" broke out and it appeared, at least to me, that the information was being suppressed. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic telepathy". If you're interested in high tech espionage, this makes for a very good read.

Cyborg Initiative Reveals Some Chemtrail Agenda (tags)

this article was written to legitimize some of the experimentation being done on us now: all of this is being perfected and most is already being used wirelessly, and the chemtrails are just the visible aspect....this is being tested on all of us now, and has been going on elsewhere since before gulf war one...implants are a big part of the targeting process...the two gulf wars were the real testing grounds...once this technology of control was perfected there, wireless/pharmaceutical/implants, then it was brought home to be used on Americans who have been made stupid by their televisions and the fact, the churches were the major mind control attack on us, with all this wireless electricity and directed energy weaponry being just the mop up....b

Dr. Arthur Becker-Weidman On Intergenerational Issues (tags)

There are clear links between neglect and abuse and later psychological, emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal disorders. The basis for this linkage is the impact that abuse and neglect have on brain development. Daniel Siegel, medical director of the Infant and Preschool Service at the University of California, L.A., has found important links between interpersonal experiences and neurobiological development.

Hearing Voices? (tags)


Addiction and Control (tags)

Meth is an upper. It is used as (inappropriate) self - medication for depression. Problems don’t come about without cause. The methamphetamine problem didn’t drop out of the sky. There are biological and social causes of meth abuse and they need to be fully discussed by an informed citizenry. Here’s why.

USA admits to brain entrainment (tags)

see the admission by usa of its brain entrainment program

Ayahuasca: Nature’s Teacher by Ralph Miller (tags)

Ayahuasca is a plant medicine that helps us remember a place within that is long forgotten. It strips away ego behaviors that have enslaved us, and allows us to return to our source


The United States announces military supremacy over all spaces; I reserve the spaces in my brain free from USA control.

The Psychopathology of The Republican (tags)

Fear. Domination. The Reptilian Brain and the Non-Goodness of Man. The Republican party is a party of domination, not partnership. Dominate the earth-drill, excavate. Dominate Iraq, because they could someday dominate us.

Waiter, Kindly Remove this Neurotoxic Drug From Our Table (tags)

Aspartame Awareness Weekend: Flyer to distribute to restaurants

Aspartame Press Conference, Hawaii State Capital, May 1, 2008 (tags)

For all press and professionals in Honolulua, Bill Deagle, M.D. has come 6000 miles from Nova Scotia to discuss the aspartame issue at the Hawaii State Capital.

4/12 UC Berkeley anti-vivisection home demonstration reportback (tags)

Despite talk of a new law (AB 2296) meant to stifle free speech, anti-vivisection activists in Berkeley, CA are continuing the campaign. UC Berkeley cat killer Ralph Freeman receives another home demonstration!

Ban Aspartame war continues in Hawaii (tags)

Physician Representative who deferred original house bill to ban aspartame now writes a resolution and includes CCC, front group.

Stop UC-Berkeley vivisection. 40,000 animals currently tortured. (tags)

For informational purposes only!

Heath Ledger: Was his death due to psycho drug in Diet Coke and Interaction? (tags)

Aspartame is a psycho drug that Heath Ledger consumed in Diet Coke which interacts with drugs. It also causes sudden death.

The Radiation Poisoning of America (tags)

(and the world)

The Parrot and the President (tags)

Which one was smarter?

Lindsay Lohan Suffers from Americanitis (tags)

The solution to your problems is right in front of your nose.

Good Bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech (tags)

Whether it’s playing the latest Nintendo Wii game or sitting down for a hand of Bridge, seniors engage in a variety of activities – old and new – to exercise their minds. “Good-bye Bingo: Seniors Go High Tech” from the Home Instead Senior Care, serving seniors in Burbank, Long Beach and Hemet. It highlights recent trends as some seniors gravitate toward video games, but also focuses on traditional games and companionship/conversation as ways to challenge the brain.

Psychotronic Golgotha (tags)

by N.I. Anisimov, 1999

Humans hard-wired to be generous (tags)

A study by government scientists in Washington indicates humans are hard-wired to be unselfish.

Homo habilis and language (tags)

Two recent discoveries represent a powerful experimental verification for all hypotheses that Marx and Engels brought forward about human evolution from the monkey stage to the productive, thus social one.

What are you afraid of? (tags)


Boycott Israel (tags)

Keys for an effective boycott of Israel

How Military Recruiters Pitch to Latinos: PowerPoint Racism (tags)

According to this racializing model, "right-brain" irrational Hispanics, unsuited for "America's system of education," will vote their way into Karl Rove's projected Republican majority, and for decades to come fill the ranks of the lowest echelons of the service sector, the prison system, and the combat units of America's imperial army. Were he alive today Che Guevara, whom a CIA operative once described as "fairly intellectual for a Latin," would undoubtedly be asking progressive Latinos what they plan to do about it.

