fix articles 17787, central asia Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : central asia

central asia

Regaining peacekeeping capabiities (tags)

The war could have been settled by the end of March 2022 if the USA had joined in. The question is who is the aggressor here. Vladimir Putin crossed a red line with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. NATO and the United States under Barack Obama crossed a red line with the Maidan coup they staged in 2014, and even before that with NATO's eastward expansion.

The military will not solve a single problem (tags)

Solidarity could also be understood and implemented differently: as a concept that reduces violence and aims at protecting human lives in concrete terms. This includes not only refugee aid, humanitarian aid & all conceivable diplomacy. It is also important to examine whether social resistance measures planned for the short term make sense in this highly escalated situation.

Can state-capitalist China inherit the USA as hegemon? (tags)

China's growth is also running on credit, and the People's Republic is similarly highly indebted as the descending Western centers of the world system.10 The Chinese deficit economy is generating even far greater speculative excesses than was the case in the U.S. or Western Europe,

UN Charter: Negotiations! and Good wars, bad wars? (tags)

The seriousness of the escalating conflict over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders, which has now led to war, has been clear to all involved since at least 1994. Russia has repeatedly warned that admitting Ukraine and Georgia to NATO would violate its elementary security.

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)

There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.

The geopolitical confrontation between China and the West and Peace logic (tags)

The main issue is monopolarity or multipolarity. And this also raises the question of geopolitical hegemony. In other words, whether Western interests will remain supreme and Western value systems will therefore be of universal significance?

Address at the Easter march in Berlin (tags)

1), we need to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. The German government should stop adding fuel to the fire. 2): We must prevent "dark eagles" in Europe.3) We must become a broad movement that prevents the rearmament mania in this country.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

More weapons is not the solution and Julian Assange (tags)

What is insane, however, is the belief that peace can be secured for the future with even more weapons. SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he wants to invest an additional hundred billion euros in Germany's army.

Biden and Putin play with fire (tags)

It is no exaggeration to say that what is currently unfolding in Europe represents the most dangerous moment in recent history. The Ukraine conflict is taking us as close to a Third World War as only the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 last did.

The Forever War (tags)

Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.

The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)

With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.

Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)

The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!

Planet Terra: Turkey and Germany missing on List of Pariah-State (tags)

Why can AKP/MHP (Turkey) can get weapon from CDU/SPD (Germany) without being even nominated??? Why In Germany still NSDAP-Like Player causing tenthousands of dead people and media still following silencing guidelines? The List of Evil seem to be ridiculous incomplete...

Learned Helplessness and Father of the Third Wave (tags)

Researchers have known for half a century the mechanism by which people can be induced to effectively lock themselves in their own mental prison ... and it wasn't long before intelligence agencies began to use this research for their own purposes.

The US election as a turning point (tags)

We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below

The Endless War (tags)

According to the ACLU, the Corker-Kaine bill is "broader and more dangerous than the current law." Article 1 of the US Constitution grants Congress the exclusive right to declare war. The new edition of the AUMF undermines this to the maximum.

Ethnic Cleansing in Syria (tags)

A guide to who's who.

US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)

Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.

Iron Fist in Turkey (tags)

It’s enough to read just a few lines of the bourgeois press to get an idea of ​​what will happen after the failed coup of 15 July: “The iron fist of Erdogan after the failed coup in Turkey: I am ready to reinstate the death penalty. 8000 police officers were suspended, opponents were stripped naked and hog-tied. The European Union: If executions resume, Turkey will not enter Europe“(1).

The Shortwave Report 04/29/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.

US Intends "Direct Action on the Ground" Supporting ISIS (tags)


Baghdad OK's Russia Bombing ISIS in Iraq (tags)


Solidarity in Moscow Against US-Supported Terrorism (tags)


Assad in Moscow (tags)


European Council Backs US Imperial Policy on Syria (tags)


End Climate Crimes (tags)

“Every city in our country has some serious similarities to New Orleans. Every city has some abandoned neighborhoods. Every city in our country has abandoned some public education, public housing, public healthcare, and criminal justice." (Bill Quigley quoted by Naomi Klein)

Russia v. America on Syria (tags)


Russia and Syria on the Offensive Against ISIS (tags)


Mistreating Refugees in Europe (tags)


Horrific Mistreatment of Migrants (tags)


Syria's Refugee Crisis Just Got Worse (tags)


Proposed European Army: Good Idea or Bad? (tags)


NATO Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Donbas Humanitarian Crisis (tags)


Targeting Russia Escalates (tags)


Obama's Phony Turning Point (tags)


America's Deplorable Afghanistan Legacy (tags)


Kiev War Crimes (tags)


Sino/Russian Alliance Challenges West (tags)


Obama Launches Naked Aggression on Syria (tags)


Terrorizing Southeastern Ukrainians: Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Afghanistan: Permanent US Occupation Planned (tags)


US-Led NATO's War on Humanity (tags)


Kiev's War on Freedom (tags)


Media Prostitutes Defend the Indefensible (tags)


Iran's 35th Islamic Revolution Anniversary (tags)


The Myth of Turkish Secularism (tags)

If Turkey is ever to be secular, it must allow the free exercise of all religions – including Islam – and guarantee the rights of the faithful to be free from harassment and compulsion.

Mandela's Disturbing Legacy (tags)


US Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)


Longstanding US/Iranian Relations (tags)


Obama's Cruise Missile Diplomacy (tags)


America's War on Islam 2.0 (tags)


Turkey Targets Press Freedom (tags)


Strategies Of Containment (tags)

Many of us on the left have been kettled at demonstrations: surrounded by a wall of police, herded into a small area, and prevented from reaching our goal. But we are also kettled by the thought police, and that's even more insidious. This strategy of containment is used politically to confine potentially revolutionary energy into an area where it can't reach its goal. Instead of by cops, we are corralled by institutions that purport to be progressive or even socialist. This pseudo-left diverts our energies away from organizing a militant working class and towards supporting the Democratic Party. Their base is not in the working class but among slightly-left-of-liberal professionals who prefer progressive policies because they will benefit from them. They are well educated and have access to financial and political power. They communicate professionally and persuasively. Like the wall of cops, their message is clear: You must stay here.

Washington and Israel Target Iran (tags)


Targeting Iran Continues (tags)


Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


Permanent Afghanistan Occupation Planned (tags)


Flashback to 2001: Hollywood celebrities salute Afghanistan’s “enduring freedom” (tags)

On October 7th, 2001 a US-led coalition launched the invasion of Afghanistan. NATO’s Incirlik Airbase in Turkey was one of the bases used in this invasion. Two months later, five Hollywood stars paid a visit to NATO’s Incirlik Airbase to show their appreciation for U.S. troops overseas. Immediately after the Los Angeles premiere, the cast members of the "Ocean's Eleven" film left for Turkey on a Warner Bros. chartered Boeing 757 for a special screening for the U.S. military personnel.

Obama Plans African Wars (tags)


Genocide in Bani Walid (tags)


Worrisome Middle East Developments (tags)


What We Say (tags)

It's shocking to see the protests in North Africa and that are spreading throughout the region and the Middle East in response to the film that was made by a small group of people living here in America. There are films made every day in America that have all manner of messages. There are movies that have made fun of or directly insulted any number of religions. Christianity has without a doubt bore the brunt of these films with movies going to all kinds of lengths to make fun of both the religion and Jesus Christ. Judaism no doubt comes in second. Check the record. Agree with the content or not, we are used to having media in our midst that is offensive, if not to ourselves, then to somebody.

