fix articles 17775, waste Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : waste


Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics (tags)

That humanity can dominate nature “is an illusion.” The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. “Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.


And I repeat to you once again JIMMY PAGE and all this is true because I do not have the bad taste to make other people waste their time or waste the mine, but LED ZEPPELIN with my songs can change the world again, just as The Beatles did it in 1964, but if you don't want to do it, EL PHERI SÁNCHEZ Rock And Band changes it if I don't die first…

De la stochasticité des déterminismes indéterminés (tags)

L'indéterminé est lui-même déterminé, lois sociales ou physiques...

Let the advertising die! (tags)

Advertising leads to useless purchases because it often persuades consumers to have needs instead of satisfying existing desires. This leads to excessive consumption of resources and materials and thus damages the environment.

The red giant's plastic problem (tags)

A tattered Coca-Cola flag flutters on the beach of Ixia on Rhodes: every year, the beverage company produces more than 100 billion single-use plastic bottles. Many of them end up in the sea...In a few years, there is likely to be more plastic swimming in the oceans than fish.

Capitalism In The Meat Industry Etc (tags)

Corruption in the animal agriculture industries as well as in arms sales, radio and tv licenses, animal researc etc.

The 'doo-doo' Running San Francisco (tags)

San Francisco has been named the ‘doo-doo’ capital of the United States

As Socal Nuke Plant Demolition Begins, Disaster May Be Looming (tags)

As the San Onofre nuke plant's demolition begins, watchdogs warn disaster may be looming.

California Has Its Faults (tags)

Two big earthquakes in California shook up the nuclear power infrastructure as well.

Cortes Ocasio's Wild Promises Dont Hold Water or Help Env Movement 2019 ingles (tags)

we have hundreds of brownfields and even worse hazardous waste sites in many states. Thankfully we also have over 500 businesses that build, design or sell and install solar parts, wind turbines and water filters.

Sans liberté, sans égalité, sans fraternité (tags)

Fausseté généralisée...

Fish Can't Scream. Their Decaying Flesh Is Neurotoxic, Radioactive, And Carcinogenic (tags)

Countries with highest fish consumption have the most stomach cancer. Fish fight for life as they struggle suffocating, flipping back and forth on docks. One karmic return of denying other beings breath is having ones own breath problems.

Insane Company Wants To Send Nuke Plant Waste To New Mexico (tags)

A radioactive waste company, Holtec, wants to send all the nation's high level radwaste, stuff like plutonium, from shut down nuclear plants, to New Mexico.

Nuclear Shutdown News November 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is our November 2017 report:

nuclear Shutdown News 8-17 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News August 2017

Ramsay Discusses Milloscope Development (tags)

“This week‘s Armchair Hour talk has the issues of the state terrorism against local dissidents in the aftermath of the nuclear waste irregularity and the massive losses in bee populations found by harvesters.”

Nuke Shutdown News 3/17 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our March 2017 report:


In April 2016 the International Uranium Film Festival was held for the first time in Hollywood and it was a great event. Now the Uranium Film Festival plans to return to California and  Hollywood in Spring 2017.  We will bring a selection of  new breath taking movies and must see documentaries  about the nuclear power question - from nuclear bombs to nuclear waste - to Hollywood. In addition we are planning  a nuclear panel discussion with nuclear experts and socially & environmentally responsible personalities, like we did in 2016. For that the festival needs supporters and sponsors.

Nuclear Shutdown News June 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry at home and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are fighting to create a nuclear free future, Here is our June 2016 edition.

NPR's David Greene & Alison Aubrey along with David Ludwig Shill For Factory Farm Eggs (tags)

Both National Public Radio and Harvard University are heavily invested in slaughterhouses and factory farms. Factory farms are concentration camps whose egg and chicken flesh products have many toxins

Sans liberté, sans égalité, sans fraternité (tags)

Monde de concentration, monde d'extermination...

Partial List of Hazardous Waste Places by US States {The USA Atlas Doug Henwood] (tags)

Published in1994 by Simon & SCHUSTER Touchstone Press The book bills itself as the changing face of american life in maps and grapghics.


Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the continuing decline of the US nuclear power industry, and highlights the efforts of those who are creating a better energy future. Here’s the April edition:

Martha Stewart: Can You Hear The Chicks' Dying Peeps? (tags)

Martha Stewart in promoting the products of factory farmed animals is causing animal agony, human disease, environmental waste and energy waste.

Canned Food Drives are Inefficient (tags)

The solution is to make all food free and easy to acquire.