Aspartame Awareness Weekend (tags)

This weekend everyone's participation is asked to send out the Report to Schools to all schools, pediatricians and OB-GYN to save the children from this excitoneuerotoxic carcinogenic drug.

U.S.Marines are "Valiant & Courageous"! (except answering for their dirty deeds! (tags)

TIKRIT, Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers accused of murdering Iraqi detainees refused to testify Thursday at a military hearing, where witnesses described how one of the victims spat blood as he lay dying and another was covered in brain matter.

Cardiac glycosides in prevention of ischemic stroke (tags)

Brazilian study confirm the findings of Duke University Medical Center researchers that cardiac glycosides provide neuroprotection in stroke occurrence. It was a study of 28 years that showed a low mortality for stroke in 1150 cardiac patients taking these drugs.

NSA SIGINT - We Have No Secrets Anymore (tags)

NSA Wiretaps are child's play compared to what electronic SIGINT agents actually do

I'M THE DECIDER, Koo-Koo-Ka-Choo (tags)

New song: I am me and Rummy's he, Iraq is free and we are all together See the world run when Dick shoots his gun, see how I lie I'm Lying...

Ailing Sharon back in operation room (tags)

Ailing Sharon back in operation room 1/6/2006 2:00:00 PM GMT Israeli Prime Minister ARIEL SHARON is undergoing another emergency surgery on Friday after a scan showed fresh bleeding in his brain, doctors said, according to The Associated Press news agency.



The Omniscience of Memory (tags)

Except for the recallable memory, especially the one in human beings, there is not a single entity in this universe that knows more about the changes taking place in this universe. This is so, because whatever the whole content of the universe is undergoing, it is but a "change of condition." The fact that man has the ability to recall the impressions of the "past condition" recorded in our brain as memory is indeed worth our admiration. If the claim that no other creatures, not even those from outer space, have recallable memory turns out to be true, we are definitely left with no other choice but to accept it as fact that man is the only creature capable of knowing the course of events of the whole content of the universe. Now, who actually is this creature that we call man?

Suspected coverup of American Mad Cow cases investigated by Canadian Parliament (tags)

I do not have cable tv, but it would appear, based on the Internet, that American media sources are burying the story. Time to blow the whistle...

US Using Thought Reading Tech on Citizens (tags)

Thought Reading Tech & Civil Rights

Ms. (tags)

US Using Thought Reading Tech on Citizens

Revolutionary Communists Take on Christian Fascists Over Schiavo (tags)

"One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America."

Tom DeLay, Congressman from Texas, House Republican Majority Leader,
speaking to his co-thinkers of "Family Research Council"

Tom DeLay is a powerful right-winger who wraps his ambitions in a frenzied god-speak. He is the cynical manipulator, who redistricted Texas to disenfranchise political opponents, and is now rewriting congressional ethics procedures to rescue himself from his own colossal corruption. He is an aggressive liar, who recently dared describe Terri Schiavo as "lucid."

But, for a half second there among allies, he let out something true.

This huge national power struggle over Terri Schiavo's fate has, in fact, elevated the visibility of what's going on in America.

Behavior Specialist, Teacher, Rehabilitation Services Coordinator (tags)

Crisis of the Mind Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment and More Memory and the ability to think effectively can be lost, and the individual that has lost them may not know that they are gone. At this time in your life, you are the way you are, mentally and physically, because of your accumulated life experiences and your genetic make-up. Every drug, chemical, thought, environmental experience, what you have eaten, every minute of exercise, and everything that has been done to your body, etc., have made you the way you are now. Is it possible to be driving, working or cooking dinner and without warning, lose your memory and not be able to think effectively? I received a request from a hospital to evaluate one of their patients for possible referral to our traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. The police had arrested this patient for driving under the influence and had brought her to the hospital emergency room because of her obvious serious medical condition. Her condition was stabilized, she was tested for drug and alcohol use and she was chemical free. She was definitely not under the influence. The hospital could not find a cause for her condition.

The Evolution of Revolution: Part III: Expelling the Demons of the Opiate (tags)

must read analyis, commentary and criticism of human religion. If you haven't read this three part series do yourself a favor. Very thought provoking stuff!

TONIGHT 7 PM: Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man (tags)

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man WHEN: Tuesday, January 18th 7PM RALLY WHERE: WESTWOOD FEDERAL BUILDING 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA (Corner of Veteran)

What Constitutes Life? (tags)

For a long time now, millions of Homo sapien colonies have been very disappointed in the brain members of their colonies, especially in the last 8,000 years. They have been crying out, by way of stress and illnesses brought on by stress, "Why have you abandoned instinct, sight, sound, and smell, and placed so much more value on what is heard?"

George Bush -- Take THIS Story to Your New Year's Party (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is using a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. This would mean he is at risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) or sudden cardiac death (SCD).