Anti-Muslim Hate Film Incites Violence (tags)


Let's Have Another War (tags)


Anti-Syrian Blame Game (tags)


Japan: America's Imperial Proxy (tags)


Stoking Fear Ahead of London's Olympics (tags)


CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents (tags)


Waging Total War on Islam (tags)


Washington and Israel Threaten Humanity (tags)


What's Next for Libya? (tags)


The Winds of War (tags)


Bahrain: A Case Study in Despotism (tags)

police state

America's Afghanistan Legacy (tags)


Israel Terror Bombs Gaza (tags)


BP Settlement Sells Out Gulf Ecosystem and Residents (tags)

President Obama's settlement with BP for 7.8 billion does not cover the costs of ecosystem clean-up and the losses sustained by the fishing industries of the region. The people of the Gulf depend upon a healthy fishery as do the pelicans and other birds that comsume fish. Covering the Gulf in oil because the emergency safety valve wasn't installed is a serious error that needs to be made an example of. BP was let off easy by the U.S. government in the interests of protecting corporate oil profits.

Heading for War on Syria (tags)


Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)


Heading for More Middle East War (tags)


Shooting the Messenger in Syria (tags)


Obama Year Three: Continuing His Rogue Agenda (tags)

police state

Washington's Greater Middle East Agenda: War (tags)


America's New World Order Agenda (tags)


America's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Libya: Another Lost NATO War (tags)


What Next for Libya? (tags)


Doubts About Gaddafi's Reported Assassination (tags)


Hank Skinner: Unjustly Sentenced to Death (tags)


Hillary Clinton in Tripoli (tags)


Obama's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Libyan Loyalists Resist NATO, Rebels and Propaganda (tags)


Making Sense of Syria (tags)


NATO Brussels Summit Claims Successful Afghan and Libyan Campaigns (tags)


Libyans Resist NATO's Killing Machine (tags)


Police State Justice Under Obama (tags)

police state

Georgia Board of Pardons Affirms State-Sponsored Murder (tags)

Troy Anthony Davis

Imperial Arrogance and Hypocrisy (tags)

state terrorism

Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya (tags)


9/11: Echoes of the Big Lie (tags)


Turkey/Israeli War of Words (tags)


HR 2829 Targets Palestinian Statehood (tags)


NATO's Ugly Face (tags)


NATO's Libya War: A Nuremberg Level Crime (tags)


Libya: It Ain't Over Till It's Over (tags)


New York Times: Lying about Libya and Palestine (tags)

media lies

Sustaining Protest Energy in Israel (tags)

social injustice

Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya (tags)


9/11: Who Really Benefited? (tags)

Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourselves who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and continuous politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people and individual states of this federation to look at a troubling set of facts. There seems to have been ?several? beneficiaries of 9-11 that don?t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).

Libya: Flashpoint for Global Conflict (tags)


Turkish - Israeli Relations (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberating Wars (tags)


The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part II) (tags)


The Arab Revolutions and the Democratic Imagination (tags)

The Arab democratic uprisings have brought a rush of nostalgia to many people who staged their own democratic revolutions years earlier. As they watched events unfold in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Al Jazeera and CNN, that feeling of “all that is solid melting into thin air,” as Marx would have put it, returned to many of those who went to the barricades during the original People Power Revolution in the Philippines in 1986.

Out-of-Control Human Rights Abuses in Iraq (tags)


Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)

“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”

Neocons Target Ron Paul After CPAC Poll Win (tags)

Following accusations by Ron Paul's supporters of Cheney being "war criminal" at the recent CPAC conference, neocon warmongers have started a campaign against Ron Paul for his non-interventionist and anti-military occupation positions, labeling him a "traitor" to the people. However, the facts show that Cheney and GW Bush are the real traitors, who authroized use of torture and deceit to engage the U.S. military in two illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla (tags)


The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III plus many mirrors (tags)

"Obama wasted no time in rapidly accelerating America’s imperial adventures. While dropping the term “War on Terror” from usage, the Pentagon adopted the term, “overseas contingency operations.”[4] This was to be the typical strategy of the Obama administration: change the appearance, not the substance. The name was changed, but the “War on Terror” remained, and not only that, it was rapidly accelerated to a level that would not have been possible if undertaken by the previous administration."

Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal and Failure (Part II) (tags)

government betrayal

Kosovo's Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking (tags)

"As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." Once organs were removed from the victims they were auctioned off to the highest bidder and sold by a global trafficking ring still "operating" today.

WikiLeaks cables fuel hostility to US role in Pakistan (tags)

"Indeed, another cable cites a discussion between US Vice President Joe Biden and Zardari in early 2009 in which the Pakistani president expressed his concern that the “ISI director and [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez] Kayani will take me out.” The US government apparently knew more than it was sharing with Zardari. Another cable describes a conversation held during the same period in which General Kayani told Ambassador Patterson that he “might, however reluctantly,” move to force Zardari from office. Many of the cables expose Washington and Islamabad as partners in carrying out bloody crimes and deception against the Pakistani people. As the US has stepped up its military operations in the region, dubbing its intervention the “Afpak war,” the Zardari government has attempted to assuage popular anger by posing as an opponent of US violations of Pakistani sovereignty."

World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)

"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."

Haiti's Cholera Outbreak: A Disease of Poverty (tags)

America bears much of the responsibility

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."

"Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites (tags)

"How is the process of manufacturing dissent achieved? Essentially by "funding dissent", namely by channelling financial resources from those who are the object of the protest movement to those who are involved in organizing the protest movement. Co-optation is not limited to buying the favors of politicians. The economic elites --which control major foundations-- also oversee the funding of numerous NGOs and civil society organizations, which historically have been involved in the protest movement against the established economic and social order. The programs of many NGOs and people's movements rely heavily on both public as well as private funding agencies including the Ford, Rockefeller, McCarthy foundations, among others. The anti-globalization movement is opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Big Oil) with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities."

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy (tags)

In America, the rule of law is dead

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

State Terror, Israeli Style (tags)

more on the flotilla massacre

Obama's National Security Strategy: A New Direction or Continuity (tags)

Obama's agenda assures permanent war

Israel's Specialty: Targeting Civilians (tags)

how rogue states operate

Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War (tags)

"econd, while in the past the US concentrated on the ability to fight two big wars simultaneously, the QDR suggests that's not enough. Now, the Obama administration posits the "need for a robust force capable of protecting US interests against a multiplicity of threats, including two capable nation-state aggressors. Now it's two-plus wars - the plus being the obligation to "conduct large-scale counter-insurgency, stability and counter-terrorism operations in a wide range of environments", mainly in small, poor countries like Afghanistan. Other "plus" targets include "non-state actors" such as al-Qaeda, "failed states" such as Somali, and medium-size but well-defended states that do not bend the knee to Uncle Sam, such as Iran or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and some day perhaps Venezuela."

All out for May Day! (tags)

A new leaflet being passed out in Seattle. Spread the word about Obama's REAL ideas about immigration reform while building the movement for full rights for all immigrants, now. And wherever you are, march on May Day, the fighting holiday of the world's workers.

PTSD, infertility and other consequences of war (tags)

When used as directed, the depleted uranium bullets, shells and bombs become a lethal uranium gas or aerosol. The poison uranium oxide gas aerosols last for billions of years and never stop indiscriminately maiming and killing, which is a war crime in itself.

