fix articles 17683, sanitarios maracay
Los trabajadores de IOSA deben ocupar la empresa y ponerla a producir bajo su control (tags)
Para alcanzar el objetivo de derrotar a los patronos e imponer el control obrero sobre la producción
Campaña contra asesinatos obreros en Venezuela (tags)
* Desde El Libertario nos hemos sumado y estamos esforzándonos por divulgar esta iniciativa, que busca enfrentar al sicariato que está segando la vida de activistas sindicales en el país.
Leftist Union Leaders Assassinated in Venezuela (tags)
On November 27, three leftist union leaders in the Venezuelan state of Aragua – Richard Gallardo, Luis Hernández and Carlos Requena – were gunned down by an assassin. The murder came hours after the unionists had led a workers occupation of a Colombian-owned milk plant which had been brutally broken up by state police. All three were leaders of the UNT (National Workers Union) and of the USI (Socialist Left Unity), a party which has opposed attempts by the government of Hugo Chávez to impose state control of labor, and has fought the rightist opposition backed by imperialism. They may have been murdered by assassins hired by the Colombian company, by elements connected to the police of outgoing state governor, a former Chávez ally, or by supporters of a current official of the governing United Socialist Party. In any case, despite Chávez’ socialist rhetoric, the reality of the bourgeois Bolivarian “revolution” in Venezuela today is that leftist unionists are murdered while the forces of capitalist state repression back up the bosses. While many leftists have called on the Chávez government to investigate, Trotskyists call for organizing workers defense guards and imposing workers control of production. Venezuela today is stuck at a crossroads. Building a Bolshevik-type workers party based on Trotsky’s program of permanent revolution is key.
Memorias del “Poder Popular” en la economía venezolana (tags)
* En la primera parte se hace un balance de lo ocurrido en Venezuela tras al menos 7 años de pretendida construcción de una economía de producción socialista, en donde los datos disponibles y los hechos comprobables evidencian el fracaso de la gestión chavista. La segunda sección detalla lo que se oculta tras la recompra estatal de la mayoría accionaria en la principal planta siderurgica del país.
Frente a la derrota de Chávez en el referéndum (tags)
Watch- No Volveran - The Venezuelan Revolution Now online (tags)
Bolivarian Revolution
Venezuela: Workers control under attack-Struggle at Sanitarios Maracay (tags)
workers control
Venezuela: The struggle for nationalisation continutes (tags)
Sanitarios Maracay
Video: Venezuela- Sanitarios Maracay under workers control (tags)
Solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution