fix articles 17641, s1315
After an interview with Congressman Bob Filner, Chairman of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and chief sponsor of HR 6897, by a local news reporter, Filipino World War 2 Veterans confronted Filner in the war memorial building and aired their demands for US Congress to immediately call a joint conference committee to reconcile Filipino Veterans bills, restore Section 4 of S1315 and junk HR 6897- the quit claim bill. Veteran Simplicio Yoma in front of the camera asked Filner, “Will you sign this, Sir?’ Inspite of hesitation claiming that he still has to talk with senators and other congress leaders, Filner signed the petition.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal- HR 6897 confident that S-1315 still has a chance of passing. “1315 is alive and well,” stressed Eric Lachica, executive director of the American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. “ The house version of SB 1315 still can pass,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “ If the democrats will do their job, they can pass it. We do not want the Filner’s quitclaim bill. Let our voices be heard loud and clear.”
It’s been 18 years running and with less than a week left, the house version of SB 1315 still hangs in a balance. The democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi have not authorized the bill to be discussed or voted on the floor since April. House veterans affairs committee chairman Bob Filner, running for re-election in California’s heavily ethnic southern San Diego district, has offered a compromise bill that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of $15,000 for US-based Filipino veterans and $9,000 for those in the Philippines. JFAV and ACFV and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal, confident that S-1315 still has a chance. “The way we see it,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “The Democrats are not doing their job. We voted them into office to pass this bill. But now, they are not moving and making the same empty promises.”
It's make-or-break for Pinoy vets' bill (tags)
World War II veteran Guillermo Rumingan had a teleconference with other veterans and their supporters and plotted what could be the last chapter of a historic run to push the Filipino Veterans’ Equity Bill. From Hawaii to California to Washington State to Virginia, they weighed their options that seemed to thin with each passing hour. After a triumphant 96-1 Senate vote to pass S-1315, which contained provisions for Filipino veterans’ equity, the bill is now stalled in the House of Representatives. Although the 110th Congress is scheduled to hold sessions until the last week of September, veterans activists are looking at the week beginning August 4 as the last window to realize an over 60-year-old dream. If nothing happens by then, all the historic gains achieved this year will come to naught. They had an appointment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, but she was not available and only one of her staff members faced the veterans led by Eric Lachica, executive director of the Virginia-based American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. "She wanted 290 sure votes for S-1315," Rumingan told ABS-CBN’s Balitang America.
There is an inherent conflict in writing a weekly opinion column, as I have done for the last 20 years, and in being an elected public official in San Francisco, as I have been for the last 17 years. It is an occupational hazard that from time to time, I have expressed opinions which offended certain individuals who happen to be San Francisco voters. Most recently I wrote two columns about the need for the Filipino community to express our unequivocal support for the Filipino veterans equity bill, S.1315, which passed the U.S. Senate 96-1 on April 24, 2008, and which is currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Betrayal of the Filipino Veterans (tags)
Just as the U.S. House of Representatives was about to vote on S.1315 -- known as the "Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007" -- a group of Filipino-Americans from San Francisco drove a polarizing wedge that could potentially impede the passage of the bill. Indeed, what was almost a certainty two weeks ago is now in jeopardy.