The Shortwave Report 04/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Afghanistan: Nothing is Good (tags)

The Security Council did not give Americans any blank check. The strongest military alliance of the world threatens to break down after eight years of war in Afghanistan.

Abandoning Capitalism (tags)

The sociologist Dr. Atilio Boron, professor of political theory at the University of Buenos Aires, is an internationally known radical political author. UNESCO awarded him the “International Jose Marti prize” on July 17, 2009

On the Benefits of Seceding from the United States (tags)

Time to disunite the states.

Call to Action: Funk the War 9: Bad Romance (tags)

Come to Washington DC on March 19th to protest 7 years of war and occupation! Make a ruckus with DC SDS and Funk the War!

Iranian Scientist Assassinated as US Steps Up War Threats (tags)

"In the absence of Security Council approval, Washington will likely impose its own unilateral sanctions, with the support of Britain and other allies. Legislation now pending in the US Congress would give the Obama administration the power to enforce an embargo on Iran’s importation of refined petroleum. With Iran dependent on imports for 40 percent of its refined petroleum, such a measure would have a crippling effect and would be tantamount to the launching of a war."

The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Is the Entire World the Target? (tags)

"The longest war in American history prior to the current one was that in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers were present in the country from the late 1950s onward and covert operations were carried on in the early 1960s, but only in the year after the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident - 1965 - did the Pentagon begin major combat operations in the south and regular bombing raids in the north. The last American combat unit left South Vietnam in 1972, seven years later. The U.S. (and Britain) began bombing the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 7, 2001 with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and submarines and bombs dropped from warplanes and shortly thereafter American special forces began ground operations, a task that has been conducted since by regular Army and Marine units. The bombing and the ground combat operations continue more than eight years later and both will be intensified to record levels in short order."

Osama bin Laden as U.S. Anti-Christ: (tags)

The greatest terrorist known to the Christian world is the Anti-Christ—he represents all the fear mongering any religion could possibly create. Ever since the axis of newsmedia, government and American naivete succumbed to the improbable story of highjackers commandeering huge airliners, which they were not trained to fly, with mere box cutters no doubt, Osama bin Laden has become the greatest threat to the United States of Feeblemindedness. So great is his cunning prowess that he threatens the gigantism of the American pentagon and White House cabinetry, as tax-holic corruption galore, from bat caves thousands of miles away. Only a devil could be so wily. Apparently one of his evil attitudes is that he doesn’t support drug cartels or their profit motive.


“I was in the East End of London (a working-class quarter) yesterday I attended a meeting of the unemployed. I listened to the wild speeches, which were just a cry for ‘bread! bread!’ and on my way home I pondered over the scene and I became more than ever convinced of the importance of imperialism.... My cherished idea is a solution for the social problem, i.e., in order to save the ..........inhabitants of the United Kingdom from a bloody civil war, we colonial statesmen must acquire new lands to settle the surplus population, to provide new markets for the goods produced in the factories and mines. The Empire, as I have always said, is a bread and butter question. If you want to avoid civil war, you must become imperialists," quoted by Cecil Rhodes an English Stateman to a journalist in 1895. 1. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism the Highest Stage of Capitalism

Behind the "debate" over Afghanistan (tags)

October 7 marked the eighth year of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, making it one of the longest wars in U.S. history, and the end is nowhere in sight. Instead, today the imperialists are facing mounting difficulties and staring into the abyss of possible defeat.

Afghanistan; Our Alpine Quagmire, 8 Years is Enough! (tags)

After eight years of hunting OBL throughout the mountains of Afghanistan with no luck, can we finally say "enough is enough" and begin the process of U.S. troop withdrawal from this alpine quagmire??

America's Tortured Past (tags)

America's sordid legacy

The Obstacles to Real Health Reform - Private Insurers and Big PhRMA (tags)

Predatory providers are the real problem

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

For the Iranian workers, only one solution: the class struggle ! (tags)

The brutal repression of street demonstrations that have hit Tehran and the larger cities shows the determination of the Iranian government's Ahmadinejad not to tolerate any questioning of his political power. Accused of electoral fraud, the supporters of Ayatollah Khamenei and the outgoing president have responded with arrests, beatings and shootings; the police, the Pasdaran, and Basji volunteers headed by the Pasdaran are the instruments of the current repression.

Iran's Election and US - Iranian Relations (tags)

evidence US instigating protests and violence

A Different Perspective on the Iranian Elections (tags)

The great strategic importance of Iran to the United States gives me a different opinion of the election than that of the mainstream US media or indeed most of the leftist media.

9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? (tags)

Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.

Obama and the denial of genocide (tags)

Writer-activist David Boyajian’s investigative articles and commentaries have appeared in Armenian media outlets in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Armenia and the Newton Tab and USA Armenian Life newspapers named him among their "Top 10 Newsmakers of 2007." So, when Barack Obama paid a visit to Turkey last month, it seemed like a good time to ask Boyajian for his take on the new president's approach to the issue of the Armenian genocide.

The Future of NATO: Time to Break a Taboo (tags)

The European public is neither enthusiastic for the military engagement in Afghanistan nor for new expansions of NATO.. The alliance must energetically promote disarmament and arms control.

Obama's Disastrous Afghan Plan (tags)

Last month President Barack Obama announced the deployment of 17,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, raising the total there to 53,000, only to add an additional 4,000 training troops this past week. Questions of a possible quagmire have begun to sprout faster than opium poppies. In an attempt to disarm his critics, Obama has defined his policy as pointed, specific, and winnable:

global economy, politics, jobs in the Chinese age: Johnson, Frank, Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

Obama Caves to the Oil Companies. (tags)

Today on NBC's meet The Press, retained Secretary of Defense William Gates grabbed president Barrack Obama by the neck and pulled Barrack Obama's face to secretaries crotch.

Between Russophobia and Russophilia (tags)

The neoconservative revolutionaries wanted to make the export of democracy into the absolute military hit and harvested bloody noses. Western values and western democracy cannot be simply exported for forced on foreign countries.


In a sweeping speech to international leaders and security experts on February 6 in Munich, US vice president Biden, prima facie, revealed to an international audience the core of the Obama regime's foreign policy program. Although emphasizing diplomacy and cooperation as its center piece, he gave a stern warning to the Imperialist allies and client states that they are expected to share the burdens of fighting extremism (whatever that is).

new century war: by Frank, Johnson, George Zhibin Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

Remember Gaza - One of History's Terror Bombing Victims (tags)

a historical account

World and US Situation, 2008 (tags)

For more than two years, we revolutionaries had observed the impending total unravelling and complete discredit of the "free market" pretense of monopoly capitalism and the full bankruptcy of the policy of "neoliberal globalization." But the leaders of the US and other imperialist countries and the puppet states were always lying and boasting about the so-called strong fundamentals of their economies. Only recently have they been compelled by the circumstances to admit that the US and global capitalist system are beset by the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression.


[I]f your going to support a candidate who doesn't represent any of the values you believe in, then you can't have too many bloodthirsty war criminals endorsing him.

"The Market is not a Safe Bank" by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

This crisis was avoidable. The fact that American investment banks are not subject to any normal bank supervision is scandalous. Financial transactions must be subject to rules and security standards. The heavier the traffic, the more rules and regulations are needed.


