fix articles 17656, speaker pelosi
The Dictatorship of America's Aristocracy (tags)
Obama's betrayal
Corporate Media's Version of Economic Justice (tags)
middle class destructions
Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)
climate bills are solely for profit
Obamacare's Passage: A Full-Scale Retreat (tags)
a scheme to ration care and enrich corporate providers
The Death of Populism in America (tags)
Obama's destructive health care legislation
After the 2008 elections many in the Republican party went on the record stating the party needed to reach beyond it's traditional constituency and diversify. The new Chairman of the Republican National Committee said, "there was underlying concerns we had become too regionalized and the party needed to reach beyond our comfort" zones. Many discussed minorities and women as demographics they needed to bring in, but there has been a conspicuous lack of action regarding this. In some cases when they have talked it has seemed the opposite.
Obamcare - A Health Care Rationing Scheme to Enrich Insurers, Drug Companies and Large Hos (tags)
Obamacare will make a bad health care system worse.
Obama's Cap and Trade Carbon Emissions Bill - A Stealth Scheme to License Pollution and Fr (tags)
plunder and pollution if passed
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) criticized the republicans in the US Congress for their unreasonable opposition to the $198-million Filipino veterans pension provision that found its way into President Barack Obama’s pet – the Economic Stimulus Bill. The veterans benefits is widely criticized by Republican members of Congress as having no place in the controversial and complex piece of legislation. They said the lump sum pension bill meant for about 18,000 Filipino veterans who fought side by side U.S. forces against the Japanese during World War II would “clutter” a bill that is already riddled with questionable and “wasteful earmarks.” “The Republicans like Senator Burr and Rep. Buyer readily forget they owe Filipino veterans a debt of gratitude for winning the war in the Pacific. They only want to bail-out the corporations not the people. Republicans and conservative” blue dog” democrats are outright ingrates!”, JFAV National Coordinator Arturo Garcia exclaimed.
Alexander Wants Jobs for Local Communities, Construction Industry (tags)
Once again Stewart A. Alexander is rejecting the continuous flow of U.S. dollars to bailout banks and corporate America; instead, Alexander says any public funds should go to local communities to help working people, creating jobs in the building and construction industry. Alexander says the U.S. government should establish a $1 trillion fund to make available low interest loans for home improvements; this would create jobs across America and benefit local communities.
Pelosi Pushed Book, While Taxpayers Revolted Over Bailout (tags)
When the Congress was debating the $700 billion bailout of the greedy bankers on Wall St., an overconfident Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Baltimore hawking her book, “Know Your Power.” On Sept. 29, 2008, the House of Representatives, responding to a taxpayers’ revolt, rejected the Bush-Cheney Gang’s bailout scheme. Speaker Peolsi, in her library spiel, conveyed a false sense of security about the grim economic situation facing the nation.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal- HR 6897 confident that S-1315 still has a chance of passing. “1315 is alive and well,” stressed Eric Lachica, executive director of the American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. “ The house version of SB 1315 still can pass,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “ If the democrats will do their job, they can pass it. We do not want the Filner’s quitclaim bill. Let our voices be heard loud and clear.”
It’s been 18 years running and with less than a week left, the house version of SB 1315 still hangs in a balance. The democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi have not authorized the bill to be discussed or voted on the floor since April. House veterans affairs committee chairman Bob Filner, running for re-election in California’s heavily ethnic southern San Diego district, has offered a compromise bill that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of $15,000 for US-based Filipino veterans and $9,000 for those in the Philippines. JFAV and ACFV and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal, confident that S-1315 still has a chance. “The way we see it,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “The Democrats are not doing their job. We voted them into office to pass this bill. But now, they are not moving and making the same empty promises.”
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed this stand and say they are seriously disappointed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Bob Filner, head of the House of Representatives Veterans Committee who said that "S. 1315 is dead because the democrats do not have the 2/3 majority votes needed to pass it." JFAV also expressed disenchantment with the democrats when Filner further said, "Speaker Pelosi can crack the whip for the 40 or so Democrats holding out but she won't. She is concerned that their (40+ Reps) re-election bids will be affected by this vote. [Filner] does not agree but [he] does not have the whip.
Letter to Cong. Bob Filner, Pass the House Version of SB 1315, Now! (tags)
While we, as a Filipino-American community, always appreciate your efforts for the Filipino veterans, we do not agree with the direction you are taking. But, we will ask you to go an extra mile for our cause and let it not be you who will let it go to waste after 18 years of long, hard struggle. We want equity, we want justice, and we want it now! Pass the House version of S. 1315 now!
Democrat presumptive candidate Senator Barack Obama completes the turn to the right. By picking the pro-War Senator JoeBiden as a running mate, he sought to appeal to the most backward sectors of the U.S. voting population and to show the ruling class that he is not really a liberal. Obama affirmed the fact that he is insecure of Clinton and he cannot hold a candle to Hillary Clinton in rightist policy making. He proved that he is not the man for himself and he is being lead by other policy makers like the Kennedy clan. The Filipino American community primarily the elite among democrats--immigrants, working and oppressed people are all left out. As usual neither candidate speaks in their interests, even thought the vast majority of workers are against the war and favor maintaining abortion rights.
Democrat presumptive candidate Senator Barack Obama completes the turn to the right. By picking the pro-War Senator JoeBiden as a running mate, he sought to appeal to the most backward sectors of the U.S. voting population and to show the ruling class that he is not really a liberal. Obama affirmed the fact that he is insecure of Clinton and he cannot hold a candle to Hillary Clinton in rightist policy making. He proved that he is not the man for himself and he is being lead by other policy makers like the Kennedy clan. The Filipino American community primarily the elite among democrats--immigrants, working and oppressed people are all left out. As usual neither candidate speaks in their interests, even thought the vast majority of workers are against the war and favor maintaining abortion rights.
John Edwards Fiddled While America Burned (tags)
John Edwards’ sleazy extramarital affair reminded me of the excesses in the final days of the Roman Empire. In 2006, Edwards began his trysts with his mistress. He stopped lying about the seedy affair on Aug. 8, 2008. Meanwhile, about 1,955 U.S. troops died in the Iraq War. While Edwards was “doing” his paramour, others in Washington, D.C., like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been “doing” the public about ending the war and impeachment.
Interview With Cindy Sheehan – The Peace Mom vs. Congressional Madam (Speaker) (tags)
Cindy Sheehan speaks candidly about why she is running for Congress and plans to de-throne Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
Different Filipino Veterans groups marked the 67th year Filipino soldiers conscription day or the USAFFE DAY, July 26, 1941 with festivities and protests. More than 15 veterans and community leaders of Southern California. In a symbolic protest-- signed an open letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding the passage of the SB 1315 version in the house that has been languishing in the US Congress for more than 18 years. In a community forum sponsored by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) held at SIPA on July 25, 2008, they declared: “ We hold you as a the speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party responsible for not passing the bill in the house. You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into a vote despite several promises.” The Filipino leaders demand that the SB 1315 version in the house be passed before the US Congress recess on August 31.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, students, youth and community advocates calls on all Filipinos, Filipino Americans and allies to write to Speaker of the House Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and 245 congresspersons to discuss and pass the equity bill, HB 760 pending before the lower house of the US Congress, NOW! Last July 18 and 19, during the emergency conference of the JFAV ,Filipino veterans groups like PAVA-SC, SGS and UFAV with the Washington ACFV we decided to ask for a vote on th HR 760 on the floor of the US Congress. This is after a long wait and the promise of Speaker Pelosi that " if we got 290 votes she will put the bill on the floor." We feel that at most we have 220 votes to pass the bill. Waiting for 290 will just delay the bill to eternity. For four times, Congressman Bob Filner and Pelosi promised to pass the bill for the last two years to no avail. Please email, write them letters and call or fax their offices for them to act on the bill ASAP. The US Congress is ending its session by August 31. Remember its election time this year. Let not the elections sidetrack our advocacy for our veterans.
It's make-or-break for Pinoy vets' bill (tags)
World War II veteran Guillermo Rumingan had a teleconference with other veterans and their supporters and plotted what could be the last chapter of a historic run to push the Filipino Veterans’ Equity Bill. From Hawaii to California to Washington State to Virginia, they weighed their options that seemed to thin with each passing hour. After a triumphant 96-1 Senate vote to pass S-1315, which contained provisions for Filipino veterans’ equity, the bill is now stalled in the House of Representatives. Although the 110th Congress is scheduled to hold sessions until the last week of September, veterans activists are looking at the week beginning August 4 as the last window to realize an over 60-year-old dream. If nothing happens by then, all the historic gains achieved this year will come to naught. They had an appointment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, but she was not available and only one of her staff members faced the veterans led by Eric Lachica, executive director of the Virginia-based American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. "She wanted 290 sure votes for S-1315," Rumingan told ABS-CBN’s Balitang America.
There is an inherent conflict in writing a weekly opinion column, as I have done for the last 20 years, and in being an elected public official in San Francisco, as I have been for the last 17 years. It is an occupational hazard that from time to time, I have expressed opinions which offended certain individuals who happen to be San Francisco voters. Most recently I wrote two columns about the need for the Filipino community to express our unequivocal support for the Filipino veterans equity bill, S.1315, which passed the U.S. Senate 96-1 on April 24, 2008, and which is currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Betrayal of the Filipino Veterans (tags)
Just as the U.S. House of Representatives was about to vote on S.1315 -- known as the "Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007" -- a group of Filipino-Americans from San Francisco drove a polarizing wedge that could potentially impede the passage of the bill. Indeed, what was almost a certainty two weeks ago is now in jeopardy.
Can Nancy Pelosi single-handedly take Impeachment off the table? (tags)
Here is the Senate report which found the Bush Administration guilty of LYING about why it went to war in Iraq. Note that a live poll today ascertained that 86% of Americans support Impeachment.
JFAV Asks De Venecia to Stop Raising False Hopes on Equity Bill (tags)
The Justice For Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) scored Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. announcement last January 6, 2008 ” that the United States House of Representatives, headed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has assured that a bill that would provide $90 million a year to Filipino World War II veterans is being prioritized in Capitol Hill." The Speaker quoted Pelosi as telling him during a telephone conversation in California, that they “will try to organize a financial package” for Filipino war veterans. JFAV claimed that Speaker Pelosi did nothing to get the equity bill pass this year. "
Pilipino WWII veterans in the Philippines to get $90M a year- Speaker De Venecia (tags)
Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. yesterday announced that the United States House of Representatives, headed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has assured that a bill that would provide $90 million a year to Filipino World War II veterans is being prioritized in Capitol Hill. De Venecia said the bill, Filipino Veterans Equity Bill, may be scheduled for a floor vote following its approval last July in a markup hearing by the US House of Representatives veterans affairs committee headed by by Bob Filner. The bill was reported out by the Congressional Budget Office for Budget Estimates last September. The Speaker quoted Pelosi as telling him during a telephone conversation in California, that they “will try to organize a financial package” for Filipino war veterans.
Impeachment: Will Congress Grant the Desires of “We the People?” (tags)
It has been a month since our Democratically run Congress heard Rep. Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment. When will they do their job and do the people’s bidding?
Why Bush Doesn’t Have to Suspend the Constitution! (tags)
President George W. Bush doesn’t have to mimic Pakistan's dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, and suspend the Constitution, since he doesn’t have any opposition. The two major political parties are controlled by the same Wire Pullers. Meanwhile, an “Axis of Zionists,” Michael Mukasey at Justice, Michael Chertoff at Homeland Security and Joshua Bolten at the WH, now have a choke hold on key positions in our government. America is in deep doo-doo!
Congressional Shame and Duplicity (tags)
Congress again betrays the public trust.
Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide (tags)
The ugly face of US imperialism
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Gets an "F" Grade (tags)
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has miserably failed the American people. Instead of standing up to the Bush-Cheney Gang on the illegal Iraq War, and a host of other issues, too, she has caved in. The American people voted for a change of policy on Iraq, in the Nov. 7, 2006 election; Pelosi has failed to deliver on that mandate. When ex-House Speaker Tom Foley let the voters down, they gave him the boot. It’s time to give Speaker Pelosi the boot, too!
Beyond the lies: How Pelosi or Reid can end the war now (tags)
Nancy Pelosi herself has the power to stop funding the occupation of Iraq; all she has to do is refuse to allow any more Iraq spending bills to come up for a vote in the House of Representatives. In the Senate, Majority Leader Harry Reid has the same power.
Pelosi, Hillary, and Lieberman: funded by Lockheed (tags)
Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Lieberman each received $10,000 in campaign contributions from neocon-linked weapons maker Lockheed-Martin's PAC during the 2006 election cycle. Could this be one reason Pelosi and Hillary refuse to stand firmly for peace while Lieberman blatantly calls for even wider war?
Fake Congressional Opposition to War (tags)
Congress again betrays the electorate
Demcrat Agenda Omissions (tags)
Democrats in Congress again betraying the public trust.