fix articles 17743, jane fonda
Most of us associate earthquakes with California. But what happens when there's a shaker on the East Coast?
Global Youth Climate Strike in Los Angeles (tags)
Many young people carried signs expressing fear or fatalism about their futures. One read, “I’m studying for a future that doesn’t exist.” Various other signs advocated eating vegan (e.g., “Go vegan or go extinct”). Another one reportedly said, “The wrong Amazon is burning.”
Last of California's nuclear power plants is on its way out (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free future. Here is out January 2018 report:
Nuclear Shutdown News November 2017 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is our November 2017 report:
Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)
The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.
Jane Fonda Divests From Wells Fargo (tags)
The actress-activist celebrated her birthday by joining #BankExit. “Don't forget how successful the divestment movement was in bringing down Apartheid,” she said. Later, a round dance took place in the busy intersection of Sunset and Vine, paralyzing traffic in all directions for several minutes (pictures following article).
Nuclear Shutdown News September 2016 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our September 2016 edition:
Nuclear Shutdown News, November 2015 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US and global nuclear industry. In addition, it highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free world. Here's our November report.
On February 20 a Federal Court of Appeals in Washington DC rejected an attempt by Pacific Gas & Electric and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to quash a lawsuit filed by environmental group Friends Of the Earth (FOE).
Some in the U.S. are fearful of speaking out against the wars and social injustice because of the surveillance state.
No Nukes Los Angeles/April (tags)
Anti-Nuke Power activism continues to build in LA with screening of "The China Syndrome" on Chernobyl Anniversary.
"Did marxism and nationalism win the war while capitalism and nationalism won the peace? Tom Hayden asked. The domino theory, the justification of Washington governments, turned out to be dreadfully wrong.
Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby: (tags)
Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby:
It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House looked over the material...
Global poll condemns Bush administration (tags)
"The global view of the role of the US in world affairs has dramatically deteriorated over the past year, according to a BBC World Service poll released Wednesday. The study documents mounting hostility to US foreign policy, its destabilizing effect on entire regions of the world, as well as growing awareness of the threat posed to the environmental health of the planet. "
Bush, Rice and Israel's Hack Legions: The Triumph of Crackpot Realism (tags)
Presidents announced Star Wars, Reagan's dream has come true. Behind ramparts guarded by a coalition of liars extending from Rupert Murdoch to the New York Times, from Bill O'Reilly to PBS, America is totally shielded from truth. Here we have a Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, who gazes at the rubble of Lebanon, 300,000 refugees being strafed with Israel's cluster bombs, and squeaks happily that we are "witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East."
Tom Hayden regrets his past support for Israeli aggression. Warns of dangers ahead. (tags)
In 1982, Tom Hayden shocked peace activists by his unqualified support of Israel's aggression in Lebanon. Hayden now writes of the political pressures he was under, and warns that politicians should *not* be afraid to speak up now, as he was then. It is yet another reason why Bay Area progressives will continue to oppose the agenda of AIPAC, and protest its presence this coming December.
Tom Hayden regrets past support for Israeli policy (tags)
In 1982, Tom Hayden shocked peace activists by his unqualified support of Israel's aggression in Lebanon. Hayden now writes of the political pressures he was under, and warns that politicians should *not* be afraid to speak up now, as he was then. It is yet another reason why progressives throughout California will continue to oppose the agenda of AIPAC, and protest its festivities this coming December.
Sir No Sir, a Fim Review (tags)
A Review of the new documentary on the anit-war movement among Vietnam era soldiers.
The World Can’t Wait--Drive Out the Bush Regime (tags)
Today, The World Can’t Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime organization placed a full page ad in The New York Times calling for George Bush to step down from office, and take his program with him. Similar calls for the resignation of Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, or Dick Cheney have appeared, but this is the first time an organization has run an ad in a national media outlet calling for the removal of the entire Bush regime and their program from power.
Through a Glass Darkly: Scott Ritter's Raw Story Interview (tags)
Eric David Stein critiques Scott Ritters latest comments on the neocons and the possibility of a terrorist attack in the US, suggesting that Ritter's views carry serious political liabilities.
What to Do if the FBI Drops By Your Home or Office (tags)
US Government's COINTELPRO - Still Undead The stinking corpse of the FBI's infamous "Counter-Intelligence Program", or COINTELPRO, which was used from the 1940s through the 1970s against Communists, Anarchists, Civil Rights Activists and sundry other decent working-class militants, and which was "allegedly" discontinued in 1971, is fully risen from the grave once again.
Getting to know Senator Kerry (tags)
Kerry had battled the Viet Cong, the Nixon White House, and the extremes of the antiwar movement.
What is the public's perception of left-wing demonstrators? (tags)
Has anything changed since Vietnam in terms of how Americans perceive anti-war protesters? What does the average citizen think when he or she encounters a mob of protesters?
John Kerry/Jane Fonda photo FAKED (tags)
This photo of John Kerry, taken in Mineola in 1971 at the Register for Peace Rally against Vietnam, was doctored to show Kerry with anti-war activist Jane Fonda, and distributed via e-mail. (Photo by Ken Light / Corbis)
Throwing the Bull by the Horns (tags)
Can it be possible that the president just doesn't want a second term? Do most conservatives want the same thing?
Our sewers are yet again spewing the rant of anti-American Leftists. Are they guilty of treason or are they simply excersizing free speech. To be convicted of Treason in our court system they must provide aid and comfort and commit an overt act plus have the intent to betray and there must be two witnesses. Looks to me like we could get a conviction on Sean Penn but Meyer London might be a bit more difficult.
The book he doesn’t want you to see: When Kerry ran for election to the U.S. House of Representative in 1972, “he found it necessary to suppress reproduction of the cover picture appearing on his own book, The New Soldier. His political opponent pointed out that it depicted several unkempt youths crudely handling an American flag to mock the famous photo of the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima,” according to Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. “Suddenly, copies of the book became unavailable and even disappeared from libraries. But the Lowell (Mass.) Sun said of the type of person shown on its cover: ‘These people spit on the flag, they burn the flag, they carry the flag upside down, [and] they all but wipe their noses with it in their efforts to show their contempt for everything it still stands for,’” the New American reported. Even today it is hard to find this infamous photo and book.
Kerry Blood For OIl/Skull & Bones/War Criminal... (tags)
What Bush Skull & Bones Corporate Kerry Don't want You to Know/Remember...
Transgender Vagina Monologues (tags)
Press Release about Vagina Monologues
PEACE PEOPLE! Possabilities of Progressive Policies is Presently Powerfully Popular (tags)
We are living in the past if we think the voting public is not ready to elect a progressive, populist President. This is not the past. Dean's way is precisely the WRONG approach. Heck, look what Dean did to Vermont - he took a 74% re-elect rate and whittled it down to 50.4% in 2000, before quitting in 2002 to "run for President" while the ranks of "progressives" and republicans grew in Vermont until no Democrat could get elected, and his own Lt. Governor lost to the Republican in 2002 - Vermont is governed by a Republican and NO POSITION DEAN EVER HELD IN VERMONT IS IN DEMOCRATIC HANDS NOW.(incls.-2000 Vote Analysis, Are You a Burning Flame, GrannyD, Jane Fonda + Poem)
You (and Bush) are likely too dumb for this (tags)
If you?re an American, chances are there?s a celebrity who thinks you?re dumb. Maybe even stupid. Or an idiot. Or something worse, which we can?t print here.
John Kerry's war record (tags)
MICHAEL BENGE Foreign Service officer and former Vietnam POW (1968) remembers John Kerry in Vietnam
A Vietnam Vet Against Bush and Perpetual War (tags)
Another Veteran against Bush's War. One who has sacrificed more than most.
"Young Americans for Freedom" hold anti-French protest (tags)
The NEO-FASCIST "Young Americans for Freedom" (YAF) organized an anti-French protest in Westwood, March 7th 2003. Here's a brief history of the jackbooted frat boy fascists.
"National defense is one of the cardinal duties of a statesman." --John Adams
No Peace without Victory (tags)
The Appeasement Mongers, and why we have to deal with them.