fix articles 177551, new york times ad
The World Can’t Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)
Today, The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime organization placed a full page ad in The New York Times calling for George Bush to step down from office, and take his program with him. Similar calls for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney have appeared, but this is the first time an organization has run an ad in a national media outlet calling for the removal of the entire Bush regime and their program from power.
Who Will Stop CAFTA Contest (tags)
Quest for Peace of the Quixote Center will run a full-page, New York Times signature ad in opposition to CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement. The 44,000 dollars and 2,500 signatures it takes is being raised from engaged citizens like you, who wish to proudly and publicly say "No" to CAFTA. The state with the highest number of signers (as a percentage of the state's total population) will be specifically acknowledged in the New York Times Ad. Show the country and Mr. Bush that your state will not tolerate CAFTA! See ad text below.