Very few people know that the US military is directly involved in the fierce fighting going on in the Philippines between the Moro insurgents and the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime supported by the Bush neocons and the warmongering Pentagon planners. Will you continue to allow US tax dollars to be wasted in this barbaric genocidal war against indigenous peoples? Over a thousand extrajudicial killings and "forced disappearances" under Arroyo's tenure, plus a few hundred Muslims dead as "collateral damage," may be the signs of US "benevolent hegemony" (Robert Kagan) and US "magnanimous imperial power" (Dinesh D'Souza). McKinley's "Benevolent Assimilation" lives on!

The Future as Possibility: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The state should not be a trough for the super-wealthy. Representatives representing money and not the people are marionettes of a corrupt campaign financing system. The system must be changed if it is to survive. Call Congress 1-800-270-0309.

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.

U.S. Afghanistan and Pakistan Alliance has stimulated the Drug Trade worldwide (tags)

According to news reports in the past financial connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 25 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the drug trade.

Reinventing the Evil Empire (tags)

The risk of serious confrontation looms.

Facts for Working People (tags)

Labors Militant Voice (LMV) publishes a newspaper which aims to talk to the working class about issues effecting us. August issue: Why Gas Prices are so High, How to Apply for a Government Bail Out, Strikers in South Africa chant "Eat the Rich" and Why we Need a Workers Party Now.

Why the MSM Can't Tell The Truth About Georgia (tags)

"From Tbilisi to Teheran" Heightens Suspicions of Motive in Georgian Crisis Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran. The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

Legitimizing Permanent Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Washington plans to stay

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge" (tags)

an indictment of imperialism

Senate Report Exposes Key Role of the Israel Lobby in Fomenting War with Iran (tags)

It's no secret, this time around, that it is Israel demanding the US fight another war for its ruling Extremists, the real threat to the world.

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Hothead McCain (tags)

Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.

Merida Initiative Will It Work? (tags)

The question is will it work in the war on drugs and terror? The more than four decades of the fight on the war on drugs has been a dismal and total failure. That fight has costs Americans at the federal level, approximately $4.5 billion every year (40 years X 4.5 Billion = $180 Billion plus) and significant sums are also spent at the city, county and state levels as well.

Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)

Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).

Socialists: Iraq War Still Number One Issue (tags)

The Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA have strongly opposed U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan and have maintained that the Iraq War was launched only to advance U.S. imperialism and to control the vast oil reserves in the Middle East. Both socialist parties are calling for an immediate end to the military occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, the withdrawal and return of all U.S. troops, and the immediate release of all prisoners of war and detained civilians.

Civil Resistance In the Age of Bush and Cheney (tags)

Civil Resistance to the wrongdoings of U.S. regimes has a long, and honorable, history. In his well documented tome, “Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law,” Professor Francis A. Boyle captures the essence of that story. He explains how “civil resistance” differs from “civil disobedience.” He also cites cases, where he was involved as an attorney and/or expert witness. Professor Boyle's book is, indeed, timely and needed.

F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)

Part II of this epic book.

Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations" (tags)

Israel, Iran, Iraq and the plan to remake the Middle East.

Jennifer Van Bergen's "The Twilight of Democracy" (tags)

How democracy is being undermined in America.

Using Bhutto for Imperial Gain (tags)

Bhutto killed for imperial gain

Reviewing David Edwards and David Cromwell's Guardians of Power (tags)

A powerful critique of the dominant media

Blackwater's Bu$ine$$ (tags)

In one of the company's most bizarre recent actions, on December 1 Blackwater paratroopers staged a dramatic aerial landing, complete with Blackwater flags and parachutes--not in Baghdad or Kabul but in San Diego at Qualcomm Stadium during the halftime show at the San Diego State/BYU football game. The location was interesting, given that Blackwater is fighting fierce local opposition to its attempt to open a new camp--Blackwater West--on 824 acres in the small rural community of Potrero, just outside San Diego.

Depleted-Uranium, Nuclear War and the politics of Radiation: Read and act NOW (tags)

For Indymedia readers, friends and comrades in struggle worldwide against war, militarism, colonialism and nuclear industry: a brief review about “Depleted” Uranium, nuclear war and radioactive genocide-ecocide

Musharraf takes off his uniform: Pakistan enters a new phase of the class struggle (tags)

Events in Pakistan are moving fast. Yesterday General Musharraf quit as army chief, and was hastily sworn as president on the same day. The general hopes that in this way he will win respectability in the run-up to the election promised for January 8. This sets the stage for a big shift in Pakistan. The splits and conflicts at the top are providing a breach through which the accumulated discontent of the masses is thrusting itself forward. Events will then take on a logic of their own. The dictatorship has been brought to its knees by mass demonstrations and protests and by the intolerable contradictions that afflict Pakistan at all levels. As we predicted, the return of Benazir Bhutto brought millions of workers and peasants onto the streets. This is not thanks to, but in spite of, the policies and conduct of Benazir, who is an ally of US imperialism and until recently was attempting to reach a compromise with Musharraf.

Reviewing James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer's "Multinationals on Trial" (tags)

How corporate giants plunder developing nations.

Democrats shift further to the right (tags)

Six weeks after he denounced the American media and US politicians for undermining the war effort in Iraq and called for an all-out mobilization of American power to win victory, the former US commander in Baghdad, retired Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, delivered the official Democratic Party response to President George W. Bush’s weekly Saturday radio address. The selection of Sanchez to make the broadcast November 24 is a calculated decision by the Democratic Party leadership to adopt a standpoint on the war in Iraq that criticizes the Bush administration largely from the right, rather than the left. The Democrats have rebuffed the desires of the vast majority of the American people, including those whose votes placed the Democrats in control of Congress a year ago, who want an end to the war as quickly as possible. Sanchez commanded US forces in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, the period immediately following the US invasion. He is indelibly linked to two episodes in the bloody record of American oppression in Iraq: the murderous onslaught on the city of Fallujah, then one of the strongholds of Iraqi resistance to the occupation, and the abuse of captured Iraqis in the American military prison at Abu Ghraib.

US dismisses IAEA report of “progress” over Iran’s nuclear programs (tags)

The Bush administration has rapidly rejected the findings of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report finalised on Thursday, which found that Iran had made “substantial progress” towards clarifying outstanding questions about its nuclear programs. The US confirmed its intention to press ahead with another UN Security Council resolution demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment and other nuclear programs. The US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, declared that Washington would like to see more “biting” sanctions against Tehran than those imposed under UN resolutions passed last December and in March. The debate surrounding the latest IAEA report is not simply a rerun of previous arguments. Behind Washington’s demands for tougher UN sanctions is the barely concealed threat of a unilateral US military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response to a declaration last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin that there was “no objective evidence” that Iran was building nuclear weapons, US President Bush warned that Iran should be prevented from having the knowledge to make a bomb “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III”.

Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)

Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

Expanding the Frame: Gaining a global perspective on the Holy Land Foundation Case (tags)

The Holy Land Foundation was the largest Islamic charity in the nation. Its trial has serious repercussions for domestic issues, such as the right to face one's accusers in court and domestic wiretapping, as well as international concerns, like Palestine and the so-called "War on Terror." Cut through the propaganda and get informed.

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked (tags)

The dark side of Milton Friedman's economics.