Toxic Contamination on US Military Bases (tags)


Iraq's Ghost Army (tags)


Palestinians uses water as a political weapon (tags)

A thesis titled ‘The politicization of the Oslo water agreement’ written by Lauro Burkart a Swiss graduate of the Institute of International and Development studies in Geneva gives an accurate and impartial picture of the topic of the scarcity of water in the Palestinian Authority.

As Many As 6 Million Piglets Die Of Virus In US (tags)

Factory farming conditions create an epidemic which has killed millions of pigs in the US, Mexico, and Canada

Glow In The Dark: Consume Radioactive Fish Oil Or Fish (tags)

It is not just Fukushima that continues to pour radiation into the ocean. Many countries are illegally dumping their nuclear waste.


This story is important in and of itself, but also because it once again unearths the region’s role in the birth of the atomic age, and also highlights the radioactive legacy that continues to haunt us.

Massive Pentagon Waste, Fraud and Grand Theft (tags)


Obama's War on Press Freedom (tags)


How Innocent Birds Are Treated In Many Factory Farms (tags)

9 birds to a 3x1 ft cage, deaths by roasting or freezing with power outages in metal sheds, tornado vulnerability, never spreading their wings pollution, toxins to workers, 6 month old eggs sold, etc

Many Reasons Dolphins Are Dying (tags)

Illegal nuclear waste dumping, long lines fishing, knifing by Japanese and other fishermen, municipal sewer dumps into the sea, ship propellers, sonar... military abuse of dolphins... some reasons they are dying

Maggot Eating Promoted By National Public Radio (tags)

NPR's continuing program to desensitize us all to violence in myriad forms.

Chicken Haiku: A List Of Factory Farm Atrocities (tags)

From baby chicks in California sent through a chipper to chickens baking to death in an electricity outage in an Arkansas factory farm

Obama's War on Whistleblowers (tags)

police state

Filipinos slams US over toxic dumping; renews call for abrogation of VFA (tags)

'Not the trash bin of a superpower': Philippine solons, groups denounce U.S. toxic waste dumping in Subic

United Voices of Pomona Demands Mayor's Resignation (tags)

Monday, October 15, 2012
POMONA - The community organization United Voices of Pomona continued its protest against the approved waste transfer station, and added to its demands the mayor's resignation. The Los Angeles district attorney filed charges filed against one of Mayor Rothman's donors, alleging that Alfredo Solis, the owner of Western Recycling, had laundered $15,000 in contributions to Rothman's 2008 mayoral campaign through acquaintances.1 This latest scandal propelled the United Voices to demand Rothman's resignation, declaring, "we don't want trash money running our city."

"A Hell of a Way to Boil Water": (tags)

Veteran anti-nuclear activist Ace Hoffman came to San Diego from his home in north San Diego County February 20 to talk about the dangers of nuclear power plants in general and two nuclear power plants in particular: the Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor which melted down after last year's tsunami and the ones at San Onofre in southern California. The event was held in part to promote a march and rally at the San Onofre site March 11, the first-year anniversary of the Fukushima tsunami.

Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)


2/25 - Call Congress; "NO 3X Nuclear Loan Program!" (tags)

Pres. Obama's energy plan includes tripling the loan guarantee program to build several new nuclear reactors to the amount of 54 billion dollars. All that extra money taxpayers have falling out of their pockets can now be used to prop up the nuclear industry instead of researching truly green energy sources like wind, solar, etc..., More of the same, or did someone say change?

KPFK/KPFA/Pacifica/Free Speech Radio News Send their Middle Finger to Senior Citizens (tags)

The Pacifica/KPFA/KPFK/Free Speech Radio News report talking up "progressive" efforts to enact Obamacare, Monday, January, 25, 2010, has brought to a boil long simmering discontent and disgust with the contempt and disregard of the network and programmers for issues of senior citizens.

Workers can take advantage of a serious crisis too. (tags)

Capitalists aren't the only ones that should be taking advantage of a good crisis. Workers shouldn't let a crisis go to waste either.

For immediate release: No Toxic Waste Dump or Border Wall on O’odham Lands (tags)

Sonoyta, Sonora, MX – Indigenous and environmental justice activists will take action on Friday, June 5, 2009 in the town of Sonoyta in support of the O’odham indigenous peoples of Arizona and Mexico who are fighting a toxic waste dump proposed near villages and a sacred ceremonial site in Quitovac, Sonora, Mexico.

WorldFest, LA Green, Compassionate Music Fest (tags)

Created out of the desire to bring a compassionate and earth-friendly lifestyle to the broadest possible audience, WorldFest is expected to welcome over five thousand visitors. The day-long festival will be filled with music, celebrities, environmental speakers, a health hut, educational booths, kids’ activities, animal adoptions, a poetry festival, beer and wine garden and a vegan, earth-friendly food court.

Enjoy life to the fullest……………. (tags)

Don't over do ; keep your limits 14. Don't take yourself so seriously ; no one else does 15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip 16. Dream more while you are awake 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.

You are being lied to about pirates (tags)

"This is the context in which the men we are calling “pirates” have emerged. Everyone agrees they were ordinary Somalian fishermen who at first took speedboats to try to dissuade the dumpers and trawlers, or at least wage a “tax” on them. They call themselves the Volunteer Coast Guard of Somalia - and it’s not hard to see why. In a surreal telephone interview, one of the pirate leaders, Sugule Ali, said their motive was “to stop illegal fishing and dumping in our waters … We don’t consider ourselves sea bandits. We consider sea bandits [to be] those who illegally fish and dump in our seas and dump waste in our seas and carry weapons in our seas.” William Scott would understand those words."

Utah is Not for Sale! No Nuclear Waste Imports! (tags)

Utah has experienced a legacy of being targeted for nuclear waste dumping. Now, EnergySolutions, the largest commercial nuclear waste dump in the country, is offering a large cash sum to the state of Utah. In exchange they want lawmakers to open the door to importing nuclear waste from foreign countries...and our Legislators are considering this indecent proposal! Fight back and join us for the "Utah is NOT for Sale!" Rally on 2/25!!

Alternatives for Nuclear Waste Storage at Yucca Mt. (tags)

Instead of dumping the entire nation's nuclear waste pile underneath seismically active Yucca Mountain, why not use the already constructed tunnels as a seed repository??

Utah EnergySolutions Plans Nuclear Waste Imports! (tags)

When many U.S. resident downwinders are struggling with life threatening cancer from nuclear radiation exposure, is importing more nuclear waste from other countries really a wise idea?


URGENT ACTION ALERT! Condemned by health and environmental groups across the country, GNEP means foreign nuclear waste imported and "reprocessed" in the USA. This is a national issue! We need a big national outcry!!! Washington, Oregon, Idaho, New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, South Carolina, and all our sister states! With Cold War nuclear sites thirty years behind on clean-up, the US must not import more foreign nuclear waste!

An Open Letter Regarding the LA Social Forum and Leftist Organizing (tags)

I didn't attend the LASF, but Michael (Novick) seems justified in his disappointment about the makeup of the forum. All movements are helped by the central participation and prioritization of the grass-roots, front-line community defense movements.

Calling All UC Students & Alumni: Stop Nuclear Development at our University! (tags)

A new online campaign is up that utilizes the strategic power of students and alumni to demand a peaceful and sustainable University. Check it out to learn more about the issue, join up and network with others. Together we can send a powerful message to the University of California that tells them we will not be complicit with the nuclear weapons industry!

How Corrupt is the US? (tags)

Corruption has become a cancerous disease of US society. No end or even weakening of the lies and deception is in sight. In the politics of the nation, corruption scandals have long reached the center of power.

Protect Sacred Sites: Stop Toxic Dumping on O'odham Land (tags)

On March 29, 2008 Traditional O’odham leaders and International Supporters arrived in the small village of Quitovac in the Northern Sonoran State of Mexico to honor the land, the sky, the water, and all life, and to continue organizing to stop the building of a toxic waste dump that’s planned to be placed just a few miles from one of the most sacred ceremony sites of the O’odham.

U.S. Fraud Corruption Kickbacks Abuse and Waste Worst in U.S. History (tags)

Almost 9 billion in cash simply vanished with no trace. What happened to all that cash? No one seems to know. There was not even so much as an investigation in to where it went.

Last day (1/10) for comment against Yucca Mt. nuclear storage site! (tags)

We need as many people to write in before 1/10/08 for public comment against the Dept of Energy's proposed Yucca Mt. nuclear storage site in NV!!

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map. (tags)

the AIPAC to be holocauster, this time.

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

Gov't to establish waste treatment plant in Zarqa (tags)

Giuen Wealth Field

Plutonium Found in Iran (tags)

International Atomic Energy experts have found unexplained plutonium and highly enriched uranium traces in a nuclear waste facility in Iran

Using DNA testing to find who's poop is leaking onto the beach (tags)

Using DNA testing to find who's poop is seeping on to the beach? I thought DNA testing was very expensive?

Mislabeling Iran's Pres. Ahmadinejad as "anti-Semitic" (tags)

Iran's President Ahmadinejad is incorrectly identified by US corporate media as "anti-Semitic". How does this character assassination play into GW bush regime's bloodthirsty cries for war with Iran??

Arrest War Criminals GW Bush/Cheney (tags)

Following 9/11/06 after nearly five years into the illegal US occupation of Iraq the world awaits the arrest and trial of war criminal GW Bush/Cheney regime..

Report Back: South Central Farmers 2nd Day in Court. (tags)

Attorneys for the farmers and the attorneys for the Horowitz and the city made their opening statements today to Judge Helen Bendix of the Los Angeles Superior Court.

Drive Free - Veggie Fuel for your car (tags)

how you can turn Free vegetable oil into diesel fuel for cars

Haste, Waste and Mammoth Misconceptions (tags)

The Los Angeles City Council voted 13-2 to build a costly ($40 - $60 million) elephant enclosure at the LA zoo. Only Councilmembers Dennis Zine and Bill Rosendahl voted with activists who wanted the exhibit closed and the three elephants freed...

Changing Course: No New Nuclear Power Plants! (tags)

Offensive wars, normalization of war, militari-zation of foreign policy, exploding inequality, privatization, political corruption and nuclear power plants as panaceas have brought us to the brink of ruin. A human-friendly society would have other priorities than capital gain.

Holy Land or Living Hell? Ecocide in Palestine (tags)

From the Jordan River valley and Dead Sea basin, through the central highlands comprising the West Bank's populated core, to the fertile western hills bordering Israel, recent reports from occupied Palestine reveal a worsening environmental crisis.

Fluoride, uranium X, cancer in workers (tags)

Fluoride and uranium based nuclear weapons manufacture in the 1950's exposed many North American citizens of African descent to radiation and fluoride exposure..

May Day Versus Loyalty Day (tags)

May Day versus McCarthy era like "Loyalty Day" opened a UN Conference against Nuclear Weapons that seemed doomed by ambiguities and lack of reportage from its very start… including vagueUS intentions towards peace contrasted by recent trends and “nuclearised” weapons that support pre emptive strikes. Meanwhile, Israel still vague about possessing nuclear weapons adds to its crimes against humanity in the Occupied Territories by dumping its waste on someone else’s homeland.

Silence=Complicity:Israel’s Silent Nuclear Attack Revealed (tags)

The uranium level in El-Khalil valley reaches 237 becquerel (bcq) per kilogram3, which equals about 10 times the permitted concentration, which is 25 bcq. The Thorium 232 (Th) level reaches 152 bcq where the permitted concentration level is also 25 bcq. The readings on Cesium 137 (Cs), another radio-active isotope that only emerges from nuclear explosions or nuclear activities is equivalently high.

Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)

Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------

Grassroots environmental victory in Chicago: ‘No dumps, no deals, again!’ (tags)

WELCOME TO CHICAGO, the sign says, as you cruise northwestward on I-94. “Close the windows!” I yelled to my kids. Never mind the day was hot and the car’s air conditioning was not working. The stench from the garbage dumps was making my stomach turn. I felt I had to vomit. That would be inconvenient, to say the least, because I was driving.


Grassoots America is now actively designing and collaborating plans to rival the Republican think tanks that started in 1980 with the Reagan Administration. Here's a look at a group of 40 members in it's infancy. This online organization is one of the first of its kind in an era where think tank masteminds like Karl Rove almost singlehandly influence national and international policy in our nation.

s/f indymedia, defending animal experimentations (tags)

s/f indymedia, defending animal experimentations

Smell of nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain (tags)

poem about nuclear waste site Yucca mountain and earthquake risk from central nevada seismic fracture

Nuclear Solutions Lost In Ambiguity (tags)

Ambiguity: Mordechai Vanunu; a lawyer in Israel representing Dimona employees; two solutions for nuclear waste that give us alternative viable energy; a portable nuclear weapons detection system since 1999; blackmail and extortion; another dead scientist and the closing of the National Lab in Los Alamos

Nuclear fuel rods missing from Eureka PG&E atom plant waste pool (tags)

Apparently there are no records of the missing radioactive waste since 1968. This is an extremely unprofessional way to run a nuclear plant.

We celebrate the new Socialistic Capitalism (tags)

In a country that feeds its public ( in comparison to the corporate) social structure and common heritage into the furnace to smelt out the profit produced by the reduction of our water air and lives into waste and poisons and death.

The problem with Nader 2004 (tags)

It's a waste of time...

Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)

This is simply a must read...

BTL:Critics Say Transporting Dismantled Nuclear Power Plants Unnecessary and... (tags)

...Dangerous. Interview with Sal Mangiagli, Citizens Awareness Network, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Posting hate & ignorance with fresca, nonanarchist, bushadmirer. A how to: (tags)

These "TROLLS" are allways on indymedia making stupid comments and challenging everything that is not "politically conservative". Desperate to recruit others into their "clan" of hatred and conservatism.

Oh, what a wicked mushroom cloud we weave: Part 1 (tags)

There is record (1), that in 1973, meetings took place among elected representatives of local, state and federal governments and their health officials to smooth over this potentially disastrous political "hot-potato" topic, should the public become aware of this information on its own. Now, 30 years later, their secret is out.



Criminal waste (tags)

The criminal waste of resourses on an unproven and illogical hypothesis designed to turn back the clock to the sexual dark ages must stop.

Local Peace Actions (tags)

Note from contributor: Please photo document your local peace vigil here at LAIMC. It would be great to see what is going on all over our community....

Nuclear Industry Oversight Legislation signed by Gov Davis (tags)

Governor Davis signed SB 2065, nuclear industry oversight legislation, which requires low-level radioactive waste generators to systematically report on the waste they generate, treat, store, transfer and ship for disposal. The bill also mandates that DHS prepare annual analyses of the information for review by legislators and the public.

California Legislature Considers Electronics Recycling Fee (tags)

The California Legislature Is Considering An Electronics Recycling Fee On Purchases Of New Computer Terminals And Televisions.

Do You Want To Stop Yucca Mountain? (tags)

take action!

Rally at U.S. Capitol to Stop Yucca Mountain (tags)

Environmental Activists Rally at the U.S. Senate to Protest the Shipping of Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain Nevada.

Grassroots Campaign Launched to Oppose Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump and... (tags)

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Deborah Katz, executive director of the Citizens Awareness Network, which organized the Wesleyan conference.

The People's Summit on High-Level Nuclear Waste: Rethinking the Waste Crisis (tags)

The People’s Summit on High-Level Nuclear Waste is a gathering of people from impacted communities to discuss our country’s high-level waste crisis; to confront conflicts among us and develop consensus to unify ourselves and solidify our commitment to a waste policy inclusive of ordinary people’s needs.

Yucca Mountain OK Means Nuclear Waste Moving Through CA & LA (tags)

Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham approved a long-stalled proposal to store nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. But that's not just bad for Nevada, it's bad for people in almost every state in the union--and California is no exception, according to Public Citizen.

Germany: nuclear waste train faces mass protests (tags)

Anti-nuclear protesters have staged blockades along the route a shipment of radioactive waste will take today to a long-disputed dump in Gorleben (northern Germany). The nuclear waste carried in ‘CASTOR’ containers (cask for storage and transportation of radioactive waste) left the French nuclear plant at La Hague at 7.30PM Central European Time on Sunday.

Action Alert - Oppose Radioactive Waste Recycling (tags)

Get informed, Contact DOE or Attend DOE hearing Tue, October 8 in Simi Valley. Say no to radioactive merchandise! Demand proper, monitored disposal, not unmonitored recycling of radioactive waste.

Nuclear Waste for your home (tags)

Like it or not, the nuke industry wants to ram nuclear waste down your throat. Well...they don't know what else to do with it and it has to go somewhere. There will be a public hearing in Santa Monica Monday night ...

bridge occupied in protest at nuclear shipment (tags)

Some 45 Greenpeace activists from 15 countries were arrested today after occupying a 13 metre high bridge over the river Jeetzel near Hitzacker, in front of the path of the shipment of nuclear waste travelling from France to Gorleben in Germany.

Germany: nuclear protest as shipment leaves France (tags)

Protesters have massed in northern Germany to try to block a controversial shipment of nuclear waste on its way from a reprocessing plant in France.

Digging dirt on Oxy (tags)

Occidental Chemical Corporation, a subsidiary of Occidental Petroleum, is no stranger to diplacing people. Formerly Hooker Chemical and Plastics, the company was responsible for Love Canal, one of the most severe environmental disasters in this country.

*ridin' high on nuclear waste (tags)

the Shundahai Network - a coalition of Las Vegas activists dedicated to the elimination of nuclear power and weapons - has been in LA pulling a life size model of a nuclear waste casket through the streets in an effort to bring attention to the current nuclear issues effecting Nevada, the Southwest, and the us all.

"Al Gore's Conscience" Radio Spot (tags)

Opponents of the Waste Technologies Industries (WTI) hazardous waste incinerator in East Liverpool, Ohio are in Los Angeles to remind Vice President Al Gore of his 1992 promise to stop the incinerator from operating. Ohio Citizen Action has produced a 30-second radio spot, “Al Gore’s Conscience,” and is working to raise funds to run the spot this fall. The radio spot can be accessed through Ohio Citizen Action’s home page,

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