President George W. Bush: Will He Have to Step Aside for President Cheney? (Health) (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is wearing a medical device for "persons at risk of cardiac arrest." It is a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. He started using it sometime after his January 2002 fainting spell, which was attributed to choking. Based on photos showing him wearing the device, one can conclude the fainting was due to atrial fibrillation (AF), which his father also had.

PHOTOS Show George W. Bush Seriously Ill Physically (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is wearing a medical device for "persons at risk of cardiac arrest." It is a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. He started using it sometime after his January 2002 fainting spell, which was attributed to choking. Based on photos showing him wearing the device, one can conclude the fainting was due to atrial fibrillation (AF), which his father also had.

The Free Will (tags)

Does man really have any control over his own free will? Is it possible that any will that emanates from man is but a will that is under the influence of "the wills" of his cells? Could it be that the "wills" of the cells themselves are influenced by the "wills" of the molecules of his body cells, and that the "wills" of these molecules are just as inseparable from those of their atoms as are the "wills" of these atoms from those of their sub-atomic particles?

Buy Nothing Day film night at Flor y Canto (tags)

Film night-Fri. Nov. 26th at Flor y Canto "Escape From Affluenza" and "Surplus: Terrorized into Being Consumers" (descriptions below) It will be a potluck so bring some food to share

The Commander in Chief is a Coward. (tags)

Bush is a Coward. Pass it on.

Surveillance Alert!!! (tags)

Want to know exactly what you are up against with the new corporate government surveillance technologies and mind f**ks?

Proof that bigotry and stupidity are linked (tags)

A new study by a multiracial group of Dartmouth College researchers (published in the journal Nature Neuroscience) has found that bias toward people of another race, or people who are "different," can drain mental function and make people dumber.

US Covert Fascism and psyops (tags)

This is an article by scientist Allen Barker on Modern highly advanced US secret police tactics and psyops

Rat brain damage after one cell phone call (tags)

Are cell phones the modern day equivalent of Rome's lead goblets (which did brain damage)?

SLEEPY BRAIN: Vanilla Primitive (tags)

The piece is "Vanilla Primitive" and it's another example of Braithwaite's unique "dub literature": cut-and-paste prose drenched in feedback and echo. Take the linguistic jouissance and near-future edginess of Anthony Burgess and Jack Womack, then splice that gene with hip hop verse and rhythm and you'll have something approximating Braithwaite's style.

Hail to the Psychopath (tags)

The psychopathology of Bush

Brain Scans Show That Buddhists Really Are Happy (tags)

I just thought a little happy news would be a nice relief from the unending littany of ills that besiege our world. A novel thought - it is possible to be happy even in a tumutuous, and often insane, world.

G.W. Bush: Drunk on Power (tags)

The president he got his wars folks don't know just what it's for; No one gives us a rhyme or reason have one doubt they call it treason. Eugene McDaniels "Compared to What?"

EU Calls For Investigation Of Aspartame And Stevia (tags)

Pretty poison. The taste that kills. Aspartame is neither safe nor a diet "sweetener". "It is not a diet product but a drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight."

Gulf war syndrome research reveals present danger (tags)

What the soldiers have not been told is that about one in 10 of them are almost as sensitive to nerve agents as the pigeons. There is now mounting evidence that exposure to minuscule amounts of these chemicals can cause permanent brain damage in susceptible people, and that is exactly what happened 12 years ago when thousands of troops returning from Kuwait started to complain of debilitating symptoms.

Jones, McBride: "Collateral Damage" of first Gulf War (tags)

The Inland Empire chapters of Death Penalty Focus and California People of Faith Working Against the Death Penalty have scheduled candlelight vigils on the night of Monday, 17 May 2003, in Riverside and Temecula from 7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. We will be remembering the victims of violence, including Tracie McBride and Louis Jones Jr., as well as those who will be killed during and after Mr. Bush's upcoming war.

Are You Prepared for WAR? (tags)

Switch off your brain to be freaked out - best for warfare

Bush Daddy Headache (tags)

The headaches backfires.

Matrix is real (tags)

Every human being is body and mind remote controlled by a mega hell matrix computer : Save humanity, destroy it ! (You must be totalunconscious if you don’t take it seriously)

diet and delinquency (tags)

work of Alexander Schauss could be a great boon to problem of urban crime

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons (tags)

Dr. Nick Begich Lecture -- HAARP, Emerging Tech., Non-Lethal Weapons, a serious warning from this scientific researcher. -- a must listen for anyone following the US. Military

Bi-Polar Bush Face (tags)

Notice the nifty two sides of his face in this photo? David Cogswell caught the gem and writes about it at his website.

Bi-Polar Bush Face (tags)

Notice the nifty two sides of his face in this photo? David Cogswell caught the gem and writes about it at his website.



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