A Culture of Violence (tags)

America's tradition of war and violence

Ron Paul: Thomas Jefferson Incarnate [on Imperialism and "blowback"] (tags)

on Imperialism and "blowback"

David Walker, comptroller general, warns of impending crisis (tags)

Learn from the fall of Rome, the US is warned. There were striking similarities between America's current situation and the factors that brought down Rome including declining moral values, an over-confident and over-extended military and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government.

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "It's the Crude, Dude" (tags)

War, oil, Iraq, Big Oil, global warming and more in one package.

Why does Obama hate Iran, support Israel?? (tags)

Both Democrats/Republicans appear eager for a U.S. military conflict with Iran, citing Iran's imaginary nuclear program as prime reason, while land in North America (Newe Sogobia, NV, NTS) remains a nuclear weapons testing site & nuclear waste dump under U.S. military occupation. Hypocrisy anyone??

Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation (tags)

Washington came to Iraq to stay.

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine (tags)

IS-Israeli led coup against the democratically elected Hamas government

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater (tags)

Must Read!!!:Under the National Emergencies Act the White House has only utilized provisions relating to the military and U.S. national security. The White House can exploit extraordinary powers that suspend civil liberties and can even challenge the American Constitution. Because of the uncertain and the shifting shape of the “Global War on Terror” that is continually being redefined, a moment may arise when a “Constitutional Dictatorship” is declared to ensure the continuity of government.

Tracking Torture (tags)

"They Want to Keep Others from Doing What We Did. They Want to Shut Down Protest." To follow the progress of the trial of Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly and Franciscan Fr. Louis Vitale, and/or to help, go to

Open letter to Amnesty International (tags)

Apart from writing terrific looking reports, and with the exception of bringing much sought after relief in few individual cases, what level of global impact has Amnesty International had over the years? Its own ongoing reports on Israel-Palestine are of exactly zero impact, as empirically evident by the continual reality of new faits accomplis being daily constructed on the ground! In Project Humanbeingsfirst's view, this is entirely because the battles are often being fought at the "low order bits of the issues", when "the higher order bits" entirely determine where "the page faults" (in computer science geek-speak). This deplorable failing in our view, can easily be remedied by addressing the issues at the right levels of abstraction.

Who Killed Hrant Dink and Why (tags)

The assassination of Armenian democrat writer Hrant Dink on January 19th by the Kontrgerilla (Turkish version of Gladio) attached to the Turkish General Staff, brought forth a just reaction of all progressive segments of Turkey and led to their protest actions against the Turkish state.

ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

Your Human Right to Hate (tags)

You have a human and animal right to hatred. Man has been described by philosophers and anthropologists as a creature somewhere between an angel and an ape. But irrespective of how idealistic and divine some people and groups think mankind is capable—the fact is we, Homo sapiens, are creatures of animal impulse and ego defensiveness. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred.

Livermore Pro-Nukers Move to Kill More in San Francisco Area (tags)

Livermore Lab has continuously contaminated the region for decades. San Francisco residents are reporting the presence of cancer causing uranium in hair samples.

Demcrat Agenda Omissions (tags)

Democrats in Congress again betraying the public trust.

Omissions in the Iraq Study Group Report (tags)

Omissions in the ISG Report are more important than what's in it.

The End of the Bush Dynasty (tags)

How George Bush hastened the demise of the Bush family political dynasty.







The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

Operation Cyclone & Terrorism (tags)

The CIA's "Operation Cyclone" - Stirring the Hornet's Nest of Islamic Unrest

US Senate votes 100-0 for $70 billion more in war spending (tags)

The unanimous vote by the US Senate on Friday to approve the Bush administration’s request for an additional $70 billion to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates a basic truth of American politics: the Democratic Party, no less than the Republicans, is a party of imperialist militarism and war.



A belligerent Bush addresses the UN (tags)

In a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, US President George W. Bush delivered a remarkably belligerent warning to the peoples of the Middle East that Washington intends to continue and even widen its campaign of military aggression.

This War on Terrorism is Bogus (tags)

"The plan shows Bush's cabinet intende3d to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power."

Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers (tags)

In the fourth of a series of speeches aimed at fueling public fears of terrorism to boost his administration’s failing political standing, President Bush appeared before an audience of right-wing policy experts in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday. The speech was focused on the demand that Congress move quickly to legalize the program of warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the existence of which was revealed late last year.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld speeches: A new drumbeat for war (tags)

In a coordinated series of speeches this week, the top officials of the Bush administration have begun a public campaign to smear and intimidate opponents of the war in Iraq while laying the political groundwork for dragging the American people into a new and even more terrible war—this time against Iran.

After defeating pro-war incumbent Lieberman, Lamont reassures Wall Street (tags)

The victory of multi-millionaire cable executive Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Democratic primary August 8 has produced paroxysms of uncritical celebration in liberal publications like the Nation and from groups like, which campaigned heavily for Lamont and against incumbent senator Joseph Lieberman.

What is political correctness? (tags)

What is political correctness, where did it come from, and why is it so influential at universities? It is the object of widespread ridicule, usually a very powerful weapon, so why doesn't it go away?



Behind Bush’s “truce” plan: the drive towards a wider Middle East war (tags)

US President George W. Bush on Monday declared his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of Lebanon.

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

What way forward in the struggle against war? (tags)

As the brutal US-Israeli war against the Lebanese people enters its fourth week, there is no sign that the massacre of innocent civilians is about to end. On the contrary, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), backed by air strikes and artillery fire, are pressing deeper into Lebanon, with the apparent aim of advancing 18 miles to the Litani River, either killing or driving out the entire population between it and the Israeli border.

The Qana massacre: Slaughter of innocents in Lebanon (tags)

The repeated missile strikes, launched in the dead of night while the targeted victims were asleep, reduced a four-story apartment building and nearby houses to rubble, killing at least 57 residents, including 37 children.

Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression (tags)

The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.

PART 1: World War III - what, me worry? (tags)

By Chan Akya

response to my article invasion or immigration (tags)


The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon (tags)

As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.

surviving the bush democracy (tags)


Chossudovsky interview: "Al-Qaeda Is a U.S.-sponsored Intelligence Asset" (tags)

Michel Chossudovsky, author of the international bestseller America's War on Terrorism, personally graced the jam-packed local launch of his latest book held at the Asian Center at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City last June 24. During the launch, he gave a lecture about the imminent danger of a U.S.-made nuclear catastrophe amid the Bush administration's preparations for war with Iran. Joel Garduce of Center for Anti-Imperialist Studies (CAIS) caught up with the director of the Centre for Research in Globalization (CRG) during his short weekend stay in the Philippines and conducted the following interview.

Diabetes and Depleted Uranium ll (tags)

Italian Embassy Cover up Continues

Diabetes and Depleted Uranium (tags)

Italian Embassy Refuses Visa

Pentagon report on China highlights danger of nuclear war (tags)

One sinister aspect of the US Defence Department’s 2006 report on the Chinese military released last month is its discussion of nuclear policy. Overall, the document entitled “Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China” marked a more aggressive US military stance toward China than in previous years. It identified the Chinese regime as a military rival and highlighted its growing defence spending, particularly its investment in advanced military technology (see: “Pentagon report targets China as a military threat”). For the first time since its publication began in 2001, the annual report tried to suggest that China is a growing nuclear threat to the US. In the context of the Bush administration’s doctrine of “pre-emptive war”, the shift indicates that the Bush administration and Pentagon are themselves preparing for nuclear war.

Not Welcome, Mr. President! (tags)

All past attempts to solve political problems militarily failed gloriously. War may not be a means of politics any more.. The wars of the US are themselves terror and sources of ever greater violence.


8PM - 11PM Pacific time ......Three Hour Special

New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran: Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats, & Continued Danger of War (tags)

For the first time in over 25 years the U.S. government has agreed to negotiate directly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The talks would also include Britain, France, and Germany and would focus on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program; the U.S. will participate only if Iran first halts its uranium enrichment program.

Unilateralism is Over. Resistance Grows. (tags)

The US government saw itself forced to climb down in two central foreign policy questions. Washington's efforts to completely cut off Palestinian authority's money supply were stopped. In the Iraq question, Bush was manoevered offside in the Security Council.

Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)

Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]


There is no "war on terror." The invasion and occupation of Iraq are not part of a "war on terror." Neither are the current threats and war preparations against Iran. The "war on terror" doesn't exist—no matter how many times the Bush administration cites it to justify its aggressions, no matter how often Republicans and Democrats debate how to best carry it out, and no matter how frequently it's referenced in the U.S. bourgeois media.

Confident U.S. generals commit war crimes (tags)

A force multiplier is a technological method to multiply the aggressiveness and lethality of an armed force.

US Military Uses Dirty Bombs: THAT'S Why They Hate Us, GW (tags)

Our Military Complex and the Bush Administration has pounded into our brains that "they hate us for our freedom". In foriegn countries, the news is not that the US has "freedoms" that are detrimental to other countries. Their news reports are on subjects such as the violations of the Geneva Convention by the US. Their news reports are on subjects such as "Since 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements....".

Stop the Neocons from Digging our Graves! (tags)

The Neocons are at it again! Besides Iran, they now are verbally assaulting Russian and China. Robert Kagan, the cofounder of the Zionist-dominated “Project for the New American Century,” (PNAC), accused those two nations of being protectors of a “league of dictators,” which includes Iran. Meanwhile, since “Imperialism,” is supposedly the bad guy, the Israeli Lobby and the Neocons, who helped to push the Iraqi War, continue to get a pass.

WEAPONS TO DIE FOR: Leuren Moret (tags)


The End of Security (tags)

The state has a social nature and isn't only a security and power state. If the state is reduced to a trough or waterboy for capital, the class compromise is dissolved and justice becomes an abstraction. Neoliberal myths legitimate the growing precariousness

Happy Birthday to Queen of Uranium Poisening (tags)

"....the British Royal family privately owns investments in uranium holdings worth over $6 billion through Rio Tinto Mines." "The Queen's favorite American buccaneers, Cheney, Halliburton, and the Bush family, are tied to her through uranium mining and the shared use of illegal depleted uranium munitions in the Middle East, Central Asia and Kosovo/Bosnia." "God Save The Queen from the guilt of her complicity in turning Planet Earth into a "Death Star.""

The Iraq war and the eruption of American imperialism (tags)

In the field of politics, there are events which mark a fundamental turning point in the historical process. There is no doubt that the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which began three years ago, was one of these. In September 2002, with the decision to invade Iraq having already been made, the Bush administration published its National Security Strategy (NSS). This document set out clearly and unambiguously that the United States was now reserving to itself the right to use military force pre-emptively in pursuit of its national interests and objectives on a global scale.


POVERTY ERADICATION By Ruby BIRD Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps. Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal Poverty undoubtedly has a women’s face. Two third of the world’s poor live in this region. The majority being women, two third of them are of schoolage. To help them to acquire appropriate technology-related knowledge and skills in order to help opening them the door to more job opportunities and increasing their status in the society. Girls and young women in those societies are a particular vulnerable group. Often, rights to Education & Training, Decent Work & Benefits of Science are denied to poor girls. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan The highest concentration of the world’s poorest population, mostly having a female face. Need to break the poverty cycle of women in this region. Seek to demonstrate that it is opportune to focus on vulnerable adolescent girls caught in the process of pauperisation, it is crucial to go beyond the narrow perspective of considering them only as « people with needs ». Their rights have to be defended for the well being of all. To emphasize Education & Microfinance, Science, Communication & Information as well as Monitoring & Evaluation. Those components are closely inter-related. Central Asia & Afghanistan Continental climate with extremes of heat and cold, wet and dry. The region is prone to earthquakes. It is urgent to revive the traditional skills needed on the one hand to preserve the cultural heritage sites and on the other to build ecologically sound houses and public buildings affordable by all, including the poorest rural populations. To promote the right to good housing and living conditions affordable to all sections of the population and adapted to the climate. To promote the right to a substainable environment by using energy efficient construction and renewable energies. To promote the right to good health by avoiding harmful modern construction materials and promoting natural materials. Latin America To improve the lives of artisan and small-scale mining communities in the fragile ecosystems of latin America. The common factor is often the predominance of vulnerable social groups and widespread poverty. Artisanak ans small-scale mining largely depends on local ans sub-regional economic links. One of the most prinicpal objective is to improve social, economics and technical conditions, to reduce the environmental impact and poverty. To focus on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Mining can cause environmental damages, to support the right to a healthy environment by improving methodologies for the biodiversity protection. By trying to diminish people’s health risks, we support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights « Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of works and to protection against unemployment ». Young and female migrants in China and Mongolia The integration of migrant workers in the urban social and economic fabric through services including training in life and basic skils, vocational training, career counselling, family planning, health & rights awareness. The targeted group is young female migrants who suffer from double denial of human rights & double discrimination as female and as to promote migrants rights in the national, regional & local governements through : - advocacy on the ratified international treaties - legal assistance activities - capacity building for officials - awareness raising activities ans at preparing recommendations for new laws and regulations on working & living conditions of migrants. Exploitative migration of women and children in Africa Poverty is one of the main explanatory factors of human trafficking. This is a modern form of slavery. To fight against poverty by eradicating human trafficking, espacially that of women & children in Africa. To organize awareness campaigns adapted to local cultures. Poverty, an extreme discrimination is combined with gender discrimination & lack of education. The fight against human trafficking is organized around : - the right to formal education & informal education wich empowers potential victims against human trafickers - right to health which is often lacking in trafficked victims, especially the one involved in sexual exploitation - right to a decent work for removed from the modern form of degrading slavery that human trafficking represents - right to security & justice, especially for the trafficked victims who try to escape from the human traffickers - right to non-discrimination, gender & minority discriminations being factors of vulnerability vis-à-vis human trafficking. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Benin To integrate a human rights approach in order to faster strategies & policies in the fight against poverty in Western Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal). The reinforcement of human security & the respect for the human rights of local populations (particularly women). Civil society actors & representatives of programms, funds & specialiszed agencies of the United Nations are regularly invited for meeting within the framework of projects. UNESCO & the Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) - Goal 1 : Eradicate extremen poverty & hunger - Goal 2 : Achieve universal primary education - Goal 3 : Promote gender equality & empower women - Goal 4 : Reduce child mortality - Goal 5 : Improve maternal health - Goal 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases - Goal 7 : Ensure environmental sustainability - Goal 8 : Develop a global partnership for Development. Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps.



911 – the Need for an Independent Investigation (tags)

Written by: Keith Perkins 11 September 2001, the day the world changed forever. If ever there was a time of innocence it was no longer.

Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe (tags)

The average radioactive dose, according to official government index based calculations, was about 23 million radioactive particles for the average adult male in Britain and Europe.

CUT the CRAP --THIS is a MISSILE (tags)


News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/20/06) (tags)

Seattle Indymedia now ruthlessly censoring this news blog

A World Lit by Energy Warfare (tags)

...What "Mission Accomplished" in reality achieved was an intractable quagmire of bloodletting and a nightmarish prospect of global conflict...

Depleted Uranium Contaminates Europe - Evidence Was Hidden By Halliburton (tags)

....estimated that the atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released into the global atmosphere since 1991, from the use of depleted uranium munitions.

DU Contaminates Europe - Halliburton Hid Evidence (tags)

Death in the Air

3 authors interviews: The China Factor and the Overstretch of the US Hegemony (tags)

3 books that can change your mind in 2005 about the geo-politic and geo-economic dynamics going on


The hidden threat to all planetary life from US use of depleted uranium weapons in 4 wars

AMERICA (tags)


Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets (tags)

author: Leuren Moret


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

America's "War against Terror": Part II (tags)

The American attempt to dominate the Middle East inevitably produces a strong counter-reaction.. America's hegemonial foreign policy has led to a geo-strategic alliance between China and Russia.. The lights could go out over the whole world.

Blood without Oil (tags)

Security is political not military, the UN has emphasized. The US strategy to secure the Iraqi oil supply with military action is an illusion.

Dependence Increases (tags)

"The Chinese have a strong national pride and are annoyed over American impairments of what they consider their sovereign rights including the Taiwan problem. They rightly view Washington's conduct as hegemonial.."

Christian theologian debunks 9-11 Commission report, is interviewed by LA Times (tags)

Distinguished theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin is shedding light on the truth (and the many non-truths) surrounding 9-11. His writings and speeches present evidence and insights that demand our attention, whatever our spiritual perspectives may be. And this weekend, the LA Times Magazine features an interview with Dr. Griffin.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Cuba, Netherlands, and Russia.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

FBI Inspector General's Report: More Evidence of Government Complicity in 9/11 Attacks (tags)

author: wsws A report released June 9 by the FBI's Office of the Inspector General raises new questions about the role of the US government in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The internal FBI study provides several important revelations about how US intelligence agencies ignored and even suppressed warnings in the period leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people.

URGENT! Defend Mukhtaran Bibi! - Pakistani Women's Rights Activist Prevented From Travel (tags)

Today's New York Times has an article by Nicholas Kristof entitled "Raped, Kidnapped and Silenced" about the case of Mukhtaran Bibi, a Pakistani woman's rights activist who has been essentially kidnapped by Pakistani officials to prevent her from coming to the US to do a speaking tour on Women's Rights in Pakistan. There is an urgent international call out to defend Mukhtaran Bibi, whose life is in great danger for her courageous fight against mutilation of women in Pakistan.

Report From Afghanistan by Sonali Kolhatkar, 5-27-05 (transcript) (tags)

". . . If the news media covers something [about Afghanistan], donations pour in. If they stop covering it, donations go down. . . . Our donations have plummeted. A lot of projects [are] closing down." -- Sonali Kolhatkar, co-director, Afghan Women's Mission

New Pentagon plans to conquer nations, secure oil, advance globalization, militarize space (tags)

Need some motivation to march for peace this Saturday and to keep working for peace every day? Then please read the following. And please forward it far and wide.

The Drums of War (tags)

The probable propaganda techniques for the next war and the reasons I believe it will be against Iran.

Nunavut Defense Forces Block Attempt on Bush (tags)

Heroic Bush Saved Again!!!

Republicans Cry "Election Fraud" in Ukraine (tags)

Bush's cronies would know election fraud, wouldn't they? However, unlike John Kerry, in Ukraine the anti-Bush forces haven't rolled over and played dead - they're defending their country from a hostile takeover.

Command from Above: Book Review (tags)

"Are there justified reasons for US bashing? Never has a US administration taken as little pains to veil its true interests as the administration of George W. Bush.. A messianic-aggressive rhetoric spread which is the real reason for the estrangement between Europe and the US.."

Hammers, Velveeta® And The Blue Skinned Beast: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Adop (tags)

Orange Fizzy Drinks, George III, Blue Piss, Trenton, Hammers, Madness, Vernors Soda, Forwarded Emails, MoveOn PAC, The Blue Skinned Beast, Talking Not Acting, A Modest Proposal, And Adopting A Swing State

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets: death sentence here & abroad (tags)

Leuren Moret is a geoscientist who has worked around the world on radiation issues, educating citizens, the media, members of parliaments and Congress and other officials. She became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after experiencing major science fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. An environmental commissioner in the City of Berkeley, she can be reached at How ANY member of the U.S. military can ever support Bush is beyond me--it only brings to mind the unfortunate Kissinger quote below. PLEASE PASS THIS to Vets you know, who may be living in a bubble world and would like to know how their masters view them and treat them. What the U.S. requires is a good CLASS ACTION SUIT VERSUS THE PENTAGON ON DEPLETED URANIUM WEAPONS. It seems that there are more than HALF A MILLION U.S. TROOPS ALREADY SUFFERING FROM DEPLETED URANIUM IN THE UNITED STATES, ALONG WITH THEIR FAMILIES.

Life and Lies Under the Terrordome (tags)

How intensely war moves on the "home front" are being escalated! How suspicious the timing of all this is! How completely flimsy all the supposed "evidence" turned out to be!

The US nuclear option and the "War on Terrorism" (tags)

the Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.


"I can see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country...corporations have been entroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money of the country will endeavor to prolong it's reign by working upon the prejudices of the people, until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.

The fallacy of the 'anybody but Bush' movement (tags)

Just because Bush is a reactionary, that does not make Kerry a progressive. In fact Kerry, or whoever might have been chosen by the Democratic Party as a candidate to take over the running of the capitalist state, would be a solid representative of U.S. imperialism whose goal would be to strengthen and expand its domination on the world arena.

War and the National Question-A reply to Luis Oviedo of the PO (tags)

War and the National Question

a sampling of this week's U.S. military rape headlines.... (tags)

around the world with the Stars and Stripes.... a few of the latest confirmed rapes, alleged rapes, attempted rapes, indecent assault, sodomy, "torture" photos, etc.. in Australia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Okinawa etc.... oh google news searches make it so easy to compile this stuff....

Mideast Truths and Myths (tags)

Read it and weep, leftist fascists!

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians

The imperial counter offensive: contradictions, challenges and opportunities. (tags)

A victory or prolonged war by the guerrillas in Colombia will provide breathing room for the rest of the left. Thus it is essential that maximum support and solidarity be extended to the Colombian struggle. Internationalism is not only the solidarity network against the new imperial military offensive, in general, but in support of the Colombian peasants and workers organized in their "Peoples Army."

Does al-Qaeda exist? (tags)

Does Al-Qaeda even exist, or is it a PR invention along with much of the other Smoke and Mirrors the White House is trying to sell. Is it any more real than the "Fabled" Weapons of Mass Distortion?

Levels of the Game (tags)

The deeper you go the darker it gets...

Current U.S. Intervention in the Philippines* (tags)

Over the past century, the U.S. has been the leading interventionist power in the world often victimizing small independent countries and national liberation movements and using the military as its chief instrument. In many cases, U.S. interventionism leads to wars of aggression. Other methods used are: political and diplomatic pressures; economic pressures and trade sanctions; covert operations; media manipulation; and others.

Are the Isrealis willing to start WW III ? (tags)

Please help to spread this information far and wide, it is the present reality and it has vast implications.

Imperial ills: The Great American Problematic: The Youth and Imperial Justification (tags)

Here is but a taste of what the American regime, as nation-state, faces because of its manipulated misdirection into an all encompassing global regime: the American-led corporate global empire -- Imperium in Imperio.

On Tactics and Strategy: How Bush has Misunderstood Military Strategic Doctrine (tags)

You know you never defeated us on the battlefield, said the American colonel. The North Vietnamese colonel pondered this remark a moment. That may be so, he replied, but it is also irrelevant.

Hegemony, Survival and Self-Deterrence (tags)

We are currently witnessing a major expansion in the US, hence Western, global military system.

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 9/19/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

Morn the loss of MURDERED Saudi Anarchists on this day (tags)

The United States Government MURDERED ITS OWN CITIZENS. I support civil rights for unjustly held prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Join the Anarchists Defense League

Do not be a coward! Stand up! (tags)

On this day two years ago, a clique within the United States Government, aided by Mossad, murdered 3,000 Americans in a deliberate act designed to seize power, strip Americans of their civil liberties, and wage an illegal and genocidal war against the people of the Middle East.

This War On Terrorism Is Bogus (tags)

The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination.

Dollars for Terror (tags)

Carol Brouillet, who prints the Deception Dollars, and reviews a book that shows (or at least contends) how Osama bin Laden is part of the CIA terror network.

Global Power Elites and the New Wars (tags)

"A representative republic was transformed into a plutocracy. Privatizing public property was a continuous tendency during the whole modern age." The average net worth of the 400 richest Americans rose tenfold by 1999..The Bush administration has martial plans, not a Marshall plan." From the German

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

When 9-11 theories go bad (tags)

I won't argue that the U.S. government does not engage in brutal, murderous skulduggery from time to time. But the notion that the U.S. government either detected the attacks but allowed them to occur, or, worse, conspired to kill thousands of Americans to launch a war-for-oil in Afghanistan is absurd.

Democratic Party History: a Revealing Rap Sheet (tags)

A history of the Democratic Party's role in co-opting and diverting independent political movements, while advancing the agenda of the global capitalist police state. This and similar pieces can be found at

Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)

ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.

List of Iraq Reconstruction Contracts (tags)

Included is the Company name, Award amount based on maximum cap figure, Agency awarding the contract, date of the Request for Proposal, the Award date and the Nature of the work to be undertaken. If any pre-planning was known, its indicated. References are available at bpost.

The errand and the fools (tags)

Why the Bush cabal's newfound mission to'liberate' Iraq, Syria, and the world is doomed to failure


The firm her husband owns a substantial interest in just won a lucrative U.S. Army contract last week to help President George W. Bush wage his imperialist wars in the Middle East!

Feinstein Gets Richer (tags)

Perini Corporation Selected by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for $100 million in Construction Projects in U.S. Central Command's Area of Operations. Feinstein's husband Blum and his partner own 75% of Perini Corp.

Arms/oil biz/ PNAC (tags)

The clash between Great Powers ("Old Europe" versus and the Anglo-American military axis) broadly pertains to: 1 Defense and the military-industrial complex, 2. Control over Oil and Gas Reserves, 3. Money and currency systems: clash between the Euro and the Dollar.

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW


Why are we not surprised? Any of us over the age of 50 remember the same Bullshit from Dick Nixon.

Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are preparation for invasion of Iran. (tags)

The ultimate purpose for the invasion of Iraq is not Iraq or Iraq's oil. There is ample evidence, from sources available to the public, to indicate that Iraq is not the real goal. Like Afghanistan, Iraq is being taken in preparation for the invasion of Iran.

Terror and Energy Security (tags)

The US will need 6 million more barrels of oil every day by 2020..Both the supply and the security of the US would be helped far more if energy savings and promotion of regenerative energy were vigorously emphasized. Translated from the German

It's about Oil, according to U.S. officials (tags)

Two articles reveal the true meaning of "security" - please copy/paste into an email and get the word out!

Which Rogue State is Destroying Global Arms Control? (tags)

The US is offering humanity a choice: extinction or hegemony.

The Space Shuttle and The GPU (tags)

Part II of The Beginning of the End of the American Empire!

The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Iraq War (tags)

Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is actually an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. (This is a long essay)

Thw war aims of the Graet Powers and the consequences of the coming invasion of Irag (tags)


Underreported stories (tags)

Tracking down underreported stories

The Price of Oil?...War (tags)

Investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein and CounterPunch explode the myths behind the looming Iraq War.

Defence redefined means securing cheap energy (tags)


Stop calling Islam the enemy (tags)

PARIS A part of the neoconservative intelligentsia in Washington is trying to turn the Bush administration's "war against terrorism" into a war against Muslim civilization and the Islamic religion.

Conspiracy Theories and 9-11 (tags)

An argument listing the numerous advantages of the fear and patriotism inspired by 9-11 to Bush's domestic and foreign policies and speculating about possible complicity given many discrepancies about the events of 9-11.

whatever hapened to those good old freedom fighters (tags)

by Gwynne Dyer


Apparently, Mainstream Media is starting to (kind of) suggest what many people here have always said: that the Bush Regime was complicit--if not directly responsible--for 9-11. IN this article in the British newspaper, the Guardian, Gore Vidal suggests that the Bush Junta deliberately allowed the 9-11 attacks to occur. Indeed, given the fact that many of the hijackers were trained at secure US military bases in California and Alabama, as well CIA connected flight schools in Florida, one can suggest that Vidal doesn't go far enough. Bush not only knew. Bush did 9-11...

sept 11 timeline (tags)

by Paul Thompson

John Trudell: Excellent Demystification of US Preparations for Future Wars At Home & Away (tags)

This emerging figure of well-deserved respect goes along way towards demystifying what few, even Chomsky, have in helping individual people understand the *War Games* played upon all of us systematically, and it's about time we started to understand, just like so many indigenous peoples of the world understand.

Muhammad - the Most Influential Person in History (tags)

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

The Pearl Harbor Lie And September 11 (Oct.5, 2002 version) (tags)

I argue that President Bush may have known in advance of the planned September-11 attacks but may have allowed them to happen (or had them perpetrated himself), and why.

The murky deals that fuelled international terrorism By Giles Foden (tags)

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, US officials passed billions in funding and training to the mojahedin.

America=KKK (tags)

After months of its patently anti-semitic(re: Arab and Afghan) pummeling of the Middle East and Central Asia with thousands of civilian deaths in Afghanistan, America may be turning its guns and bombs loose against the Mother Continent of Humankind-Africa.

The Shortwave Report 1/11/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.2MB & quick/streaming-3.3MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Russia, Cuba, China, Germany.

The Shortwave Report 11/30/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.6MB) & quick/streaming (3.4MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Times and freqs for listening at home. Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, Russia.

Six Questions About The War (tags)

Is there a link between U.S. involvement overseas and attacks on American targets? What is the Corporate Interest in the Middle East? What is the Corporate Interest in Central Asia? Will military action foil the “terrorist threat”? Is this a “war against terrorism”? Who are NATO’s allies the Northern Alliance?

UPDATE: UNOCAL still pushing Afghanistan pipelines (tags)

So much for the PR

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